local class = require('class') local Sound = require('sound') local UI = require('ui') local colors = _G.colors UI.Form = class(UI.Window) UI.Form.defaults = { UIElement = 'Form', values = { }, margin = 2, event = 'form_complete', cancelEvent = 'form_cancel', } function UI.Form:postInit() self:createForm() end function UI.Form:reset() for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.reset then child:reset() end end end function UI.Form:setValues(values) self:reset() self.values = values for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.formKey then -- this should be child:setValue(self.values[child.formKey]) -- so chooser can set default choice if null -- null should be valid as well child.value = self.values[child.formKey] or '' end end end function UI.Form:createForm() self.children = self.children or { } if not self.labelWidth then self.labelWidth = 1 for _, child in pairs(self) do if type(child) == 'table' and child.UIElement then if child.formLabel then self.labelWidth = math.max(self.labelWidth, #child.formLabel + 2) end end end end local y = self.margin for _, child in pairs(self) do if type(child) == 'table' and child.UIElement then if child.formKey then child.value = self.values[child.formKey] or '' end if child.formLabel then child.x = self.labelWidth + self.margin - 1 child.y = y if not child.width and not child.ex then child.ex = -self.margin end table.insert(self.children, UI.Text { x = self.margin, y = y, textColor = colors.black, width = #child.formLabel, value = child.formLabel, }) end if child.formKey or child.formLabel then y = y + 1 end end end if not self.manualControls then table.insert(self.children, UI.Button { y = -self.margin, x = -12 - self.margin, text = 'Ok', event = 'form_ok', }) table.insert(self.children, UI.Button { y = -self.margin, x = -7 - self.margin, text = 'Cancel', event = self.cancelEvent, }) end end function UI.Form:validateField(field) if field.required then if not field.value or #tostring(field.value) == 0 then return false, 'Field is required' end end if field.validate == 'numeric' then if #tostring(field.value) > 0 then if not tonumber(field.value) then return false, 'Invalid number' end end end return true end function UI.Form:save() for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.formKey then local s, m = self:validateField(child) if not s then self:setFocus(child) Sound.play('entity.villager.no', .5) self:emit({ type = 'form_invalid', message = m, field = child }) return false end end end for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.formKey then if (child.pruneEmpty and type(child.value) == 'string' and #child.value == 0) or (child.pruneEmpty and type(child.value) == 'boolean' and not child.value) then self.values[child.formKey] = nil elseif child.validate == 'numeric' then self.values[child.formKey] = tonumber(child.value) else self.values[child.formKey] = child.value end end end return true end function UI.Form:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'form_ok' then if not self:save() then return false end self:emit({ type = self.event, UIElement = self, values = self.values }) else return UI.Window.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end