local os = _G.os local parallel = _G.parallel local peripheral = _G.peripheral local settings = _G.settings local term = _G.term local name = settings.get('kiosk.monitor') if not name then peripheral.find('monitor', function(s) name = s end) end local mon = name and peripheral.wrap(name) if mon then term.redirect(mon) mon.setTextScale(tonumber(settings.get('kiosk.textscale')) or 1) parallel.waitForAny( function() os.run(_ENV, '/sys/boot/opus.boot') end, function() while true do local event, side, x, y = os.pullEventRaw('monitor_touch') if event == 'monitor_touch' and side == name then os.queueEvent('mouse_click', 1, x, y) os.queueEvent('mouse_up', 1, x, y) end end end ) else os.run(_ENV, '/sys/boot/opus.boot') end