local Crypto = require('opus.crypto.chacha20') local ECC = require('opus.crypto.ecc') local Security = require('opus.security') local SHA = require('opus.crypto.sha2') local Util = require('opus.util') local device = _G.device local os = _G.os local network = _G.network local socketClass = { } function socketClass:read(timeout) local data, distance = network.getTransport().read(self) if data then return data, distance end if not self.connected then return end local timerId = os.startTimer(timeout or 5) while true do local e, id = os.pullEvent() if e == 'transport_' .. self.uid then data, distance = network.getTransport().read(self) if data then os.cancelTimer(timerId) return data, distance end if not self.connected then break end elseif e == 'timer' and id == timerId then if timeout or not self.connected then break end timerId = os.startTimer(5) self:ping() end end end function socketClass:write(data) if self.connected then network.getTransport().write(self, { type = 'DATA', seq = self.wseq, data = data, }) return true end end function socketClass:ping() if self.connected then network.getTransport().ping(self) return true end end function socketClass:close() if self.connected then self.transmit(self.dport, self.dhost, { type = 'DISC', seq = self.wseq, }) self.connected = false end device.wireless_modem.close(self.sport) network.getTransport().close(self) end local Socket = { } local function loopback(port, sport, msg) os.queueEvent('modem_message', 'loopback', port, sport, msg, 0) end local function newSocket(isLoopback) for _ = 16384, 32767 do local i = math.random(16384, 32767) if not device.wireless_modem.isOpen(i) then local socket = { shost = os.getComputerID(), sport = i, transmit = device.wireless_modem.transmit, timers = { }, messages = { }, } setmetatable(socket, { __index = socketClass }) device.wireless_modem.open(socket.sport) if isLoopback then socket.transmit = loopback end return socket end end error('No ports available') end local function setupCrypto(socket, isClient) socket.sharedKey = ECC.exchange(socket.privKey, socket.remotePubKey) socket.enckey = SHA.pbkdf2(socket.sharedKey, "1enc", 1) --self.hmackey = SHA.pbkdf2(self.sharedKey, "2hmac", 1) socket.rrng = Crypto.newRNG( SHA.pbkdf2(socket.sharedKey, isClient and "3rseed" or "4sseed", 1)) socket.wrng = Crypto.newRNG( SHA.pbkdf2(socket.sharedKey, isClient and "4sseed" or "3rseed", 1)) socket.rseq = socket.rrng:nextInt(5) socket.wseq = socket.wrng:nextInt(5) end function Socket.connect(host, port, options) if not device.wireless_modem then return false, 'Wireless modem not found', 'NOMODEM' end local socket = newSocket(host == os.getComputerID()) socket.dhost = tonumber(host) socket.privKey, socket.pubKey = network.getKeyPair() local identifier = options and options.identifier or Security.getIdentifier() socket.transmit(port, socket.sport, { type = 'OPEN', shost = socket.shost, dhost = socket.dhost, t = Crypto.encrypt({ -- this is not that much data... ts = os.epoch('utc'), pk = Util.byteArrayToHex(socket.pubKey), }, Util.hexToByteArray(identifier)), }) local timerId = os.startTimer(3) repeat local e, id, sport, dport, msg = os.pullEvent() if e == 'modem_message' and sport == socket.sport and type(msg) == 'table' and msg.dhost == socket.shost then os.cancelTimer(timerId) if msg.type == 'CONN' and type(msg.pk) == 'string' then socket.dport = dport socket.connected = true socket.remotePubKey = Util.hexToByteArray(msg.pk) socket.options = msg.options or { } setupCrypto(socket, true) network.getTransport().open(socket) return socket elseif msg.type == 'NOPASS' then socket:close() return false, 'Password not set on target', 'NOPASS' elseif msg.type == 'REJE' then socket:close() return false, 'Trust not established', 'NOTRUST' end end until e == 'timer' and id == timerId socket:close() return false, 'Connection timed out', 'TIMEOUT' end local function trusted(socket, msg, options) local function getIdentifier() local trustList = Util.readTable('usr/.known_hosts') or { } return trustList[msg.shost] end local identifier = options and options.identifier or getIdentifier() local s, m = pcall(function() if identifier and type(msg.t) == 'table' then local data = Crypto.decrypt(msg.t, Util.hexToByteArray(identifier)) if data and data.ts and tonumber(data.ts) then if math.abs(os.epoch('utc') - data.ts) < 4096 then socket.remotePubKey = Util.hexToByteArray(data.pk) socket.privKey, socket.pubKey = network.getKeyPair() setupCrypto(socket) return true end _G._syslog('time diff ' .. math.abs(os.epoch('utc') - data.ts)) end end end) if not s and m then _G._syslog('trust failure') _G._syslog(m) end end function Socket.server(port, options) device.wireless_modem.open(port) while true do local _, _, sport, dport, msg = os.pullEvent('modem_message') if sport == port and msg and type(msg) == 'table' and msg.dhost == os.getComputerID() and msg.type == 'OPEN' then local socket = newSocket(msg.shost == os.getComputerID()) socket.dport = dport socket.dhost = msg.shost socket.options = options or { } if not Security.hasPassword() then socket.transmit(socket.dport, socket.sport, { type = 'NOPASS', dhost = socket.dhost, shost = socket.shost, }) socket:close() elseif trusted(socket, msg, options) then socket.connected = true socket.transmit(socket.dport, socket.sport, { type = 'CONN', dhost = socket.dhost, shost = socket.shost, pk = Util.byteArrayToHex(socket.pubKey), options = socket.options.ENCRYPT and { ENCRYPT = true }, }) network.getTransport().open(socket) return socket else socket.transmit(socket.dport, socket.sport, { type = 'REJE', dhost = socket.dhost, shost = socket.shost, }) socket:close() end end end end return Socket