local os = _G.os local parallel = _G.parallel local peripheral = _G.peripheral local settings = _G.settings local term = _G.term local name = settings.get('kiosk.monitor') if not name then peripheral.find('monitor', function(s) name = s end) end local mon = name and peripheral.wrap(name) if mon then print("Opus OS is running in Kiosk mode, and the screen will be redirected to the monitor. To undo this, go to the boot option menu by pressing a key while booting, then select the option 2.") term.redirect(mon) mon.setTextScale(tonumber(settings.get('kiosk.textscale')) or 1) parallel.waitForAny( function() os.run(_ENV, '/sys/boot/opus.boot') end, function() while true do local event, side, x, y = os.pullEventRaw('monitor_touch') if event == 'monitor_touch' and side == name then os.queueEvent('mouse_click', 1, x, y) os.queueEvent('mouse_up', 1, x, y) end end end ) else os.run(_ENV, '/sys/boot/opus.boot') end