local Ansi = require('ansi') local Packages = require('packages') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors local term = _G.term UI:configure('PackageManager', ...) local page = UI.Page { grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { x = 2, ex = 14, y = 2, ey = -5, values = { }, columns = { { heading = 'Package', key = 'name' }, }, sortColumn = 'name', autospace = true, help = 'Select a package', }, add = UI.Button { x = 2, y = -3, text = 'Install', event = 'action', help = 'Install or update', }, remove = UI.Button { x = 12, y = -3, text = 'Remove ', event = 'action', operation = 'uninstall', operationText = 'Remove', help = 'Remove', }, description = UI.TextArea { x = 16, y = 3, ey = -5, marginRight = 0, marginLeft = 0, --backgroundColor = colors.white, }, load = UI.Button { x = 22, y = -3, text = 'Update packages', event = 'reload', help = 'Download the latest package list', }, action = UI.SlideOut { backgroundColor = colors.brown, y = 3, titleBar = UI.TitleBar { backgroundColor = colors.brown, event = 'hide-action', }, button = UI.Button { x = -10, y = 3, text = ' Begin ', event = 'begin', }, output = UI.Embedded { y = 5, ey = -2, x = 2, ex = -2, }, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { }, } function page:loadPackages() self.grid.values = { } self.statusBar:setStatus('Downloading...') self:sync() for k in pairs(Packages:list()) do local manifest = Packages:getManifest(k) if not manifest then manifest = { invalid = true, description = 'Unable to download manifest', title = '', } end table.insert(self.grid.values, { installed = not not Packages:isInstalled(k), name = k, manifest = manifest, }) end self.grid:update() self.grid:setIndex(1) self.grid:emit({ type = 'grid_focus_row', selected = self.grid:getSelected(), element = self.grid, }) self.statusBar:setStatus('Updated packages') end function page.grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if row.installed then return colors.yellow end return UI.Grid.getRowTextColor(self, row, selected) end function page.action:show() self.output.win:clear() UI.SlideOut.show(self) --self.output:draw() --self.output.win.redraw() end function page:run(operation, name) local oterm = term.redirect(self.action.output.win) self.action.output:clear() local cmd = string.format('package %s %s', operation, name) term.setCursorPos(1, 1) term.clear() term.setTextColor(colors.yellow) print(cmd .. '\n') term.setTextColor(colors.white) local s, m = Util.run(_ENV, '/sys/apps/package.lua', operation, name) if not s and m then _G.printError(m) end term.redirect(oterm) self.action.output:draw() end function page:updateSelection(selected) self.add.operation = selected.installed and 'update' or 'install' self.add.operationText = selected.installed and 'Update' or 'Install' self.add.text = selected.installed and 'Update' or 'Install' self.remove.inactive = not selected.installed self.add:draw() self.remove:draw() end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'focus_change' then self.statusBar:setStatus(event.focused.help) elseif event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then local manifest = event.selected.manifest self.description.value = string.format('%s%s\n\n%s%s', Ansi.yellow, manifest.title, Ansi.white, manifest.description) self.description:draw() self:updateSelection(event.selected) elseif event.type == 'reload' then Packages:downloadList() self:loadPackages() elseif event.type == 'action' then local selected = self.grid:getSelected() if selected then self.operation = event.button.operation self.action.button.text = event.button.operationText self.action.titleBar.title = selected.manifest.title self.action.button.text = ' Begin ' self.action.button.event = 'begin' self.action:show() end elseif event.type == 'hide-action' then self.action:hide() elseif event.type == 'begin' then local selected = self.grid:getSelected() self:run(self.operation, selected.name) selected.installed = Packages:isInstalled(selected.name) self:updateSelection(selected) self.action.button.text = ' Done ' self.action.button.event = 'hide-action' self.action.button:draw() elseif event.type == 'quit' then UI:exitPullEvents() end UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end page:loadPackages() UI:setPage(page) UI:pullEvents()