local Util = require('util') local Process = { } function Process:init(args) self.args = { } self.uid = 0 self.threads = { } Util.merge(self, args) self.name = self.name or 'Thread:' .. self.uid end function Process:isDead() return coroutine.status(self.co) == 'dead' end function Process:terminate() print('terminating ' .. self.name) self:resume('terminate') end function Process:threadEvent(...) for _,key in pairs(Util.keys(self.threads)) do local thread = self.threads[key] if thread then thread:resume(...) end end end function Process:addThread(fn, ...) return self:newThread(nil, fn, ...) end -- deprecated function Process:newThread(name, fn, ...) self.uid = self.uid + 1 local thread = { } setmetatable(thread, { __index = Process }) thread:init({ fn = fn, name = name, uid = self.uid, }) local args = { ... } thread.co = coroutine.create(function() local s, m = pcall(function() fn(unpack(args)) end) if not s and m then if m == 'Terminated' then --printError(thread.name .. ' terminated') else printError(m) end end --print('thread died ' .. thread.name) self.threads[thread.uid] = nil thread:threadEvent('terminate') return s, m end) self.threads[thread.uid] = thread thread:resume() return thread end function Process:resume(event, ...) -- threads get a chance to process the event regardless of the main process filter self:threadEvent(event, ...) if not self.filter or self.filter == event or event == "terminate" then local ok, result = coroutine.resume(self.co, event, ...) if ok then self.filter = result end return ok, result end return true, self.filter end -- confusing... -- pull either one event if no filter or until event matches filter -- or until terminated (regardless of filter) function Process:pullEvent(filter) while true do local e = { os.pullEventRaw() } self:threadEvent(unpack(e)) if not filter or e[1] == filter or e[1] == 'terminate' then return unpack(e) end end end -- pull events until either the filter is matched or terminated function Process:pullEvents(filter) while true do local e = { os.pullEventRaw() } self:threadEvent(unpack(e)) if (filter and e[1] == filter) or e[1] == 'terminate' then return unpack(e) end end end local process = { } setmetatable(process, { __index = Process }) process:init({ name = 'Main', co = coroutine.running() }) return process