local Event = require('event') local GPS = require('gps') local Socket = require('socket') local Util = require('util') -- move this into gps api local gpsRequested local gpsLastPoint local gpsLastRequestTime local function snmpConnection(socket) while true do local msg = socket:read() if not msg then break end if msg.type == 'reboot' then os.reboot() elseif msg.type == 'shutdown' then os.shutdown() elseif msg.type == 'ping' then socket:write('pong') elseif msg.type == 'script' then local fn, msg = loadstring(msg.args, 'script') if fn then multishell.openTab({ fn = fn, env = getfenv(1), title = 'script', }) else printError(msg) end elseif msg.type == 'scriptEx' then local s, m = pcall(function() local env = setmetatable(Util.shallowCopy(getfenv(1)), { __index = _G }) local fn, m = load(msg.args, 'script', nil, env) if not fn then error(m) end return { fn() } end) if s then socket:write(m) else socket:write({ s, m }) end elseif msg.type == 'gps' then if gpsRequested then repeat os.sleep(0) until not gpsRequested end if gpsLastPoint and os.clock() - gpsLastRequestTime < .5 then socket:write(gpsLastPoint) else gpsRequested = true local pt = GPS.getPoint(2) if pt then socket:write(pt) else print('snmp: Unable to get GPS point') end gpsRequested = false gpsLastPoint = pt if pt then gpsLastRequestTime = os.clock() end end elseif msg.type == 'info' then local info = { id = os.getComputerID(), label = os.getComputerLabel(), uptime = math.floor(os.clock()), } if turtle then info.fuel = turtle.getFuelLevel() info.status = turtle.status end socket:write(info) end end end Event.addRoutine(function() print('snmp: listening on port 161') while true do local socket = Socket.server(161) Event.addRoutine(function() print('snmp: connection from ' .. socket.dhost) snmpConnection(socket) print('snmp: closing connection to ' .. socket.dhost) end) end end) device.wireless_modem.open(999) print('discovery: listening on port 999') Event.on('modem_message', function(e, s, sport, id, info, distance) if sport == 999 and tonumber(id) and type(info) == 'table' then if not network[id] then network[id] = { } end Util.merge(network[id], info) network[id].distance = distance network[id].timestamp = os.clock() if not network[id].active then network[id].active = true os.queueEvent('network_attach', network[id]) end end end) local info = { id = os.getComputerID() } local infoTimer = os.clock() local function sendInfo() if os.clock() - infoTimer >= 1 then -- don't flood infoTimer = os.clock() info.label = os.getComputerLabel() info.uptime = math.floor(os.clock()) if turtle then info.fuel = turtle.getFuelLevel() info.status = turtle.status info.point = turtle.point info.inventory = turtle.getInventory() info.slotIndex = turtle.getSelectedSlot() end device.wireless_modem.transmit(999, os.getComputerID(), info) end end -- every 10 seconds, send out this computer's info Event.onInterval(10, function() sendInfo() for _,c in pairs(_G.network) do local elapsed = os.clock()-c.timestamp if c.active and elapsed > 15 then c.active = false os.queueEvent('network_detach', c) end end end) Event.on('turtle_response', function() if turtle.status ~= info.status or turtle.fuel ~= info.fuel then sendInfo() end end)