local Ansi = require('opus.ansi') local Security = require('opus.security') local SHA = require('opus.crypto.sha2') local UI = require('opus.ui') local colors = _G.colors local os = _G.os local shell = _ENV.shell local splashIntro = [[First Time Setup %sThanks for installing Opus OS. The next screens will prompt you for basic settings for this computer.]] local labelIntro = [[Set a friendly name for this computer. %sNo spaces recommended.]] local passwordIntro = [[A password is required for wireless access. %sLeave blank to skip.]] local packagesIntro = [[Setup Complete %sOpen the package manager to add software to this computer.]] local contributorsIntro = [[Contributors%s Anavrins: Encryption/security/custom apps Community: Several selected applications hugeblank: Startup screen improvements LDDestroier: Art design + custom apps Lemmmy: Application improvements %sContribute at:%s https://github.com/kepler155c/opus]] local page = UI.Page { wizard = UI.Wizard { ey = -2, pages = { splash = UI.WizardPage { index = 1, intro = UI.TextArea { textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, x = 3, ex = -3, y = 2, ey = -2, value = string.format(splashIntro, Ansi.white), }, }, label = UI.WizardPage { index = 2, labelText = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'Label' }, label = UI.TextEntry { x = 9, y = 2, ex = -3, limit = 32, value = os.getComputerLabel(), }, intro = UI.TextArea { textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, x = 3, ex = -3, y = 4, ey = -3, value = string.format(labelIntro, Ansi.white), }, }, password = UI.WizardPage { index = 3, passwordLabel = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'Password' }, newPass = UI.TextEntry { x = 12, ex = -3, y = 2, limit = 32, mask = true, shadowText = 'password', }, --[[ groupLabel = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 3, value = 'Group' }, group = UI.TextEntry { x = 12, ex = -3, y = 3, limit = 32, shadowText = 'network group', }, ]] intro = UI.TextArea { textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, x = 3, ex = -3, y = 5, ey = -3, value = string.format(passwordIntro, Ansi.white), }, }, packages = UI.WizardPage { index = 4, button = UI.Button { x = 3, y = -3, text = 'Open Package Manager', event = 'packages', }, intro = UI.TextArea { textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, x = 3, ex = -3, y = 2, ey = -4, value = string.format(packagesIntro, Ansi.white), }, }, contributors = UI.WizardPage { index = 5, intro = UI.TextArea { textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, x = 3, ex = -3, y = 2, ey = -2, value = string.format(contributorsIntro, Ansi.white, Ansi.yellow, Ansi.white), }, }, }, }, notification = UI.Notification { }, } function page.wizard.pages.label:validate() os.setComputerLabel(self.label.value) return true end function page.wizard.pages.password:validate() if type(self.newPass.value) == "string" and #self.newPass.value > 0 then Security.updatePassword(SHA.compute(self.newPass.value)) end --[[ if #self.group.value > 0 then local config = Config.load('os') config.group = self.group.value Config.update('os', config) end ]] return true end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'skip' then self.wizard:emit({ type = 'nextView' }) elseif event.type == 'view_enabled' then event.view:focusFirst() elseif event.type == 'packages' then shell.openForegroundTab('PackageManager') elseif event.type == 'wizard_complete' or event.type == 'cancel' then UI.exitPullEvents() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end UI:setPage(page) UI:pullEvents()