local Util = require('util') local fs = _G.fs local textutils = _G.textutils local PACKAGE_DIR = 'packages' local Packages = { } function Packages:installed() local list = { } if fs.exists(PACKAGE_DIR) then for _, dir in pairs(fs.list(PACKAGE_DIR)) do local path = fs.combine(fs.combine(PACKAGE_DIR, dir), '.package') list[dir] = Util.readTable(path) end end return list end function Packages:list() return Util.readTable('usr/config/packages') or { } end function Packages:isInstalled(package) return self:installed()[package] end function Packages:downloadList() local packages = { [ 'develop-1.8' ] = 'https://pastebin.com/raw/WhEiNGZE', [ 'master-1.8' ] = 'https://pastebin.com/raw/pexZpAxt', } if packages[_G.OPUS_BRANCH] then Util.download(packages[_G.OPUS_BRANCH], 'usr/config/packages') end end function Packages:downloadManifest(package) local list = self:list() local url = list and list[package] if url then local c = Util.httpGet(url) if c then c = textutils.unserialize(c) if c then c.repository = c.repository:gsub('{{OPUS_BRANCH}}', _G.OPUS_BRANCH) return c end end end end function Packages:getManifest(package) local fname = 'packages/' .. package .. '/.package' if fs.exists(fname) then local c = Util.readTable(fname) if c and c.repository then c.repository = c.repository:gsub('{{OPUS_BRANCH}}', _G.OPUS_BRANCH) return c end end return self:downloadManifest(package) end return Packages