require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Logger = require('logger') local Message = require('message') local Event = require('event') local Point = require('point') local TableDB = require('tableDB') local MEProvider = require('meProvider') --[[ A supplier turtle for the builder turtle. For larger builds, use ender modems. Setup: 1. chest or ME interface at level 0 (bottom of build area) 2. builder turtle on top facing the build area 3. If facing the build turtle, the supplier turtle is to the right pointing at the chest/interface ]]-- local ChestProvider = require('chestProvider') if os.getVersion() == 1.8 then ChestProvider = require('chestProvider18') end if not device.wireless_modem then error('No wireless modem detected') end Logger.filter('modem_send', 'event', 'ui') Logger.setWirelessLogging() local __BUILDER_ID = 6 local itemInfoDB local Builder = { version = '1.70', ccVersion = nil, slots = { }, index = 1, fuelItem = { id = 'minecraft:coal', dmg = 0 }, resupplying = true, ready = true, } --[[-- maxStackDB --]]-- local maxStackDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'maxstack.db', tabledef = { autokeys = false, type = 'simple', columns = { { label = 'Key', type = 'key', length = 8 }, { label = 'Quantity', type = 'number', length = 2 } } } }) function maxStackDB:get(id, dmg) return[id .. ':' .. dmg] or 64 end function Builder:dumpInventory() local success = true for i = 1, 16 do local qty = turtle.getItemCount(i) if qty > 0 then self.itemProvider:insert(i, qty) end if turtle.getItemCount(i) ~= 0 then success = false end end return success end function Builder:dumpInventoryWithCheck() while not self:dumpInventory() do Builder:log('Unable to dump inventory') print('Provider is full or missing - make space or replace') print('Press enter to continue') --turtle.setHeading(0) self.ready = false read() end self.ready = true end function Builder:autocraft(supplies) local t = { } for i,s in pairs(supplies) do local key = .. ':' .. s.dmg local item = t[key] if not item then item = { id =, dmg = s.dmg, qty = 0, } t[key] = item end item.qty = item.qty + (s.need-s.qty) end Builder.itemProvider:craftItems(t) end function Builder:refuel() while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 4000 and self.fuelItem do Builder:log('Refueling') self.itemProvider:provide(self.fuelItem, 64, 1) if turtle.getItemCount(1) == 0 then Builder:log('Out of fuel, add coal to chest/ME system') --turtle.setHeading(0) os.sleep(5) else turtle.refuel(64) end end end function Builder:log(...) Logger.log('supplier', ...) Util.print(...) end function Builder:getSupplies() Builder.itemProvider:refresh() local t = { } for _,s in ipairs(self.slots) do if s.need > 0 then local item = Builder.itemProvider:getItemInfo(, s.dmg) if item then if then = end local qty = math.min(s.need-s.qty, item.qty) if qty + s.qty > item.max_size then maxStackDB:add({, s.dmg }, item.max_size) maxStackDB.dirty = true maxStackDB:flush() qty = item.max_size s.need = qty end if qty > 0 then self.itemProvider:provide(item, qty, s.index) s.qty = turtle.getItemCount(s.index) end end end if s.qty < s.need then table.insert(t, s) local name = or .. ':' .. s.dmg local item = itemInfoDB:get({, s.dmg }) if item then name = item.displayName end Builder:log('Need %d %s', s.need - s.qty, name) end end return t end local function moveTowardsX(dx) local direction = dx - turtle.point.x local move if direction == 0 then return false end if direction > 0 and turtle.point.heading == 0 or direction < 0 and turtle.point.heading == 2 then move = turtle.forward else move = turtle.back end return move() end local function moveTowardsZ(dz) local direction = dz - turtle.point.z local move if direction == 0 then return false end if direction > 0 and turtle.point.heading == 1 or direction < 0 and turtle.point.heading == 3 then move = turtle.forward else move = turtle.back end return move() end function Builder:finish() Builder.resupplying = true Builder.ready = false if turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') then turtle.setHeading(1) os.sleep(.1) -- random 'Computer is not connected' error... Builder:dumpInventory() Event.exitPullEvents() print('Finished') end end function Builder:gotoBuilder() if Builder.lastPoint then turtle.status = 'tracking' while true do local pt = Point.copy(Builder.lastPoint) pt.y = pt.y + 3 if turtle.point.y ~= pt.y then turtle.gotoY(pt.y) else local distance = Point.turtleDistance(turtle.point, pt) if distance <= 3 then Builder:log('Synchronized') break end if turtle.point.heading % 2 == 0 then if turtle.point.x == pt.x then turtle.headTowardsZ(pt.z) moveTowardsZ(pt.z) else moveTowardsX(pt.x) end elseif turtle.point.z ~= pt.z then moveTowardsZ(pt.z) else turtle.headTowardsX(pt.x) moveTowardsX(pt.x) end end end end end Message.addHandler('builder', function(h, id, msg, distance) if not id or id ~= __BUILDER_ID then return end if not Builder.resupplying then local pt = msg.contents pt.y = pt.y + 3 turtle.status = 'supervising' turtle.gotoYfirst(pt) end end) Message.addHandler('supplyList', function(h, id, msg, distance) if not id or id ~= __BUILDER_ID then return end turtle.status = 'resupplying' Builder.resupplying = true Builder.slots = msg.contents.slots Builder.slotUid = msg.contents.uid Builder:log('Received supply list ' .. Builder.slotUid) os.sleep(0) if not turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') then Builder:log('Failed to go to supply location') self.ready = false Event.exitPullEvents() end turtle.setHeading(1) os.sleep(.2) -- random 'Computer is not connected' error... Builder:dumpInventoryWithCheck() Builder:refuel() while true do local supplies = Builder:getSupplies() if #supplies == 0 then break end Builder:autocraft(supplies) turtle.status = 'waiting' os.sleep(5) end Builder:log('Got all supplies') os.sleep(0) Builder:gotoBuilder() Builder.resupplying = false end) Message.addHandler('needSupplies', function(h, id, msg, distance) if not id or id ~= __BUILDER_ID then return end if Builder.resupplying or msg.contents.uid ~= Builder.slotUid then Builder:log('No supplies ready') Message.send(__BUILDER_ID, 'gotSupplies') else turtle.status = 'supplying' Builder:log('Supplying') os.sleep(0) local pt = msg.contents.point pt.y = turtle.getPoint().y pt.heading = nil if not turtle.gotoYfirst(pt) then -- location of builder Builder.resupplying = true Message.send(__BUILDER_ID, 'gotSupplies') os.sleep(0) if not turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') then Builder:log('failed to go to supply location') --self.ready = false Event.exitPullEvents() end turtle.setHeading(1) return end pt.y = pt.y - 2 -- location where builder should go for the chest to be above turtle.placeDown() os.sleep(.1) -- random computer not connected error local p = ChestProvider({ direction = 'up', wrapSide = 'bottom' }) for i = 1, 16 do p:insert(i, 64) end Message.send(__BUILDER_ID, 'gotSupplies', { supplies = true, point = pt }) Message.waitForMessage('thanks', 5, __BUILDER_ID) --os.sleep(0) --p.condenseItems() for i = 1, 16 do p:extract(i, 64) end turtle.digDown() turtle.status = 'waiting' end end) Message.addHandler('finished', function(h, id) if not id or id ~= __BUILDER_ID then return end Builder:finish() end) Event.on('turtle_abort', function() turtle.abort = false turtle.status = 'aborting' Builder:finish() end) local function onTheWay() -- parallel routine while true do local e, side, _id, id, msg, distance = os.pullEvent('modem_message') if Builder.ready then if id == __BUILDER_ID and msg and msg.type then if msg.type == 'needSupplies' then Message.send(__BUILDER_ID, 'gotSupplies', { supplies = true }) elseif msg.type == 'builder' then Builder.lastPoint = msg.contents end end end end end local args = {...} if #args < 2 then error('syntax: ') end __BUILDER_ID = tonumber(args[1]) maxStackDB:load() itemInfoDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'items.db' }) itemInfoDB:load() Builder.itemProvider = MEProvider({ direction = args[2] }) if not Builder.itemProvider:isValid() then local sides = { east = 'west', west = 'east', north = 'south', south = 'north', } Builder.itemProvider = ChestProvider({ direction = sides[args[2]], wrapSide = 'front' }) if not Builder.itemProvider:isValid() then error('A chest or ME interface must be in front of turtle') end end turtle.setPoint({ x = -1, z = -2, y = -1, heading = 1 }) turtle.saveLocation('supplies') Event.pullEvents(onTheWay) end)