local function completeMultipleChoice(sText, tOptions, bAddSpaces) local tResults = { } for n = 1,#tOptions do local sOption = tOptions[n] if #sOption + (bAddSpaces and 1 or 0) > #sText and string.sub(sOption, 1, #sText) == sText then local sResult = string.sub(sOption, #sText + 1) if bAddSpaces then table.insert(tResults, sResult .. " ") else table.insert(tResults, sResult) end end end return tResults end _ENV.shell.setCompletionFunction("sys/apps/package.lua", function(_, index, text) if index == 1 then return completeMultipleChoice(text, { "install ", "update ", "uninstall " }) end end)