_G.requireInjector() local Grid = require ("jumper.grid") local Pathfinder = require ("jumper.pathfinder") local Point = require('point') local Util = require('util') local turtle = _G.turtle local WALKABLE = 0 local function createMap(dim) local map = { } for _ = 1, dim.ez do local row = {} for _ = 1, dim.ex do local col = { } for _ = 1, dim.ey do table.insert(col, WALKABLE) end table.insert(row, col) end table.insert(map, row) end return map end local function addBlock(map, dim, b) map[b.z + dim.oz][b.x + dim.ox][b.y + dim.oy] = 1 end -- map shrinks/grows depending upon blocks encountered -- the map will encompass any blocks encountered, the turtle position, and the destination local function mapDimensions(dest, blocks, boundingBox) local sx, sz, sy = turtle.point.x, turtle.point.z, turtle.point.y local ex, ez, ey = turtle.point.x, turtle.point.z, turtle.point.y local function adjust(pt) if pt.x < sx then sx = pt.x end if pt.z < sz then sz = pt.z end if pt.y < sy then sy = pt.y end if pt.x > ex then ex = pt.x end if pt.z > ez then ez = pt.z end if pt.y > ey then ey = pt.y end end adjust(dest) for _,b in ipairs(blocks) do adjust(b) end -- expand one block out in all directions if boundingBox then sx = math.max(sx - 1, boundingBox.x) sz = math.max(sz - 1, boundingBox.z) sy = math.max(sy - 1, boundingBox.y) ex = math.min(ex + 1, boundingBox.ex) ez = math.min(ez + 1, boundingBox.ez) ey = math.min(ey + 1, boundingBox.ey) else sx = sx - 1 sz = sz - 1 sy = sy - 1 ex = ex + 1 ez = ez + 1 ey = ey + 1 end return { ex = ex - sx + 1, ez = ez - sz + 1, ey = ey - sy + 1, ox = -sx + 1, oz = -sz + 1, oy = -sy + 1 } end -- shifting and coordinate flipping local function pointToMap(dim, pt) return { x = pt.x + dim.ox, z = pt.y + dim.oy, y = pt.z + dim.oz } end local function nodeToPoint(dim, node) return { x = node:getX() - dim.ox, z = node:getY() - dim.oz, y = node:getZ() - dim.oy } end local heuristic = function(n, node) local m, h = Point.calculateMoves( { x = node._x, z = node._y, y = node._z, heading = node._heading }, { x = n._x, z = n._y, y = n._z, heading = n._heading }) return m, h end local function dimsAreEqual(d1, d2) return d1.ex == d2.ex and d1.ey == d2.ey and d1.ez == d2.ez and d1.ox == d2.ox and d1.oy == d2.oy and d1.oz == d2.oz end -- turtle sensor returns blocks in relation to the world - not turtle orientation -- so cannot figure out block location unless we know our orientation in the world -- really kinda dumb since it returns the coordinates as offsets of our location -- instead of true coordinates local function addSensorBlocks(blocks, sblocks) for _,b in pairs(sblocks) do if b.type ~= 'AIR' then local pt = { x = turtle.point.x, y = turtle.point.y + b.y, z = turtle.point.z } pt.x = pt.x - b.x pt.z = pt.z - b.z -- this will only work if we were originally facing west local found = false for _,ob in pairs(blocks) do if pt.x == ob.x and pt.y == ob.y and pt.z == ob.z then found = true break end end if not found then table.insert(blocks, pt) end end end end local function selectDestination(pts, box, map, dim) while #pts > 0 do local pt = Point.closest(turtle.point, pts) if (box and not Point.inBox(pt, box)) or map[pt.z + dim.oz][pt.x + dim.ox][pt.y + dim.oy] == 1 then Util.removeByValue(pts, pt) else return pt end end end local function pathTo(dest, options) local blocks = options.blocks or turtle.getState().blocks or { } local dests = options.dest or { dest } -- support alternative destinations local box = options.box or turtle.getState().box local lastDim = nil local map = nil local grid = nil if box then box = Point.normalizeBox(box) end -- Creates a pathfinder object local myFinder = Pathfinder(grid, 'ASTAR', WALKABLE) myFinder:setMode('ORTHOGONAL') myFinder:setHeuristic(heuristic) while turtle.point.x ~= dest.x or turtle.point.z ~= dest.z or turtle.point.y ~= dest.y do -- map expands as we encounter obstacles local dim = mapDimensions(dest, blocks, box) -- reuse map if possible if not lastDim or not dimsAreEqual(dim, lastDim) then map = createMap(dim) -- Creates a grid object grid = Grid(map) myFinder:setGrid(grid) myFinder:setWalkable(WALKABLE) lastDim = dim end for _,b in ipairs(blocks) do addBlock(map, dim, b) end dest = selectDestination(dests, box, map, dim) if not dest then -- error('failed to reach destination') return false, 'failed to reach destination' end if turtle.point.x == dest.x and turtle.point.z == dest.z and turtle.point.y == dest.y then break end -- Define start and goal locations coordinates local startPt = pointToMap(dim, turtle.point) local endPt = pointToMap(dim, dest) -- Calculates the path, and its length local path = myFinder:getPath( startPt.x, startPt.y, startPt.z, turtle.point.heading, endPt.x, endPt.y, endPt.z, dest.heading) if not path then Util.removeByValue(dests, dest) else for node in path:nodes() do local pt = nodeToPoint(dim, node) if turtle.abort then return false, 'aborted' end -- use single turn method so the turtle doesn't turn around -- when encountering obstacles -- IS THIS RIGHT ?? if not turtle.gotoSingleTurn(pt.x, pt.z, pt.y) then table.insert(blocks, pt) --if device.turtlesensorenvironment then -- addSensorBlocks(blocks, device.turtlesensorenvironment.sonicScan()) --end break end end end end if dest.heading then turtle.setHeading(dest.heading) end return dest end return { pathfind = function(dest, options) options = options or { } --if not options.blocks and turtle.gotoPoint(dest) then -- return dest --end return pathTo(dest, options) end, -- set a global bounding box -- box can be overridden by passing box in pathfind options setBox = function(box) turtle.getState().box = box end, setBlocks = function(blocks) turtle.getState().blocks = blocks end, reset = function() turtle.getState().box = nil turtle.getState().blocks = nil end, }