local Event = require('event') local Logger = require('logger') local Message = { } local messageHandlers = {} function Message.enable() if not device.wireless_modem.isOpen(os.getComputerID()) then device.wireless_modem.open(os.getComputerID()) end if not device.wireless_modem.isOpen(60000) then device.wireless_modem.open(60000) end end if device and device.wireless_modem then Message.enable() end Event.addHandler('device_attach', function(event, deviceName) if deviceName == 'wireless_modem' then Message.enable() end end) function Message.addHandler(type, f) table.insert(messageHandlers, { type = type, f = f, enabled = true }) end function Message.removeHandler(h) for k,v in pairs(messageHandlers) do if v == h then messageHandlers[k] = nil break end end end Event.addHandler('modem_message', function(event, side, sendChannel, replyChannel, msg, distance) if msg and msg.type then -- filter out messages from other systems local id = replyChannel Logger.log('modem_receive', { id, msg.type }) --Logger.log('modem_receive', msg.contents) for k,h in pairs(messageHandlers) do if h.type == msg.type then -- should provide msg.contents instead of message - type is already known h.f(h, id, msg, distance) end end end end ) function Message.send(id, msgType, contents) if not device.wireless_modem then error('No modem attached', 2) end if id then Logger.log('modem_send', { tostring(id), msgType }) device.wireless_modem.transmit(id, os.getComputerID(), { type = msgType, contents = contents }) else Logger.log('modem_send', { 'broadcast', msgType }) device.wireless_modem.transmit(60000, os.getComputerID(), { type = msgType, contents = contents }) end end function Message.broadcast(t, contents) if not device.wireless_modem then error('No modem attached', 2) end Message.send(nil, t, contents) -- Logger.log('rednet_send', { 'broadcast', t }) -- rednet.broadcast({ type = t, contents = contents }) end function Message.waitForMessage(msgType, timeout, fromId) local timerId = os.startTimer(timeout) repeat local e, side, _id, id, msg, distance = os.pullEvent() if e == 'modem_message' then if msg and msg.type and msg.type == msgType then if not fromId or id == fromId then return e, id, msg, distance end end end until e == 'timer' and side == timerId end function Message.enableWirelessLogging() Logger.setWirelessLogging() end return Message