require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Util = require('util') local Event = require('event') local UI = require('ui') local Config = require('config') local NFT = require('nft') local class = require('class') local FileUI = require('fileui') local Tween = require('tween') local SHA1 = require('sha1') local REGISTRY_DIR = 'usr/.registry' multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Overview') UI:configure('Overview', ...) local config = { Recent = { }, currentCategory = 'Apps', } Config.load('Overview', config) local applications = { } local function loadApplications() applications = Util.readTable('sys/etc/app.db') if fs.exists(REGISTRY_DIR) then local files = fs.list(REGISTRY_DIR) for _,file in pairs(files) do local app = Util.readTable(fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, file)) if app and app.key then app.filename = fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, file) applications[app.key] = app end end end Util.each(applications, function(v, k) v.key = k end) applications = Util.filter(applications, function(_, a) return not a.disabled end) end loadApplications() local defaultIcon = NFT.parse([[ 8071180 8007180 7180071]]) local sx, sy = term.current().getSize() local maxRecent = math.ceil(sx * sy / 62) local function elipse(s, len) if #s > len then s = s:sub(1, len - 2) .. '..' end return s end local buttons = { } local categories = { } table.insert(buttons, { text = 'Recent', event = 'category' }) for _,f in pairs(applications) do if not categories[f.category] then categories[f.category] = true table.insert(buttons, { text = f.category, event = 'category' }) end end table.insert(buttons, { text = '+', event = 'new' }) local function parseIcon(iconText) local icon local s, m = pcall(function() icon = NFT.parse(iconText) if icon then if icon.height > 3 or icon.width > 8 then error('Invalid size') end end return icon end) if s then return icon end return s, m end local page = UI.Page { tabBar = UI.TabBar { buttons = buttons, }, container = UI.ViewportWindow { y = 2, }, notification = UI.Notification(), accelerators = { r = 'refresh', e = 'edit', s = 'shell', l = 'lua', [ 'control-l' ] = 'refresh', [ 'control-n' ] = 'new', delete = 'delete', }, } function page:draw() self.tabBar:draw() self.container:draw() end UI.Icon = class(UI.Window) function UI.Icon:init(args) local defaults = { UIElement = 'Icon', width = 14, height = 4, } UI.setProperties(defaults, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Icon:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'mouse_click' then self:setFocus(self.button) return true elseif event.type == 'mouse_doubleclick' then self:emit({ type = self.button.event, button = self.button }) elseif event.type == 'mouse_rightclick' then self:setFocus(self.button) self:emit({ type = 'edit', button = self.button }) end return UI.Window.eventHandler(self, event) end function page.container:setCategory(categoryName) -- reset the viewport window self.children = { } self.offy = 0 local function filter(it, f) local ot = { } for _,v in pairs(it) do if f(v) then table.insert(ot, v) end end return ot end local filtered if categoryName == 'Recent' then filtered = { } for _,v in ipairs(config.Recent) do local app = Util.find(applications, 'key', v) if app then -- and fs.exists( then table.insert(filtered, app) end end else filtered = filter(applications, function(a) return a.category == categoryName -- and fs.exists( end) table.sort(filtered, function(a, b) return a.title < b.title end) end for _,program in ipairs(filtered) do local icon if program.icon then icon = parseIcon(program.icon) end if not icon then icon = defaultIcon end local title = elipse(program.title, 8) local width = math.max(icon.width + 2, #title + 2) table.insert(self.children, UI.Icon({ width = width, image = UI.NftImage({ x = math.floor((width - icon.width) / 2) + 1, image = icon, width = 5, height = 3, }), button = UI.Button({ x = math.floor((width - #title - 2) / 2) + 1, y = 4, text = title, backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor, width = #title + 2, event = 'button', app = program, }), })) end local gutter = 2 if UI.term.width <= 26 then gutter = 1 end local col, row = gutter, 2 local count = #self.children -- reposition all children for k,child in ipairs(self.children) do child.x = -10 child.y = math.floor(self.height) child.tween =, child, { x = col, y = row }, 'outSine') if k < count then col = col + child.width if col + self.children[k + 1].width + gutter - 2 > UI.term.width then col = gutter row = row + 5 end end end self:initChildren() self.animate = true end function page.container:draw() if self.animate then self.animate = false for i = 1, 6 do for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do child.tween:update(1) child.x = math.floor(child.x) child.y = math.floor(child.y) end UI.ViewportWindow.draw(self) self:sync() os.sleep() end else UI.ViewportWindow.draw(self) end end function page:refresh() local pos = self.container.offy self:focusFirst(self) self.container:setCategory(config.currentCategory) self.container:setScrollPosition(pos) end function page:resize() self:refresh() UI.Page.resize(self) end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'category' then self.tabBar:selectTab(event.button.text) self.container:setCategory(event.button.text) self.container:draw() self:sync() config.currentCategory = event.button.text Config.update('Overview', config) elseif event.type == 'button' then for k,v in ipairs(config.Recent) do if v == then table.remove(config.Recent, k) break end end table.insert(config.Recent, 1, if #config.Recent > maxRecent then table.remove(config.Recent, maxRecent + 1) end Config.update('Overview', config) multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/shell', args = { }, focused = true, }) elseif event.type == 'shell' then multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/shell', focused = true, }) elseif event.type == 'lua' then multishell.openTab({ path = 'sys/apps/Lua.lua', focused = true, }) elseif event.type == 'focus_change' then if event.focused.parent.UIElement == 'Icon' then event.focused.parent:scrollIntoView() end elseif event.type == 'tab_change' then if event.current > event.last then --self.container:setTransition(UI.effect.slideLeft) else --self.container:setTransition(UI.effect.slideRight) end elseif event.type == 'refresh' then loadApplications() self:refresh() self:draw() self.notification:success('Refreshed') elseif event.type == 'delete' then local focused = page:getFocused() debug( if then = true local filename = or fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, Util.writeTable(filename, loadApplications() page:refresh() page:draw() self.notification:success('Removed') end elseif event.type == 'new' then local category = 'Apps' if config.currentCategory ~= 'Recent' then category = config.currentCategory or 'Apps' end UI:setPage('editor', { category = category }) elseif event.type == 'edit' then local focused = page:getFocused() if then UI:setPage('editor', end else UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end local formWidth = math.max(UI.term.width - 14, 26) local editor = UI.Dialog { height = 11, width = formWidth, title = 'Edit application', form = UI.Form { y = 2, height = 9, title = UI.TextEntry { formLabel = 'Title', formKey = 'title', limit = 11, help = 'Application title', required = true, }, run = UI.TextEntry { formLabel = 'Run', formKey = 'run', limit = 100, help = 'Full path to application', required = true, }, category = UI.TextEntry { formLabel = 'Category', formKey = 'category', limit = 11, help = 'Category of application', required = true, }, loadIcon = UI.Button { x = 11, y = 6, text = 'Icon', event = 'loadIcon', help = 'Select icon' }, image = UI.NftImage { y = 6, x = 2, height = 3, width = 8, }, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), iconFile = '', } function editor:enable(app) if app then self.form:setValues(app) local icon if app.icon then icon = parseIcon(app.icon) end self.form.image:setImage(icon) end UI.Page.enable(self) self:focusFirst() end function editor.form.image:draw() self:clear() UI.NftImage.draw(self) end function editor:updateApplications(app) if not app.key then app.key = SHA1.sha1(app.title) end local filename = app.filename or fs.combine(REGISTRY_DIR, app.key) Util.writeTable(filename, app) loadApplications() end function editor:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'form_cancel' or event.type == 'cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() elseif event.type == 'focus_change' then self.statusBar:setStatus( or '') self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'loadIcon' then local fileui = FileUI({ x = self.x, y = self.y, z = 2, width = self.width, height = self.height, }) --fileui:setTransition(UI.effect.explode) UI:setPage(fileui, fs.getDir(self.iconFile), function(fileName) if fileName then self.iconFile = fileName local s, m = pcall(function() local iconLines = Util.readFile(fileName) if not iconLines then error('Unable to load file') end local icon, m = parseIcon(iconLines) if not icon then error(m) end self.form.values.icon = iconLines self.form.image:setImage(icon) self.form.image:draw() end) if not s and m then local msg = m:gsub('.*: (.*)', '%1') page.notification:error(msg) end end end) elseif event.type == 'form_invalid' then page.notification:error(event.message) elseif event.type == 'form_complete' then local values = self.form.values UI:setPreviousPage() self:updateApplications(values) page:refresh() page:draw() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end UI:setPages({ editor = editor, main = page, }) Event.on('os_register_app', function() loadApplications() page:refresh() page:draw() page:sync() end) page.tabBar:selectTab(config.currentCategory or 'Apps') page.container:setCategory(config.currentCategory or 'Apps') UI:setPage(page) Event.pullEvents() UI.term:reset()