local fs = _G.fs local os = _G.os fs.loadTab('sys/etc/fstab') -- add some Lua compatibility functions function os.remove(a) if fs.exists(a) then local s = pcall(fs.delete, a) return s and true or nil, a .. ': Unable to remove file' end return nil, a .. ': No such file or directory' end os.execute = function(cmd) if not cmd then return 1 end local env = _G.getfenv(2) local s, m = env.shell.run('sys/apps/shell.lua ' .. cmd) if not s then return 1, m end return 0 end os.tmpname = function() local fname repeat fname = 'tmp/a' .. math.random(1, 32768) until not fs.exists(fname) return fname end -- non-standard - will raise error instead os.exit = function(code) error('Terminated with ' .. code) end