-- Get file to edit local tArgs = { ... } if #tArgs == 0 then error( "Usage: edit " ) end -- Error checking local sPath = shell.resolve( tArgs[1] ) local bReadOnly = fs.isReadOnly( sPath ) if fs.exists( sPath ) and fs.isDir( sPath ) then error( "Cannot edit a directory." ) end if multishell then multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), sPath) end local x, y = 1, 1 local w, h = term.getSize() local scrollX = 0 local scrollY = 0 local lastPos = { x = 1, y = 1 } local tLines = { } local bRunning = true local sStatus = "" local isError local fileInfo local dirty = { y = 1, ey = h } local mark = { anchor, active, continue } local keyboard local clipboard = { size, internal } local searchPattern local undo = { chain = { }, pointer = 0 } local complete = { } if _G.__CLIPBOARD then clipboard = _G.__CLIPBOARD else _G.__CLIPBOARD = clipboard end local color = { textColor = '0', keywordColor = '4', commentColor = 'd', stringColor = 'e', bgColor = colors.black, highlightColor = colors.orange, cursorColor = colors.lime, errorBackground = colors.red, } if not term.isColor() then color = { textColor = '0', keywordColor = '8', commentColor = '8', stringColor = '8', bgColor = colors.black, highlightColor = colors.lightGray, cursorColor = colors.white, errorBackground = colors.gray, } end local keyMapping = { -- movement up = 'up', down = 'down', left = 'left', right = 'right', pageUp = 'pageUp', [ 'control-b' ] = 'pageUp', pageDown = 'pageDown', -- [ 'control-f' ] = 'pageDown', home = 'home', [ 'end' ] = 'toend', [ 'control-home' ] = 'top', [ 'control-end' ] = 'bottom', [ 'control-right' ] = 'word', [ 'control-left' ] = 'backword', [ 'scrollUp' ] = 'scroll_up', [ 'control-up' ] = 'scroll_up', [ 'scrollDown' ] = 'scroll_down', [ 'control-down' ] = 'scroll_down', [ 'mouse_click' ] = 'goto', [ 'control-l' ] = 'goto_line', -- marking [ 'shift-up' ] = 'mark_up', [ 'shift-down' ] = 'mark_down', [ 'shift-left' ] = 'mark_left', [ 'shift-right' ] = 'mark_right', [ 'mouse_drag' ] = 'mark_to', [ 'shift-mouse_click' ] = 'mark_to', [ 'control-a' ] = 'mark_all', [ 'control-shift-right' ] = 'mark_word', [ 'control-shift-left' ] = 'mark_backword', [ 'shift-end' ] = 'mark_end', [ 'shift-home' ] = 'mark_home', -- editing delete = 'delete', backspace = 'backspace', enter = 'enter', char = 'char', paste = 'paste', tab = 'tab', [ 'control-z' ] = 'undo', [ 'control-space' ] = 'autocomplete', -- copy/paste [ 'control-x' ] = 'cut', [ 'control-c' ] = 'copy', [ 'control-v' ] = 'paste', [ 'control-t' ] = 'toggle_clipboard', -- file [ 'control-s' ] = 'save', [ 'control-q' ] = 'exit', [ 'control-enter' ] = 'run', -- search [ 'control-f' ] = 'find_prompt', [ 'control-slash' ] = 'find_prompt', [ 'control-n' ] = 'find_next', -- misc [ 'control-g' ] = 'status', [ 'control-r' ] = 'refresh', [ 'leftCtrl' ] = 'menu', } local messages = { menu = '^s: save, ^q: quit, ^enter: run', wrapped = 'search hit BOTTOM, continuing at TOP', } if w < 32 then messages = { menu = '^s = save, ^q = quit', wrapped = 'search wrapped', } end local function getFileInfo(path) local abspath = shell.resolve(path) local fi = { abspath = abspath, path = path, isNew = not fs.exists(abspath), dirExists = fs.exists(fs.getDir(abspath)), modified = false, } if fi.isDir then fi.isReadOnly = true else fi.isReadOnly = fs.isReadOnly(fi.abspath) end return fi end local function setStatus(pattern, ...) sStatus = string.format(pattern, ...) end local function setError(pattern, ...) setStatus(pattern, ...) isError = true end local function load(path) tLines = {} if fs.exists(path) then local file = io.open(path, "r") local sLine = file:read() while sLine do table.insert(tLines, sLine) sLine = file:read() end file:close() end if #tLines == 0 then table.insert(tLines, '') end fileInfo = getFileInfo(tArgs[1]) local name = fileInfo.path if w < 32 then name = fs.getName(fileInfo.path) end if fileInfo.isNew then if not fileInfo.dirExists then setStatus('"%s" [New DIRECTORY]', name) else setStatus('"%s" [New File]', name) end elseif fileInfo.isReadOnly then setStatus('"%s" [readonly] %dL, %dC', name, #tLines, fs.getSize(fileInfo.abspath)) else setStatus('"%s" %dL, %dC', name, #tLines, fs.getSize(fileInfo.abspath)) end end local function save( _sPath ) -- Create intervening folder local sDir = _sPath:sub(1, _sPath:len() - fs.getName(_sPath):len() ) if not fs.exists( sDir ) then fs.makeDir( sDir ) end -- Save local file = nil local function innerSave() file = fs.open( _sPath, "w" ) if file then for n, sLine in ipairs( tLines ) do file.write(sLine .. "\n") end else error( "Failed to open ".._sPath ) end end local ok, err = pcall( innerSave ) if file then file.close() end return ok, err end local function split(str, pattern) pattern = pattern or "(.-)\n" local t = {} local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end helper((str:gsub(pattern, helper))) return t end local tKeywords = { ["and"] = true, ["break"] = true, ["do"] = true, ["else"] = true, ["elseif"] = true, ["end"] = true, ["false"] = true, ["for"] = true, ["function"] = true, ["if"] = true, ["in"] = true, ["local"] = true, ["nil"] = true, ["not"] = true, ["or"] = true, ["repeat"] = true, ["return"] = true, ["then"] = true, ["true"] = true, ["until"]= true, ["while"] = true, } local function writeHighlighted(sLine, ny) local buffer = { fg = '', text = '', } local function tryWrite(sLine, regex, fgcolor) local match = sLine:match(regex) if match then local fg if type(fgcolor) == "string" then fg = fgcolor else fg = fgcolor(match) end buffer.text = buffer.text .. match buffer.fg = buffer.fg .. string.rep(fg, #match) return sLine:sub(#match + 1) end return nil end while #sLine > 0 do sLine = tryWrite(sLine, "^%-%-%[%[.-%]%]", color.commentColor ) or tryWrite(sLine, "^%-%-.*", color.commentColor ) or tryWrite(sLine, "^\".-[^\\]\"", color.stringColor ) or tryWrite(sLine, "^\'.-[^\\]\'", color.stringColor ) or tryWrite(sLine, "^%[%[.-%]%]", color.stringColor ) or tryWrite(sLine, "^[%w_]+", function(match) if tKeywords[match] then return color.keywordColor end return color.textColor end) or tryWrite(sLine, "^[^%w_]", color.textColor) end buffer.fg = buffer.fg .. '7' buffer.text = buffer.text .. '.' if mark.active and ny >= mark.y and ny <= mark.ey then local sx = 1 if ny == mark.y then sx = mark.x end local ex = #buffer.text if ny == mark.ey then ex = mark.ex end buffer.bg = string.rep('f', sx - 1) .. string.rep('7', ex - sx) .. string.rep('f', #buffer.text - ex + 1) else buffer.bg = string.rep('f', #buffer.text) end term.blit(buffer.text, buffer.fg, buffer.bg) end local function redraw() if dirty.y > 0 then term.setBackgroundColor(color.bgColor) for dy = 1, h do local sLine = tLines[dy + scrollY] if sLine ~= nil then if dy + scrollY >= dirty.y and dy + scrollY <= dirty.ey then term.setCursorPos(1 - scrollX, dy) term.clearLine() writeHighlighted(sLine, dy + scrollY) end else term.setCursorPos(1 - scrollX, dy) term.clearLine() end end end -- Draw status if #sStatus > 0 then if isError then term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.setBackgroundColor(color.errorBackground) else term.setTextColor(color.highlightColor) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) end term.setCursorPos(1, h) term.clearLine() term.write(string.format(' %s ', sStatus)) end if not (w < 32 and #sStatus > 0) then local clipboardIndicator = 'S' if clipboard.internal then clipboardIndicator = 'I' end local modifiedIndicator = ' ' if undo.chain[1] then modifiedIndicator = '*' end local str = string.format(' %d:%d %s%s', y, x, clipboardIndicator, modifiedIndicator) term.setTextColor(color.highlightColor) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) term.setCursorPos(w - #str + 1, h) term.write(str) end term.setTextColor(color.cursorColor) term.setCursorPos(x - scrollX, y - scrollY) dirty.y, dirty.ey = 0, 0 if #sStatus > 0 then sStatus = '' dirty.y = scrollY + h dirty.ey = dirty.y end isError = false end local function nextWord(line, cx) local result = { line:find("(%w+)", cx) } if #result > 1 and result[2] > cx then return result[2] + 1 elseif #result > 0 and result[1] == cx then result = { line:find("(%w+)", result[2] + 1) } if #result > 0 then return result[1] end end end local function hacky_read() local _oldSetCursorPos = term.setCursorPos local _oldGetCursorPos = term.getCursorPos term.setCursorPos = function(x, y) return _oldSetCursorPos(x, h) end term.getCursorPos = function() local x, y = _oldGetCursorPos() return x, 1 end local s, m = pcall(function() return read() end) term.setCursorPos = _oldSetCursorPos term.getCursorPos = _oldGetCursorPos if s then return m end if m == 'Terminated' then bRunning = false end return '' end local actions local __actions = { input = function(prompt) term.setTextColor(color.highlightColor) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray) term.setCursorPos(1, h) term.clearLine() term.write(prompt) local str = hacky_read() term.setCursorBlink(true) keyboard.shift, keyboard.control = false, false term.setCursorPos(x - scrollX, y - scrollY) actions.dirty_line(scrollY + h) return str end, undo = function() local last = table.remove(undo.chain) if last then undo.active = true actions[last.action](unpack(last.args)) undo.active = false else setStatus('Already at oldest change') end end, addUndo = function(entry) local last = undo.chain[#undo.chain] if last and last.action == entry.action then --[[ debug('---') debug(last) debug(last.args) debug(entry) debug(entry.args) ]]-- if last.action == 'deleteText' then if last.args[3] == entry.args[1] and last.args[4] == entry.args[2] then last.args = { last.args[1], last.args[2], entry.args[3], entry.args[4], last.args[5] .. entry.args[5] } else table.insert(undo.chain, entry) end else -- insertText (need to finish) table.insert(undo.chain, entry) end else table.insert(undo.chain, entry) end end, autocomplete = function() if keyboard.lastAction ~= 'autocomplete' or not complete.results then local sLine = tLines[y]:sub(1, x - 1) local nStartPos = sLine:find("[a-zA-Z0-9_%.]+$") if nStartPos then sLine = sLine:sub(nStartPos) end if #sLine > 0 then complete.results = textutils.complete(sLine) else complete.results = { } end complete.index = 0 complete.x = x end if #complete.results == 0 then setError('No completions available') elseif #complete.results == 1 then actions.insertText(x, y, complete.results[1]) complete.results = nil elseif #complete.results > 1 then local prefix = complete.results[1] for n = 1, #complete.results do local result = complete.results[n] while #prefix > 0 do if result:find(prefix, 1, true) == 1 then break end prefix = prefix:sub(1, #prefix - 1) end end if #prefix > 0 then actions.insertText(x, y, prefix) complete.results = nil else if complete.index > 0 then actions.deleteText(complete.x, y, complete.x + #complete.results[complete.index], y) end complete.index = complete.index + 1 if complete.index > #complete.results then complete.index = 1 end actions.insertText(complete.x, y, complete.results[complete.index]) end end end, refresh = function() actions.dirty_all() mark.continue = mark.active setStatus('refreshed') end, menu = function() setStatus(messages.menu) mark.continue = mark.active end, goto_line = function() local lineNo = tonumber(actions.input('Line: ')) if lineNo then actions.goto(1, lineNo) else setStatus('Invalid line number') end end, find = function(pattern, sx) local nLines = #tLines for i = 1, nLines + 1 do local ny = y + i - 1 if ny > nLines then ny = ny - nLines end local nx = tLines[ny]:lower():find(pattern, sx) if nx then if ny < y or ny == y and nx <= x then setStatus(messages.wrapped) end actions.goto(nx, ny) actions.mark_to(nx + #pattern, ny) actions.goto(nx, ny) return end sx = 1 end setError('Pattern not found') end, find_next = function() if searchPattern then actions.unmark() actions.find(searchPattern, x + 1) end end, find_prompt = function() local text = actions.input('/') if #text > 0 then searchPattern = text:lower() if searchPattern then actions.unmark() actions.find(searchPattern, x) end end end, save = function() if bReadOnly then setError("Access denied") else local ok, err = save(sPath) if ok then setStatus('"%s" %dL, %dC written', fileInfo.path, #tLines, fs.getSize(fileInfo.abspath)) else setError("Error saving to %s", sPath) end end end, exit = function() bRunning = false end, run = function() local sTempPath = "/.temp" local ok, err = save(sTempPath) if ok then local nTask = shell.openTab(sTempPath) if nTask then shell.switchTab(nTask) else setError("Error starting Task") end os.sleep(0) fs.delete(sTempPath) else setError("Error saving to %s", sTempPath) end end, status = function() local modified = '' if undo.chain[1] then modified = '[Modified] ' end setStatus('"%s" %s%d lines --%d%%--', fileInfo.path, modified, #tLines, math.floor((y - 1) / (#tLines - 1) * 100)) end, dirty_line = function(dy) if dirty.y == 0 then dirty.y = dy dirty.ey = dy else dirty.y = math.min(dirty.y, dy) dirty.ey = math.max(dirty.ey, dy) end end, dirty_range = function(dy, dey) actions.dirty_line(dy) actions.dirty_line(dey or #tLines) end, dirty = function() actions.dirty_line(y) end, dirty_all = function() actions.dirty_line(1) actions.dirty_line(#tLines) end, mark_begin = function() actions.dirty() if not mark.active then mark.active = true mark.anchor = { x = x, y = y } end end, mark_finish = function() if y == mark.anchor.y then if x == mark.anchor.x then mark.active = false else mark.x = math.min(mark.anchor.x, x) mark.y = y mark.ex = math.max(mark.anchor.x, x) mark.ey = y end elseif y < mark.anchor.y then mark.x = x mark.y = y mark.ex = mark.anchor.x mark.ey = mark.anchor.y else mark.x = mark.anchor.x mark.y = mark.anchor.y mark.ex = x mark.ey = y end actions.dirty() mark.continue = mark.active end, unmark = function() if mark.active then actions.dirty_range(mark.y, mark.ey) mark.active = false end end, mark_to = function(nx, ny) actions.mark_begin() actions.goto(nx, ny) actions.mark_finish() end, mark_up = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.up() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_right = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.right() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_down = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.down() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_left = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.left() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_word = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.word() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_backword = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.backword() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_home = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.home() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_end = function() actions.mark_begin() actions.toend() actions.mark_finish() end, mark_all = function() mark.anchor = { x = 1, y = 1 } mark.active = true mark.continue = true mark.x = 1 mark.y = 1 mark.ey = #tLines mark.ex = #tLines[mark.ey] + 1 actions.dirty_all() end, setCursor = function(newX, newY) local oldX, oldY = lastPos.x, lastPos.y lastPos.x = x lastPos.y = y local screenX = x - scrollX local screenY = y - scrollY if screenX < 1 then scrollX = x - 1 screenX = 1 actions.dirty_all() elseif screenX > w then scrollX = x - w screenX = w actions.dirty_all() end if screenY < 1 then scrollY = y - 1 screenY = 1 actions.dirty_all() elseif screenY > h - 1 then scrollY = y - (h - 1) screenY = h - 1 actions.dirty_all() end end, top = function() actions.goto(1, 1) end, bottom = function() y = #tLines x = #tLines[y] + 1 end, up = function() if y > 1 then x = math.min(x, #tLines[y - 1] + 1) y = y - 1 end end, down = function() if y < #tLines then x = math.min(x, #tLines[y + 1] + 1) y = y + 1 end end, tab = function() if mark.active then actions.delete() end actions.insertText(x, y, ' ') end, pageUp = function() actions.goto(x, y - (h - 1)) end, pageDown = function() actions.goto(x, y + (h - 1)) end, home = function() x = 1 end, toend = function() x = #tLines[y] + 1 end, left = function() if x > 1 then x = x - 1 elseif y > 1 then x = #tLines[y - 1] + 1 y = y - 1 else return false end return true end, right = function() if x < #tLines[y] + 1 then x = x + 1 elseif y < #tLines then x = 1 y = y + 1 end end, word = function() local nx = nextWord(tLines[y], x) if nx then x = nx elseif x < #tLines[y] + 1 then x = #tLines[y] + 1 elseif y < #tLines then x = 1 y = y + 1 end end, backword = function() if x == 1 then actions.left() else local sLine = tLines[y] local lx = 1 while true do local nx = nextWord(sLine, lx) if not nx or nx >= x then break end lx = nx end if not lx then x = 1 else x = lx end end end, insertText = function(sx, sy, text) x = sx y = sy local sLine = tLines[y] if not text:find('\n') then tLines[y] = sLine:sub(1, x - 1) .. text .. sLine:sub(x) actions.dirty_line(y) x = x + #text else local lines = split(text) local remainder = sLine:sub(x) tLines[y] = sLine:sub(1, x - 1) .. lines[1] actions.dirty_range(y, #tLines + #lines) x = x + #lines[1] for k = 2, #lines do y = y + 1 table.insert(tLines, y, lines[k]) x = #lines[k] + 1 end tLines[y] = tLines[y]:sub(1, x) .. remainder end if not undo.active then actions.addUndo( { action = 'deleteText', args = { sx, sy, x, y, text } }) end end, deleteText = function(sx, sy, ex, ey) x = sx y = sy if not undo.active then local text = actions.copyText(sx, sy, ex, ey) actions.addUndo( { action = 'insertText', args = { sx, sy, text } }) end local front = tLines[sy]:sub(1, sx - 1) local back = tLines[ey]:sub(ex, #tLines[ey]) for k = 2, ey - sy + 1 do table.remove(tLines, y + 1) end tLines[y] = front .. back if sy ~= ey then actions.dirty_range(y) else actions.dirty() end end, copyText = function(csx, csy, cex, cey) local count = 0 local lines = { } for y = csy, cey do local line = tLines[y] if line then local x = 1 local ex = #line if y == csy then x = csx end if y == cey then ex = cex - 1 end local str = line:sub(x, ex) count = count + #str table.insert(lines, str) end end return table.concat(lines, '\n'), count end, delete = function() if mark.active then actions.deleteText(mark.x, mark.y, mark.ex, mark.ey) else local nLimit = #tLines[y] + 1 if x < nLimit then actions.deleteText(x, y, x + 1, y) elseif y < #tLines then actions.deleteText(x, y, 1, y + 1) end end end, backspace = function() if mark.active then actions.delete() elseif actions.left() then actions.delete() end end, enter = function() local sLine = tLines[y] local _,spaces = sLine:find("^[ ]+") if not spaces then spaces = 0 end spaces = math.min(spaces, x - 1) if mark.active then actions.delete() end actions.insertText(x, y, '\n' .. string.rep(' ', spaces)) end, char = function(ch) if mark.active then actions.delete() end actions.insertText(x, y, ch) end, toggle_clipboard = function() clipboard.internal = not clipboard.internal if clipboard.internal then setStatus('Using internal clipboard') else setStatus('Using system clipboard') end end, copy_marked = function() clipboard.lines, clipboard.size = actions.copyText(mark.x, mark.y, mark.ex, mark.ey) setStatus('%d chars copied', clipboard.size) clipboard.internal = true end, cut = function() if mark.active then actions.copy_marked() actions.delete() end end, copy = function() if mark.active then actions.copy_marked() mark.continue = true end end, paste = function(text) if mark.active then actions.delete() end if clipboard.internal then if clipboard.lines then actions.insertText(x, y, clipboard.lines) setStatus('%d chars added', clipboard.size) else setStatus('Internal clipboard empty') end else actions.insertText(x, y, text) setStatus('%d chars added', #text) end end, goto = function(cx, cy) y = math.min(math.max(cy, 1), #tLines) x = math.min(math.max(cx, 1), #tLines[y] + 1) end, scroll_up = function() if scrollY > 0 then scrollY = scrollY - 1 actions.dirty_all() end mark.continue = mark.active end, scroll_down = function() local nMaxScroll = #tLines - (h-1) if scrollY < nMaxScroll then scrollY = scrollY + 1 actions.dirty_all() end mark.continue = mark.active end, } actions = __actions -- Actual program functionality begins load(sPath) term.setCursorBlink(true) redraw() if not keyboard then keyboard = { control, shift, combo } function keyboard:translate(event, code) if event == 'key' then local ch = keys.getName(code) if ch then if code == keys.leftCtrl or code == keys.rightCtrl then self.control = true self.combo = false return end if code == keys.leftShift or code == keys.rightShift then self.shift = true self.combo = false return end if self.shift then if #ch > 1 then ch = 'shift-' .. ch elseif self.control then -- will create control-X -- better than shift-control-x ch = ch:upper() end self.combo = true end if self.control then ch = 'control-' .. ch self.combo = true -- even return numbers such as -- control-seven return ch end -- filter out characters that will be processed in -- the subsequent char event if ch and #ch > 1 and (code < 2 or code > 11) then return ch end end elseif event == 'key_up' then if code == keys.leftCtrl or code == keys.rightCtrl then self.control = false elseif code == keys.leftShift or code == keys.rightShift then self.shift = false else return end -- only send through the shift / control event if it wasn't -- used in combination with another event if not self.combo then return keys.getName(code) end elseif event == 'char' then if not self.control then self.combo = true return event end elseif event == 'mouse_click' then local buttons = { 'mouse_click', 'mouse_rightclick', 'mouse_doubleclick' } self.combo = true if self.shift then return 'shift-' .. buttons[code] end return buttons[code] elseif event == "mouse_scroll" then local directions = { [ -1 ] = 'scrollUp', [ 1 ] = 'scrollDown' } return directions[code] elseif event == 'paste' then self.combo = true return event elseif event == 'mouse_drag' then return event end end end while bRunning do local sEvent, param, param2, param3 = os.pullEventRaw() local action if sEvent == 'terminate' then action = 'exit' elseif sEvent == "mouse_click" or sEvent == 'mouse_drag' then if param3 < h or sEvent == 'mouse_drag' then local ch = keyboard:translate(sEvent, param) if ch then action = keyMapping[ch] param = param2 + scrollX param2 = param3 + scrollY end end else local ch = keyboard:translate(sEvent, param) if ch then action = keyMapping[ch] end end if action then if not actions[action] then error('Invaid action: ' .. action) end local wasMarking = mark.continue mark.continue = false actions[action](param, param2) if action ~= 'menu' then keyboard.lastAction = action end if x ~= lastPos.x or y ~= lastPos.y then actions.setCursor() end if not mark.continue and wasMarking then actions.unmark() end redraw() elseif sEvent == "term_resize" then w,h = term.getSize() actions.setCursor(x, y) actions.dirty_all() redraw() end end -- Cleanup term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.white) term.clear() term.setCursorBlink(false) term.setCursorPos(1, 1)