local Util = require('opus.util') local GPS = { } GPS.CHANNEL_GPS = 65534 local device = _G.device local vector = _G.vector function GPS.locate(timeout, debug) if not device.wireless_modem then if debug then print('No wireless modem attached') end return nil end if debug then print('Finding position...') end local modem = device.wireless_modem local closeChannel = false local selfID = os.getComputerID() if not modem.isOpen(selfID) then modem.open(selfID) closeChannel = true end modem.transmit(GPS.CHANNEL_GPS, selfID, "PING") local fixes = {} local pos = nil local timer = os.startTimer(timeout or 1) while true do local e, side, chan, reply, msg, dist = os.pullEvent() if e == "modem_message" then if side == modem.side and chan == selfID and reply == GPS.CHANNEL_GPS and dist then if type(msg) == "table" and #msg == 3 and tonumber(msg[1]) and tonumber(msg[2]) and tonumber(msg[3]) then local fix = { position = vector.new(unpack(msg)), distance = dist, } if debug then print(fix.distance..' meters from '..fix.position:tostring()) end if fix.distance == 0 then pos = fix.position else fixes[#fixes+1] = fix if #fixes > 3 then pos = GPS.trilaterate(fixes) if pos then break end end end end end elseif e == "timer" and side == timer then break end end if closeChannel then modem.close(selfID) end if debug then print("Position is "..pos.x..","..pos.y..","..pos.z) end return vector.new(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) end function GPS.isAvailable() return device.wireless_modem and GPS.locate() end function GPS.getPoint(timeout, debug) local pt = GPS.locate(timeout, debug) if not pt then return end pt.x = math.floor(pt.x) pt.y = math.floor(pt.y) pt.z = math.floor(pt.z) if _G.pocket then pt.y = pt.y - 1 end return pt end -- from stock gps API local function trilaterate(A, B, C) local a2b = B.position - A.position local a2c = C.position - A.position if math.abs( a2b:normalize():dot( a2c:normalize() ) ) > 0.999 then return end local d = a2b:length() local ex = a2b:normalize( ) local i = ex:dot( a2c ) local ey = (a2c - (ex * i)):normalize() local j = ey:dot( a2c ) local ez = ex:cross( ey ) local r1 = A.distance local r2 = B.distance local r3 = C.distance local x = (r1*r1 - r2*r2 + d*d) / (2*d) local y = (r1*r1 - r3*r3 - x*x + (x-i)*(x-i) + j*j) / (2*j) local result = A.position + (ex * x) + (ey * y) local zSquared = r1*r1 - x*x - y*y if zSquared > 0 then local z = math.sqrt( zSquared ) local result1 = result + (ez * z) local result2 = result - (ez * z) local rounded1, rounded2 = result1:round(0.01), result2:round(0.01) if rounded1.x ~= rounded2.x or rounded1.y ~= rounded2.y or rounded1.z ~= rounded2.z then return rounded1, rounded2 else return rounded1 end end return result:round(0.01) end local function narrow( p1, p2, fix ) local dist1 = math.abs( (p1 - fix.position):length() - fix.distance ) local dist2 = math.abs( (p2 - fix.position):length() - fix.distance ) if math.abs(dist1 - dist2) < 0.01 then return p1, p2 elseif dist1 < dist2 then return p1:round(0.01) else return p2:round(0.01) end end -- end stock gps api function GPS.trilaterate(tFixes) local attemps = 0 for tFixes in Util.permutation(tFixes) do attemps = attemps + 1 local pos1, pos2 = trilaterate(tFixes[4], tFixes[3], tFixes[2]) if pos2 then pos1, pos2 = narrow(pos1, pos2, tFixes[1]) end if not pos2 and pos1 and not (pos1.x ~= pos1.x) then return pos1, attemps end end end return GPS