local class = require('class') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors UI.Chooser = class(UI.Window) UI.Chooser.defaults = { UIElement = 'Chooser', choices = { }, nochoice = 'Select', backgroundFocusColor = colors.lightGray, textInactiveColor = colors.gray, leftIndicator = '<', rightIndicator = '>', height = 1, } function UI.Chooser:setParent() if not self.width and not self.ex then self.width = 1 for _,v in pairs(self.choices) do if #v.name > self.width then self.width = #v.name end end self.width = self.width + 4 end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.Chooser:draw() local bg = self.backgroundColor if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor end local fg = self.inactive and self.textInactiveColor or self.textColor local choice = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) local value = self.nochoice if choice then value = choice.name end self:write(1, 1, self.leftIndicator, self.backgroundColor, colors.black) self:write(2, 1, ' ' .. Util.widthify(tostring(value), self.width-4) .. ' ', bg, fg) self:write(self.width, 1, self.rightIndicator, self.backgroundColor, colors.black) end function UI.Chooser:focus() self:draw() end function UI.Chooser:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'key' then if event.key == 'right' or event.key == 'space' then local _,k = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) local choice if not k then k = 1 end if k and k < #self.choices then choice = self.choices[k+1] else choice = self.choices[1] end self.value = choice.value self:emit({ type = 'choice_change', value = self.value, element = self, choice = choice }) self:draw() return true elseif event.key == 'left' then local _,k = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) local choice if k and k > 1 then choice = self.choices[k-1] else choice = self.choices[#self.choices] end self.value = choice.value self:emit({ type = 'choice_change', value = self.value, element = self, choice = choice }) self:draw() return true end elseif event.type == 'mouse_click' or event.type == 'mouse_doubleclick' then if event.x == 1 then self:emit({ type = 'key', key = 'left' }) return true elseif event.x == self.width then self:emit({ type = 'key', key = 'right' }) return true end end end