local Security = require('opus.security') local SHA = require('opus.crypto.sha2') local UI = require('opus.ui') local colors = _G.colors local passwordTab = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'Password', description = 'Wireless network password', newPass = UI.TextEntry { x = 3, ex = -3, y = 3, limit = 32, mask = true, shadowText = 'new password', accelerators = { enter = 'new_password', }, }, button = UI.Button { x = 3, y = 5, text = 'Update', event = 'update_password', }, info = UI.TextArea { x = 3, ex = -3, y = 7, textColor = colors.yellow, inactive = true, value = 'Add a password to enable other computers to connect to this one.', } } function passwordTab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'update_password' then if not self.newPass.value or #self.newPass.value == 0 then self:emit({ type = 'error_message', message = 'Invalid password' }) else Security.updatePassword(SHA.compute(self.newPass.value)) self:emit({ type = 'success_message', message = 'Password updated' }) end return true end end return passwordTab