local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local http = _G.http local install = _ENV.install local os = _G.os local injector if not install.testing then _ENV.BRANCH = 'develop-1.8' local url ='https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kepler155c/opus/develop-1.8/sys/apis/injector.lua' injector = load(http.get(url).readAll(), 'injector.lua', nil, _ENV)() else injector = _G.requireInjector end injector(_ENV) if not install.testing then if package then for _ = 1, 4 do table.remove(package.loaders, 1) end end end local Git = require('git') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local currentFile = '' local currentProgress = 0 local cancelEvent local args = { ... } local steps = install.steps[args[1] or 'install'] if not steps then error('Invalid install type') end local mode = steps[#steps] if UI.term.width < 32 then cancelEvent = 'quit' end local page = UI.Page { backgroundColor = colors.cyan, titleBar = UI.TitleBar { event = cancelEvent, }, wizard = UI.Wizard { y = 2, ey = -2, }, notification = UI.Notification(), accelerators = { q = 'quit', }, } local pages = { splash = UI.Viewport { }, review = UI.Viewport { }, license = UI.Viewport { backgroundColor = colors.black, }, branch = UI.Window { grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { ey = -3, columns = { { heading = 'Branch', key = 'branch' }, { heading = 'Description', key = 'description' }, }, values = install.branches, autospace = true, }, }, files = UI.Window { grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { ey = -3, columns = { { heading = 'Files', key = 'file' }, }, sortColumn = 'file', }, }, install = UI.Window { progressBar = UI.ProgressBar { y = -1, }, }, uninstall = UI.Window { progressBar = UI.ProgressBar { y = -1, }, }, } local function getFileList() if install.gitRepo then local gitFiles = Git.list(string.format('%s/%s', install.gitRepo, install.gitBranch or 'master')) install.files = { } install.diskspace = 0 for path, entry in pairs(gitFiles) do install.files[path] = entry.url install.diskspace = install.diskspace + entry.size end end if not install.files or Util.empty(install.files) then error('File list is missing or empty') end end --[[ Splash ]]-- function pages.splash:enable() page.titleBar.title = 'Installer v1.0' UI.Viewport.enable(self) end function pages.splash:draw() self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) self:print( string.format('%s v%s\n', install.title, install.version), nil, colors.yellow) self:print( string.format('By: %s\n\n%s\n', install.author, install.description)) self.ymax = self.cursorY end --[[ License ]]-- function pages.license:enable() page.titleBar.title = 'License Review' page.wizard.nextButton.text = 'Accept' UI.Viewport.enable(self) end function pages.license:draw() self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) self:print( string.format('Copyright (c) %s %s\n\n', install.copyrightYear, install.copyrightHolders), nil, colors.yellow) self:print(install.license) self.ymax = self.cursorY + 1 end --[[ Review ]]-- function pages.review:enable() if mode == 'uninstall' then page.nextButton.text = 'Remove' page.titleBar.title = 'Remove Installed Files' else page.wizard.nextButton.text = 'Begin' page.titleBar.title = 'Download and Install' end UI.Viewport.enable(self) end function pages.review:draw() self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) local text = 'Ready to begin installation.\n\nProceeding will download and install the files to the hard drive.' if mode == 'uninstall' then text = 'Ready to begin.\n\nProceeding will remove the files previously installed.' end self:print(text) self.ymax = self.cursorY + 1 end --[[ Files ]]-- function pages.files:enable() page.titleBar.title = 'Review Files' self.grid.values = { } for k,v in pairs(install.files) do table.insert(self.grid.values, { file = k, code = v }) end self.grid:update() UI.Window.enable(self) end function pages.files:draw() self:clear() local function formatSize(size) if size >= 1000000 then return string.format('%dM', math.floor(size/1000000, 2)) elseif size >= 1000 then return string.format('%dK', math.floor(size/1000, 2)) end return size end if install.diskspace then local bg = self.backgroundColor local diskFree = fs.getFreeSpace('/') if install.diskspace > diskFree then bg = colors.red end local text = string.format('Space Required: %s, Free: %s', formatSize(install.diskspace), formatSize(diskFree)) if #text > self.width then text = string.format('Space: %s Free: %s', formatSize(install.diskspace), formatSize(diskFree)) end self:write(1, self.height, Util.widthify(text, self.width), bg) end self.grid:draw() end --[[ function pages.files:view(url) local s, m = pcall(function() page.notification:info('Downloading') page:sync() Util.download(url, '/.source') end) page.notification:disable() if s then shell.run('edit /.source') fs.delete('/.source') page:draw() page.notification:cancel() else page.notification:error(m:gsub('.*: (.*)', '%1')) end end function pages.files:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then self:view(event.selected.code) return true end end --]] local function drawCommon(self) if currentFile then self:write(1, 3, 'File:') self:write(1, 4, Util.widthify(currentFile, self.width)) else self:write(1, 3, 'Finished') end if self.failed then self:write(1, 5, Util.widthify(self.failed, self.width), colors.red) end self:write(1, self.height - 1, 'Progress') self.progressBar.value = currentProgress self.progressBar:draw() self:sync() end --[[ Branch ]]-- function pages.branch:enable() page.titleBar.title = 'Select Branch' UI.Window.enable(self) end function pages.branch:eventHandler(event) -- user is navigating to next view (not previous) if event.type == 'enable_view' and event.next then install.gitBranch = self.grid:getSelected().branch getFileList() end end --[[ Install ]]-- function pages.install:enable() page.wizard.cancelButton:disable() page.wizard.previousButton:disable() page.wizard.nextButton:disable() page.titleBar.title = 'Installing...' page.titleBar.event = nil UI.Window.enable(self) page:draw() page:sync() local i = 0 local numFiles = Util.size(install.files) for filename,url in pairs(install.files) do currentFile = filename currentProgress = i / numFiles * 100 self:draw(self) self:sync() local s, m = pcall(function() Util.download(url, fs.combine(install.directory or '', filename)) end) if not s then self.failed = m:gsub('.*: (.*)', '%1') break end i = i + 1 end if not self.failed then currentProgress = 100 currentFile = nil if install.postInstall then local s, m = pcall(function() install.postInstall(page, UI) end) if not s then self.failed = m:gsub('.*: (.*)', '%1') end end end page.wizard.nextButton.text = 'Exit' page.wizard.nextButton.event = 'quit' if not self.failed and install.rebootAfter then page.wizard.nextButton.text = 'Reboot' page.wizard.nextButton.event = 'reboot' end page.wizard.nextButton:enable() page:draw() page:sync() if not self.failed and Util.key(args, 'automatic') then if install.rebootAfter then os.reboot() else UI:exitPullEvents() end end end function pages.install:draw() self:clear() local text = 'The files are being installed' if #text > self.width then text = 'Installing files' end self:write(1, 1, text, nil, colors.yellow) drawCommon(self) end --[[ Uninstall ]]-- function pages.uninstall:enable() page.wizard.cancelButton:disable() page.wizard.previousButton:disable() page.wizard.nextButton:disable() page.titleBar.title = 'Uninstalling...' page.titleBar.event = nil page:draw() page:sync() UI.Window.enable(self) local function pruneDir(dir) if #dir > 0 then if fs.exists(dir) then local files = fs.list(dir) if #files == 0 then fs.delete(dir) pruneDir(fs.getDir(dir)) end end end end local i = 0 local numFiles = Util.size(install.files) for k in pairs(install.files) do currentFile = k currentProgress = i / numFiles * 100 self:draw() self:sync() fs.delete(k) pruneDir(fs.getDir(k)) i = i + 1 end currentProgress = 100 currentFile = nil page.wizard.nextButton.text = 'Exit' page.wizard.nextButton.event = 'quit' page.wizard.nextButton:enable() page:draw() page:sync() end function pages.uninstall:draw() self:clear() self:write(1, 1, 'Uninstalling files', nil, colors.yellow) drawCommon(self) end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'cancel' then UI:exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'reboot' then os.reboot() elseif event.type == 'quit' then UI:exitPullEvents() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page:enable() UI.Page.enable(self) self:setFocus(page.wizard.nextButton) if UI.term.width < 32 then page.wizard.cancelButton:disable() page.wizard.previousButton.x = 2 end end getFileList() local wizardPages = { } for k,v in ipairs(steps) do if not pages[v] then error('Invalid step: ' .. v) end wizardPages[k] = pages[v] wizardPages[k].index = k wizardPages[k].x = 2 wizardPages[k].y = 2 wizardPages[k].ey = -3 wizardPages[k].ex = -2 end page.wizard:add(wizardPages) if Util.key(steps, 'install') and install.preInstall then install.preInstall(page, UI) end UI:setPage(page) local s, m = pcall(function() UI:pullEvents() end) if not s then UI.term:reset() _G.printError(m) end