local class = require('class') local TableDB = require('tableDB') local blockDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'block.db', tabledef = { autokeys = false, columns = { { name = 'key', type = 'key', length = 8 }, { name = 'id', type = 'number', length = 5 }, { name = 'dmg', type = 'number', length = 2 }, { name = 'name', type = 'string', length = 35 }, { name = 'refname', type = 'string', length = 35 }, { name = 'strId', type = 'string', length = 80 }, } } }) function blockDB:load(dir, sbDB, btDB) self.fileName = fs.combine(dir, self.fileName) if fs.exists(self.fileName) then TableDB.load(self) else self:seedDB(dir) end end function blockDB:seedDB(dir) -- http://lua-users.org/wiki/LuaCsv function ParseCSVLine (line,sep) local res = {} local pos = 1 sep = sep or ',' while true do local c = string.sub(line,pos,pos) if (c == "") then break end if (c == '"') then -- quoted value (ignore separator within) local txt = "" repeat local startp,endp = string.find(line,'^%b""',pos) txt = txt..string.sub(line,startp+1,endp-1) pos = endp + 1 c = string.sub(line,pos,pos) if (c == '"') then txt = txt..'"' end -- check first char AFTER quoted string, if it is another -- quoted string without separator, then append it -- this is the way to "escape" the quote char in a quote. example: -- value1,"blub""blip""boing",value3 will result in blub"blip"boing for the middle until (c ~= '"') table.insert(res,txt) assert(c == sep or c == "") pos = pos + 1 else -- no quotes used, just look for the first separator local startp,endp = string.find(line,sep,pos) if (startp) then table.insert(res,string.sub(line,pos,startp-1)) pos = endp + 1 else -- no separator found -> use rest of string and terminate table.insert(res,string.sub(line,pos)) break end end end return res end local f = fs.open(fs.combine(dir, 'blockIds.csv'), "r") if not f then error('unable to read blockIds.csv') end local lastID = nil while true do local data = f.readLine() if not data then break end local line = ParseCSVLine(data, ',') local strId = line[3] -- string ID local nid -- schematic ID local id = line[3] local dmg = 0 local name = line[1] if not strId or #strId == 0 then strId = lastID end lastID = strId local t = { } string.gsub(line[2], '(%d+)', function(d) table.insert(t, d) end) nid = tonumber(t[1]) dmg = 0 if t[2] then dmg = tonumber(t[2]) end self:add(nid, dmg, name, strId) end f.close() self.dirty = true self:flush() end function blockDB:lookup(id, dmg) if not id then return end if not id or not dmg then error('blockDB:lookup: nil passed', 2) end local key = id .. ':' .. dmg return self.data[key] end function blockDB:getName(id, dmg) return self:lookupName(id, dmg) or id .. ':' .. dmg end function blockDB:lookupName(id, dmg) if not id or not dmg then error('blockDB:lookupName: nil passed', 2) end for _,v in pairs(self.data) do if v.strId == id and v.dmg == dmg then return v.name end end end function blockDB:add(id, dmg, name, strId) local key = id .. ':' .. dmg TableDB.add(self, key, { id = id, dmg = dmg, key = key, name = name, strId = strId, }) end --[[-- placementDB --]]-- -- in memory table that expands the standardBlock and blockType tables for each item/dmg/placement combination local placementDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'placement.db' }) function placementDB:load(dir, sbDB, btDB) self.fileName = fs.combine(dir, self.fileName) for k,blockType in pairs(sbDB.data) do local bt = btDB.data[blockType] if not bt then error('missing block type: ' .. blockType) end local id, dmg = string.match(k, '(%d+):*(%d+)') self:addSubsForBlockType(tonumber(id), tonumber(dmg), bt) end -- testing -- self.dirty = true -- self:flush() end function placementDB:addSubsForBlockType(id, dmg, bt) for _,sub in pairs(bt) do local odmg = sub.odmg if type(sub.odmg) == 'string' then odmg = dmg + tonumber(string.match(odmg, '+(%d+)')) end local b = blockDB:lookup(id, dmg) local strId = tostring(id) if b then strId = b.strId end self:add( id, odmg, sub.sid or strId, sub.sdmg or dmg, sub.dir) end end function placementDB:add(id, dmg, sid, sdmg, direction) if not id or not dmg then error('placementDB:add: nil passed', 2) end local key = id .. ':' .. dmg if direction and #direction == 0 then direction = nil end self.data[key] = { id = id, -- numeric ID dmg = dmg, -- dmg with placement info key = key, sid = sid, -- string ID sdmg = sdmg, -- dmg without placement info direction = direction, } end --[[-- StandardBlockDB --]]-- local standardBlockDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'standard.db', tabledef = { autokeys = false, type = 'simple', columns = { { label = 'Key', type = 'key', length = 8 }, { label = 'Block Type', type = 'string', length = 20 } } } }) function standardBlockDB:load(dir) self.fileName = fs.combine(dir, self.fileName) if fs.exists(self.fileName) then TableDB.load(self) else self:seedDB() end end function standardBlockDB:seedDB() self.data = { [ '6:0' ] = 'sapling', [ '6:1' ] = 'sapling', [ '6:2' ] = 'sapling', [ '6:3' ] = 'sapling', [ '6:4' ] = 'sapling', [ '6:5' ] = 'sapling', [ '8:0' ] = 'truncate', [ '9:0' ] = 'truncate', [ '17:0' ] = 'wood', [ '17:1' ] = 'wood', [ '17:2' ] = 'wood', [ '17:3' ] = 'wood', [ '18:0' ] = 'leaves', [ '18:1' ] = 'leaves', [ '18:2' ] = 'leaves', [ '18:3' ] = 'leaves', [ '23:0' ] = 'dispenser', [ '26:0' ] = 'bed', [ '27:0' ] = 'adp-rail', [ '28:0' ] = 'adp-rail', [ '29:0' ] = 'piston', [ '33:0' ] = 'piston', [ '34:0' ] = 'air', [ '36:0' ] = 'air', [ '44:0' ] = 'slab', [ '44:1' ] = 'slab', [ '44:2' ] = 'slab', [ '44:3' ] = 'slab', [ '44:4' ] = 'slab', [ '44:5' ] = 'slab', [ '44:6' ] = 'slab', [ '44:7' ] = 'slab', [ '50:0' ] = 'torch', [ '51:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '53:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '54:0' ] = 'chest-furnace', [ '55:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '59:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '60:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '61:0' ] = 'chest-furnace', [ '62:0' ] = 'chest-furnace', [ '63:0' ] = 'signpost', [ '64:0' ] = 'door', [ '65:0' ] = 'wallsign-ladder', [ '66:0' ] = 'rail', [ '67:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '68:0' ] = 'wallsign', [ '69:0' ] = 'lever', [ '71:0' ] = 'door', [ '75:0' ] = 'torch', [ '76:0' ] = 'torch', [ '77:0' ] = 'button', [ '78:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '81:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '83:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '86:0' ] = 'pumpkin', [ '90:0' ] = 'air', [ '91:0' ] = 'pumpkin', [ '92:0' ] = 'flatten', -- cake [ '93:0' ] = 'repeater', [ '94:0' ] = 'repeater', [ '96:0' ] = 'trapdoor', [ '99:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '100:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '106:0' ] = 'vine', [ '107:0' ] = 'gate', [ '108:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '109:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '114:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '115:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '117:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '118:0' ] = 'cauldron', [ '126:0' ] = 'slab', [ '126:1' ] = 'slab', [ '126:2' ] = 'slab', [ '126:3' ] = 'slab', [ '126:4' ] = 'slab', [ '126:5' ] = 'slab', [ '127:0' ] = 'cocoa', [ '128:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '130:0' ] = 'chest-furnace', [ '131:0' ] = 'tripwire', [ '132:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '134:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '135:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '136:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '140:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '141:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '142:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '143:0' ] = 'button', [ '144:0' ] = 'mobhead', [ '145:0' ] = 'anvil', [ '146:0' ] = 'chest-furnace', [ '149:0' ] = 'comparator', [ '151:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '154:0' ] = 'hopper', [ '155:2' ] = 'quartz-pillar', [ '156:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '157:0' ] = 'adp-rail', [ '158:0' ] = 'hopper', [ '161:0' ] = 'leaves', [ '161:1' ] = 'leaves', [ '162:0' ] = 'wood', [ '162:1' ] = 'wood', [ '163:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '164:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '167:0' ] = 'trapdoor', [ '170:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '175:0' ] = 'largeplant', [ '175:1' ] = 'largeplant', [ '175:2' ] = 'largeplant', -- double tallgrass - an alternative would be to use grass as the bottom part, bonemeal as top part [ '175:3' ] = 'largeplant', [ '175:4' ] = 'largeplant', [ '175:5' ] = 'largeplant', [ '176:0' ] = 'banner', [ '177:0' ] = 'wall_banner', [ '178:0' ] = 'truncate', [ '180:0' ] = 'stairs', [ '182:0' ] = 'slab', [ '183:0' ] = 'gate', [ '184:0' ] = 'gate', [ '185:0' ] = 'gate', [ '186:0' ] = 'gate', [ '187:0' ] = 'gate', [ '193:0' ] = 'door', [ '194:0' ] = 'door', [ '195:0' ] = 'door', [ '196:0' ] = 'door', [ '197:0' ] = 'door', [ '198:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '205:0' ] = 'slab', [ '210:0' ] = 'flatten', [ '355:0' ] = 'bed', [ '356:0' ] = 'repeater', [ '404:0' ] = 'comparator', } self.dirty = true self:flush() end --[[-- BlockTypeDB --]]-- local blockTypeDB = TableDB({ fileName = 'blocktype.db', tabledef = { autokeys = true, columns = { { name = 'odmg', type = 'number', length = 2 }, { name = 'sid', type = 'number', length = 5 }, { name = 'sdmg', type = 'number', length = 2 }, { name = 'dir', type = 'string', length = 20 }, } } }) function blockTypeDB:load(dir) self.fileName = fs.combine(dir, self.fileName) if fs.exists(self.fileName) then TableDB.load(self) else self:seedDB() end end function blockTypeDB:addTemp(blockType, subs) local bt = self.data[blockType] if not bt then bt = { } self.data[blockType] = bt end for _,sub in pairs(subs) do table.insert(bt, { odmg = sub[1], sid = sub[2], sdmg = sub[3], dir = sub[4] }) end self.dirty = true end function blockTypeDB:seedDB() blockTypeDB:addTemp('stairs', { { 0, nil, 0, 'east-up' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west-up' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-up' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-up' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east-down' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west-down' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'south-down' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'north-down' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('gate', { { 0, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'west' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('pumpkin', { { 0, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('anvil', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south'}, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 12, nil, 0 }, { 13, nil, 0 }, { 14, nil, 0 }, { 15, nil, 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('bed', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 8, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 9, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 10, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 11, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 12, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 13, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 14, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 15, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('comparator', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'east' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('quartz-pillar', { { 2, nil, 2 }, { 3, nil, 2, 'north-south-block' }, { 4, nil, 2, 'east-west-block' }, -- should be east-west-block }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('button', { { 1, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 5, nil, 0 }, -- block top }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('cauldron', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0 }, { 3, nil, 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('dispenser', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 9, nil, 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('hopper', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 9, nil, 0 }, { 10, nil, 0 }, { 11, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('mobhead', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('rail', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'south' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('adp-rail', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'south' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('signpost', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'east' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('vine', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0, 'south-block-vine' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'west-block-vine' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'south-block-vine' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'north-block-vine' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'south-block-vine' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'north-block-vine' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'south-block-vine' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'south-block-vine' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'east-block-vine' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('torch', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 5, nil, 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('tripwire', { { 0, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('trapdoor', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('piston', { -- piston placement is broken in 1.7 -- need to add work around { 0, nil, 0, 'piston-down' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'piston-up' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'piston-north' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'piston-south' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'piston-west' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'piston-east' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'piston-down' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'piston-up' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'piston-north' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'piston-south' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'piston-west' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'piston-east' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('lever', { { 0, nil, 0, 'up' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'up' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'up' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'up' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('wallsign-ladder', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('wallsign', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 2, 'minecraft:sign', 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, 'minecraft:sign', 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, 'minecraft:sign', 0, 'east-block' }, { 5, 'minecraft:sign', 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('chest-furnace', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('repeater', { { 0, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'west' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('flatten', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0 }, { 3, nil, 0 }, { 4, nil, 0 }, { 5, nil, 0 }, { 6, nil, 0 }, { 7, nil, 0 }, { 8, nil, 0 }, { 9, nil, 0 }, { 10, nil, 0 }, { 11, nil, 0 }, { 12, nil, 0 }, { 13, nil, 0 }, { 14, nil, 0 }, { 15, nil, 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('sapling', { { '+0', nil, nil }, { '+8', nil, nil }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('leaves', { { '+0', nil, nil }, { '+4', nil, nil }, { '+8', nil, nil }, { '+12', nil, nil }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('air', { { 0, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 1, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 2, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 3, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 4, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 5, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 6, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 7, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 8, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 9, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 10, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 11, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 12, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 13, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 14, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 15, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('truncate', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 2, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 3, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 4, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 5, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 6, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 7, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 8, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 9, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 10, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 11, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 12, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 13, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 14, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 15, 'minecraft:air', 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('slab', { { '+0', nil, nil, 'bottom' }, { '+8', nil, nil, 'top' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('largeplant', { { '+0', nil, nil, 'east-door' }, -- should use a generic double tall keyword { '+8', 'minecraft:air', 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('wood', { { '+0', nil, nil }, { '+4', nil, nil, 'east-west-block' }, { '+8', nil, nil, 'north-south-block' }, { '+12', nil, nil }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('door', { { 0, nil, 0, 'east-door' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'south-door' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'west-door' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-door' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east-door' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'south-door' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'west-door' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'north-door' }, { 8,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 9,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 10,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 11,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 12,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 13,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 14,'minecraft:air', 0 }, { 15,'minecraft:air', 0 }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('banner', { { 0, nil, 0, 'north' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'east' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 12, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 13, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 14, nil, 0, 'west' }, { 15, nil, 0, 'west' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('wall_banner', { { 0, nil, 0 }, { 1, nil, 0 }, { 2, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, }) blockTypeDB:addTemp('cocoa', { { 0, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 1, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 2, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 3, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 4, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 5, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 6, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 7, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, { 8, nil, 0, 'south-block' }, { 9, nil, 0, 'west-block' }, { 10, nil, 0, 'north-block' }, { 11, nil, 0, 'east-block' }, }) self.dirty = true self:flush() end local Blocks = class() function Blocks:init(args) Util.merge(self, args) self.blockDB = blockDB blockDB:load(self.dir) standardBlockDB:load(self.dir) blockTypeDB:load(self.dir) placementDB:load(self.dir, standardBlockDB, blockTypeDB) end -- for an ID / dmg (with placement info) - return the correct block (without the placment info embedded in the dmg) function Blocks:getRealBlock(id, dmg) local p = placementDB:get({id, dmg}) if p then return { id = p.sid, dmg = p.sdmg, direction = p.direction } end local b = blockDB:get({id, dmg}) if b then return { id = b.strId, dmg = b.dmg } end return { id = id, dmg = dmg } end return Blocks