-- Lua may be called from outside of shell - inject a require _G.requireInjector(_ENV) local History = require('history') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors local os = _G.os local textutils = _G.textutils local term = _G.term local _exit local sandboxEnv = setmetatable(Util.shallowCopy(_ENV), { __index = _G }) sandboxEnv.exit = function() _exit = true end sandboxEnv._echo = function( ... ) return { ... } end _G.requireInjector(sandboxEnv) UI:configure('Lua', ...) local command = '' local counter = 1 local history = History.load('usr/.lua_history', 25) local page = UI.Page { menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = 'Local', event = 'local' }, { text = 'Global', event = 'global' }, { text = 'Device', event = 'device', name = 'Device' }, }, }, prompt = UI.TextEntry { y = 2, shadowText = 'enter command', limit = 1024, accelerators = { enter = 'command_enter', up = 'history_back', down = 'history_forward', mouse_rightclick = 'clear_prompt', [ 'control-space' ] = 'autocomplete', }, }, tabs = UI.Tabs { y = 3, [1] = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'Formatted', grid = UI.ScrollingGrid { columns = { { heading = 'Key', key = 'name' }, { heading = 'Value', key = 'value' }, }, sortColumn = 'name', autospace = true, }, }, [2] = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'Output', output = UI.Embedded { visible = true, maxScroll = 1000, backgroundColor = colors.black, }, }, }, } page.grid = page.tabs[1].grid page.output = page.tabs[2].output function page:setPrompt(value, focus) self.prompt:setValue(value) if value:sub(-1) == ')' then self.prompt:setPosition(#value - 1) else self.prompt:setPosition(#value) end self.prompt:draw() if focus then page:setFocus(self.prompt) end end function page:enable() UI.Page.enable(self) self:setFocus(self.prompt) end local function autocomplete(env, oLine, x) local sLine = oLine:sub(1, x) local nStartPos = sLine:find("[a-zA-Z0-9_%.]+$") if nStartPos then sLine = sLine:sub(nStartPos) end if #sLine > 0 then local results = textutils.complete(sLine, env) if #results == 1 then return Util.insertString(oLine, results[1], x + 1) elseif #results > 1 then local prefix = results[1] for n = 1, #results do local result = results[n] while #prefix > 0 do if result:find(prefix, 1, true) == 1 then break end prefix = prefix:sub(1, #prefix - 1) end end if #prefix > 0 then return Util.insertString(oLine, prefix, x + 1) end end end return oLine end function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'global' then self:setPrompt('_G', true) self:executeStatement('_G') command = nil elseif event.type == 'local' then self:setPrompt('_ENV', true) self:executeStatement('_ENV') command = nil elseif event.type == 'hide_output' then self.output:disable() self.titleBar.oy = -1 self.titleBar.event = 'show_output' self.titleBar.closeInd = '^' self.titleBar:resize() self.grid.ey = -2 self.grid:resize() self:draw() elseif event.type == 'tab_select' then self:setFocus(self.prompt) elseif event.type == 'show_output' then self.tabs:selectTab(self.tabs[2]) elseif event.type == 'autocomplete' then local sz = #self.prompt.value local pos = self.prompt.entry.pos self:setPrompt(autocomplete(sandboxEnv, self.prompt.value, self.prompt.entry.pos)) self.prompt:setPosition(pos + #self.prompt.value - sz) self.prompt:updateCursor() elseif event.type == 'device' then self:setPrompt('device', true) self:executeStatement('device') elseif event.type == 'history_back' then local value = history:back() if value then self:setPrompt(value) end elseif event.type == 'history_forward' then self:setPrompt(history:forward() or '') elseif event.type == 'clear_prompt' then self:setPrompt('') history:reset() elseif event.type == 'command_enter' then local s = tostring(self.prompt.value) if #s > 0 then self:executeStatement(s) else local t = { } for k = #history.entries, 1, -1 do table.insert(t, { name = #t + 1, value = history.entries[k], isHistory = true, pos = k, }) end history:reset() command = nil self.grid:setValues(t) self.grid:setIndex(1) self.grid:adjustWidth() self:draw() end return true else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page:setResult(result) local t = { } local function safeValue(v) if type(v) == 'string' or type(v) == 'number' then return v end return tostring(v) end if type(result) == 'table' then for k,v in pairs(result) do local entry = { name = safeValue(k), rawName = k, value = safeValue(v), rawValue = v, } if type(v) == 'table' then if Util.size(v) == 0 then entry.value = 'table: (empty)' else entry.value = tostring(v) end end table.insert(t, entry) end else table.insert(t, { name = type(result), value = tostring(result), rawValue = result, }) end self.grid:setValues(t) self.grid:setIndex(1) self.grid:adjustWidth() self:draw() end function page.grid:eventHandler(event) local entry = self:getSelected() local function commandAppend() if entry.isHistory then --history.setPosition(entry.pos) return entry.value end if type(entry.rawValue) == 'function' then if command then return command .. '.' .. entry.name .. '()' end return entry.name .. '()' end if command then if type(entry.rawName) == 'number' then return command .. '[' .. entry.name .. ']' end if entry.name:match("%W") or entry.name:sub(1, 1):match("%d") then return command .. "['" .. tostring(entry.name) .. "']" end return command .. '.' .. entry.name end return entry.name end if event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then if self.focused then page:setPrompt(commandAppend()) end elseif event.type == 'grid_select' then page:setPrompt(commandAppend(), true) page:executeStatement(commandAppend()) elseif event.type == 'copy' then if entry then os.queueEvent('clipboard_copy', entry.rawValue) end else return UI.ScrollingGrid.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function page:rawExecute(s) local fn, m local wrapped fn = load('return (' ..s.. ')', 'lua', nil, sandboxEnv) if fn then fn = load('return {' ..s.. '}', 'lua', nil, sandboxEnv) wrapped = true end if fn then fn, m = pcall(fn) if #m <= 1 and wrapped then m = m[1] end else fn, m = load(s, 'lua', nil, sandboxEnv) if fn then fn, m = pcall(fn) end end if fn then if m or wrapped then local bg, fg = term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor() term.setTextColor(colors.cyan) term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.write(string.format('out [%d]: ', counter)) term.setBackgroundColor(bg) term.setTextColor(fg) Util.print(m or 'nil') end else _G.printError(m) end return fn, m end function page:executeStatement(statement) command = statement history:add(statement) history:back() local s, m local oterm = term.redirect(self.output.win) self.output.win.scrollBottom() local bg, fg = term.getBackgroundColor(), term.getTextColor() term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.setTextColor(colors.green) term.write(string.format('in [%d]: ', counter)) term.setBackgroundColor(bg) term.setTextColor(fg) print(tostring(statement)) pcall(function() s, m = self:rawExecute(command) end) term.redirect(oterm) counter = counter + 1 if s and m then self:setResult(m) else self.grid:setValues({ }) self.grid:draw() if m and not self.output.enabled then self:emit({ type = 'show_output' }) end end if _exit then UI:exitPullEvents() end end local args = { ... } if args[1] then command = 'args[1]' sandboxEnv.args = args page:setResult(args[1]) end UI:setPage(page) UI:pullEvents()