if not turtle then error('Must be run on a turtle') end require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local class = require('class') local Event = require('event') local Message = require('message') local Logger = require('logger') local UI = require('ui') local Schematic = require('schematic') local Profile = require('profile') local TableDB = require('tableDB') local MEProvider = require('meProvider') local Blocks = require('blocks') local Point = require('point') local ChestProvider = require('chestProvider') if os.getVersion() == 1.8 then ChestProvider = require('chestProvider18') end Logger.filter('modem_send', 'event', 'ui') if device.wireless_modem then Logger.setWirelessLogging() else Logger.setDaemonLogging() end local BUILDER_DIR = 'usr/builder' local schematic = Schematic() local blocks = Blocks({ dir = BUILDER_DIR }) local Builder = { version = '1.70', ccVersion = nil, slots = { }, index = 1, mode = 'build', fuelItem = { id = 'minecraft:coal', dmg = 0 }, resourceSlots = 15, facing = 'south', confirmFacing = false, } local pistonFacings --[[-- SubDB --]]-- subDB = TableDB({ fileName = fs.combine(BUILDER_DIR, 'sub.db'), tabledef = { autokeys = false, columns = { { name = 'Key', type = 'key', length = 8 }, { name = 'id', type = 'number', length = 5 }, { name = 'dmg', type = 'number', length = 2 }, { name = 'refid', type = 'number', length = 5 }, { name = 'refdmg', type = 'number', length = 2 }, } } }) function subDB:load() if fs.exists(self.fileName) then TableDB.load(self) else self:seedDB() end end function subDB:seedDB() self.data = { [ "minecraft:redstone_wire:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:redstone", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:redstone_wire", }, [ "minecraft:wall_sign:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:sign", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:wall_sign", }, [ "minecraft:standing_sign:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:sign", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:standing_sign", }, [ "minecraft:potatoes:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:potato", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:potatoes", }, --[[ [ "minecraft:dirt:1" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:dirt", dmg = 1, id = "minecraft:dirt", }, ]]-- [ "minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:redstone", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:unlit_redstone_torch", }, [ "minecraft:powered_repeater:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:repeater", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:powered_repeater", }, [ "minecraft:unpowered_repeater:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:repeater", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:unpowered_repeater", }, [ "minecraft:carrots:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:carrot", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:carrots", }, [ "minecraft:cocoa:0" ] = { sdmg = 3, sid = "minecraft:dye", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:cocoa", }, [ "minecraft:unpowered_comparator:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:comparator", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:unpowered_comparator", }, [ "minecraft:piston_head:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:air", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:piston_head", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:1" ] = { sdmg = 1, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 1, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:2" ] = { sdmg = 2, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 2, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:3" ] = { sdmg = 3, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 3, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:4" ] = { sdmg = 4, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 4, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_wooden_slab:5" ] = { sdmg = 5, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 5, id = "minecraft:double_wooden_slab", }, [ "minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:redstone_lamp", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:lit_redstone_lamp", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:1" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:sandstone", dmg = 1, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:2" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:planks", dmg = 2, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:3" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:cobblestone", dmg = 3, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:4" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:brick_block", dmg = 4, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:5" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:stonebrick", dmg = 5, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:6" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:nether_brick", dmg = 6, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:7" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:quartz_block", dmg = 7, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab:9" ] = { sdmg = 2, sid = "minecraft:sandstone", dmg = 9, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:double_stone_slab2:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:sandstone", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:double_stone_slab2", }, [ "minecraft:stone_slab:2" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:wooden_slab", dmg = 2, id = "minecraft:stone_slab", }, [ "minecraft:wheat:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:wheat_seeds", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:wheat", }, [ "minecraft:flowing_water:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:air", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:flowing_water", }, [ "minecraft:lit_furnace:0" ] = { sdmg = 0, sid = "minecraft:furnace", dmg = 0, id = "minecraft:lit_furnace", }, } self.dirty = true self:flush() end function subDB:add(s) TableDB.add(self, { s.id, s.dmg}, s) self:flush() end function subDB:remove(s) -- TODO: tableDB.remove should take table key TableDB.remove(self, s.id .. ':' .. s.dmg) self:flush() end function subDB:getSubstitutedItem(id, dmg) local sub = TableDB.get(self, { id, dmg }) if sub then return { id = sub.sid, dmg = sub.sdmg } end return { id = id, dmg = dmg } end function subDB:lookupBlocksForSub(sid, sdmg) local t = { } for k,v in pairs(self.data) do if v.sid == sid and v.sdmg == sdmg then t[k] = v end end return t end --[[-- maxStackDB --]]-- maxStackDB = TableDB({ fileName = fs.combine(BUILDER_DIR, 'maxstack.db'), tabledef = { autokeys = false, type = 'simple', columns = { { label = 'Key', type = 'key', length = 8 }, { label = 'Quantity', type = 'number', length = 2 }, } } }) function maxStackDB:get(id, dmg) return self.data[id .. ':' .. dmg] or 64 end --[[-- Spinner --]]-- UI.Spinner = class() function UI.Spinner:init(args) local defaults = { UIElement = 'Spinner', timeout = .095, x = 1, y = 1, c = os.clock(), spinIndex = 0, spinSymbols = { '-', '/', '|', '\\' } } defaults.x, defaults.y = term.getCursorPos() defaults.startX = defaults.x defaults.startY = defaults.y UI.setProperties(self, defaults) UI.setProperties(self, args) end function UI.Spinner:spin(text) local cc = os.clock() if cc > self.c + self.timeout then term.setCursorPos(self.x, self.y) local str = self.spinSymbols[self.spinIndex % #self.spinSymbols + 1] if text then str = str .. ' ' .. text end term.write(str) self.spinIndex = self.spinIndex + 1 self.c = cc os.sleep(0) end end function UI.Spinner:stop(text) term.setCursorPos(self.x, self.y) local str = string.rep(' ', #self.spinSymbols) if text then str = str .. ' ' .. text end term.write(str) term.setCursorPos(self.startX, self.startY) end --[[-- Builder --]]-- function Builder:getBlockCounts() local blocks = { } -- add a couple essential items to the supply list to allow replacements local wrench = subDB:getSubstitutedItem('SubstituteAWrench', 0) wrench.qty = 0 wrench.need = 1 blocks[wrench.id .. ':' .. wrench.dmg] = wrench local fuel = subDB:getSubstitutedItem(Builder.fuelItem.id, Builder.fuelItem.dmg) fuel.qty = 0 fuel.need = 1 blocks[fuel.id .. ':' .. fuel.dmg] = fuel blocks['minecraft:piston:0'] = { id = 'minecraft:piston', dmg = 0, qty = 0, need = 1, } for k,b in ipairs(schematic.blocks) do if k >= self.index then local key = tostring(b.id) .. ':' .. b.dmg local block = blocks[key] if not block then block = Util.shallowCopy(b) block.qty = 0 block.need = 0 blocks[key] = block end blocks[key].need = blocks[key].need + 1 end end return blocks end function Builder:selectItem(id, dmg) for k,s in ipairs(self.slots) do if s.qty > 0 and s.id == id and s.dmg == dmg then -- check to see if someone pulled items from inventory -- or we passed over a hopper if turtle.getItemCount(s.index) > 0 then if k > 1 and s.qty > 1 then table.remove(self.slots, k) table.insert(self.slots, 1, s) end turtle.select(s.index) return s end end end end function Builder:getAirResupplyList(blockIndex) local slots = { } if self.mode == 'destroy' then for i = 1, self.resourceSlots do slots[i] = { qty = 0, need = 0, index = i } end else slots, _ = self:getGenericSupplyList(blockIndex) end local fuel = subDB:getSubstitutedItem(Builder.fuelItem.id, Builder.fuelItem.dmg) slots[15] = { id = 'minecraft:chest', dmg = 0, qty = 0, need = 1, index = 15, } slots[16] = { id = fuel.id, dmg = fuel.dmg, wrench = true, qty = 0, need = 64, index = 16, } return slots end function Builder:getSupplyList(blockIndex) local slots, lastBlock = self:getGenericSupplyList(blockIndex) slots[15] = { id = 'minecraft:piston', dmg = 0, qty = 0, need = 1, index = 15, } local wrench = subDB:getSubstitutedItem('SubstituteAWrench', 0) slots[16] = { id = wrench.id, dmg = wrench.dmg, wrench = true, qty = 0, need = 1, index = 16, } self.slots = slots return lastBlock end function Builder:getGenericSupplyList(blockIndex) local slots = { } for i = 1, self.resourceSlots do slots[i] = { qty = 0, need = 0, index = i } end local function getSlot(id, dmg) -- find matching slot local maxStack = maxStackDB:get(id, dmg) for _, s in ipairs(slots) do if s.id == id and s.dmg == dmg and s.need < maxStack then return s end end -- return first available slot for _, s in ipairs(slots) do if not s.id then s.key = id .. ':' .. dmg s.id = id s.dmg = dmg return s end end end local lastBlock = blockIndex for k = blockIndex, #schematic.blocks do lastBlock = k local b = schematic.blocks[k] if b.id ~= 'minecraft:air' then local slot = getSlot(b.id, b.dmg) if not slot then break end slot.need = slot.need + 1 end end for _,s in pairs(slots) do if s.id then s.name = blocks.blockDB:getName(s.id, s.dmg) end end return slots, lastBlock end function Builder:substituteBlocks() local throttle = Util.throttle() for _,b in pairs(schematic.blocks) do -- replace schematic block type with substitution local pb = blocks:getRealBlock(b.id, b.dmg) b.id = pb.id b.dmg = pb.dmg b.direction = pb.direction local sub = subDB:get({ b.id, b.dmg }) if sub then b.id = sub.sid b.dmg = sub.sdmg end throttle() end end function Builder:dumpInventory() local success = true for i = 1, 16 do local qty = turtle.getItemCount(i) if qty > 0 then self.itemProvider:insert(i, qty) end if turtle.getItemCount(i) ~= 0 then success = false end end turtle.select(1) return success end function Builder:dumpInventoryWithCheck() while not self:dumpInventory() do Logger.log('builder', 'Unable to dump inventory') print('Provider is full or missing - make space or replace') print('Press enter to continue') turtle.setHeading(0) read() end end function Builder:autocraft(supplies) local t = { } for i,s in pairs(supplies) do local key = s.id .. ':' .. s.dmg local item = t[key] if not item then item = { id = s.id, dmg = s.dmg, qty = 0, } t[key] = item end item.qty = item.qty + (s.need - s.qty) end Builder.itemProvider:craftItems(t) end function Builder:getSupplies() self.itemProvider:refresh() local t = { } for _,s in ipairs(self.slots) do if s.need > 0 then local item = self.itemProvider:getItemInfo(s.id, s.dmg) if item then s.name = item.name local qty = math.min(s.need - s.qty, item.qty) if qty + s.qty > item.max_size then maxStackDB:add({ s.id, s.dmg }, item.max_size) maxStackDB.dirty = true maxStackDB:flush() qty = item.max_size s.need = qty end if qty > 0 then self.itemProvider:provide(item, qty, s.index) s.qty = turtle.getItemCount(s.index) end else s.name = blocks.blockDB:getName(s.id, s.dmg) end end if s.qty < s.need then table.insert(t, s) local name = s.name or s.id .. ':' .. s.dmg Logger.log('builder', 'Need %d %s', s.need - s.qty, name) end end return t end Event.addHandler('build', function() Builder:build() end) function Builder:refuel() while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 4000 and self.fuelItem do Logger.log('builder', 'Refueling') turtle.select(1) local fuel = subDB:getSubstitutedItem(self.fuelItem.id, self.fuelItem.dmg) self.itemProvider:provide(fuel, 64, 1) if turtle.getItemCount(1) == 0 then Logger.log('builder', 'Out of fuel, add fuel to chest/ME system') print('Out of fuel, add fuel to chest/ME system') turtle.setHeading(0) turtle.status = 'waiting' os.sleep(5) else turtle.refuel(64) end end end function Builder:inAirDropoff() if not device.wireless_modem then return false end self:log('Requesting air supply drop for supply #: ' .. 1) while true do Message.broadcast('needSupplies', { point = turtle.getPoint(), uid = 1 }) local _, id, msg, _ = Message.waitForMessage('gotSupplies', 1) if not msg or not msg.contents then Message.broadcast('supplyList', { uid = 1, slots = self:getAirResupplyList() }) return false end turtle.status = 'waiting' if msg.contents.point then local pt = msg.contents.point self:log('Received supply location') os.sleep(0) turtle.goto(pt.x, pt.z, pt.y) os.sleep(.1) -- random computer is not connected error local chestProvider = ChestProvider({ direction = 'down', wrapSide = 'top' }) if not chestProvider:isValid() then self:log('Chests above is not valid') return false end local oldProvider = self.itemProvider self.itemProvider = chestProvider if not self:dumpInventory() then self:log('Unable to dump inventory') self.itemProvider = oldProvider return false end self.itemProvider = oldProvider Message.broadcast('thanks', { }) for i = 1,12 do -- wait til supplier is idle before sending next request if turtle.detectUp() then os.sleep(.25) end end os.sleep(.1) Message.broadcast('supplyList', { uid = 1, slots = self:getAirResupplyList() }) return true end end end function Builder:inAirResupply() if not device.wireless_modem then return false end local oldProvider = self.itemProvider self:log('Requesting air supply drop for supply #: ' .. self.slotUid) while true do Message.broadcast('needSupplies', { point = turtle.getPoint(), uid = Builder.slotUid }) local _, id, msg, _ = Message.waitForMessage('gotSupplies', 1) if not msg or not msg.contents then self.itemProvider = oldProvider return false end turtle.status = 'waiting' if msg.contents.point then local pt = msg.contents.point self:log('Received supply location') os.sleep(0) turtle.goto(pt.x, pt.z, pt.y) os.sleep(.1) -- random computer is not connected error local chestProvider = ChestProvider({ direction = 'down', wrapSide = 'top' }) if not chestProvider:isValid() then Util.print('not valid') read() end self.itemProvider = chestProvider if not self:dumpInventory() then self.itemProvider = oldProvider return false end self:refuel() local lastBlock = self:getSupplyList(self.index) local supplies = self:getSupplies() Message.broadcast('thanks', { }) self.itemProvider = oldProvider if #supplies == 0 then for i = 1,12 do -- wait til supplier is idle before sending next request if turtle.detectUp() then os.sleep(.25) end end os.sleep(.1) if lastBlock < #schematic.blocks then self:sendSupplyRequest(lastBlock) else Message.broadcast('finished') end return true end self:log('Missing supplies - manually resupplying') return false end end end function Builder:sendSupplyRequest(lastBlock) local slots = self:getAirResupplyList(lastBlock) self.slotUid = os.clock() Message.broadcast('supplyList', { uid = self.slotUid, slots = slots }) end function Builder:resupply() if self.slotUid and self:inAirResupply() then os.queueEvent('build') return end turtle.status = 'resupplying' self:log('Resupplying') turtle.gotoYlast(turtle.getLocation('supplies')) os.sleep(.1) -- random 'Computer is not connected' error... self:dumpInventoryWithCheck() self:refuel() local lastBlock = self:getSupplyList(self.index) if lastBlock < #schematic.blocks then self:sendSupplyRequest(lastBlock) elseif device.wireless_modem then Message.broadcast('finished') end os.sleep(1) local supplies = self:getSupplies() if #supplies == 0 then os.queueEvent('build') else turtle.setHeading(0) self:autocraft(supplies) Logger.log('builder', 'Waiting for supplies') supplyPage:setSupplies(supplies) UI:setPage('supply') end end function Builder:placeDown(slot) return turtle.placeDown(slot.index) end function Builder:placeUp(slot) return turtle.placeUp(slot.index) end function Builder:place(slot) return turtle.place(slot.index) end function Builder:getWrenchSlot() local wrench = subDB:getSubstitutedItem('SubstituteAWrench', 0) return Builder:selectItem(wrench.id, wrench.dmg) end function Builder:getTurtleFacing() if os.getVersion() == 1.8 then local directions = { -- reversed directions [5] = 'west', [3] = 'north', [4] = 'east', [2] = 'south', } if self:selectItem('minecraft:piston', 0) then turtle.placeUp() local _, bi = turtle.inspectUp() turtle.digUp() return directions[bi.metadata] end return end return Builder.facing end function Builder:wrenchBlock(side, facing) local s = Builder:getWrenchSlot() if not s then b.needResupply = true return false end local key = turtle.point.heading .. '-' .. facing local count = pistonFacings[side][key] if count then turtle.select(s.index) for i = 1,count do turtle.getAction(side).place() end return true end local directions = { [5] = 'east', [3] = 'south', [4] = 'west', [2] = 'north', [0] = 'down', [1] = 'up', } if turtle.getHeadingInfo(facing).heading < 4 then local offsetDirection = (turtle.getHeadingInfo(Builder.facing).heading + turtle.getHeadingInfo(facing).heading) % 4 facing = turtle.getHeadingInfo(offsetDirection).direction end count = 0 print('determining wrench count') for i = 1, 6 do local _, bi = turtle.getAction(side).inspect() local pistonFacing = directions[bi.metadata] if facing == pistonFacing then pistonFacings[side][key] = count return true end count = count + 1 turtle.getAction(side).place() end return false end -- place piston, wrench piston to face downward, extend, remove piston function Builder:placePiston(b) local ps = Builder:selectItem('minecraft:piston', 0) local ws = Builder:getWrenchSlot() if not ps or not ws then b.needResupply = true -- a hopper may have eaten the piston return end if not turtle.place(ps.index) then return end local success = self:wrenchBlock('forward', 'down') --wrench piston to point downwards rs.setOutput('front', true) os.sleep(.25) rs.setOutput('front', false) os.sleep(.25) turtle.select(ps.index) turtle.dig() return success end function Builder:goto(x, z, y, heading) if not turtle.goto(x, z, y, heading) then Logger.log('builder', 'stuck') print('stuck') print('Press enter to continue') os.sleep(1) turtle.status = 'stuck' read() end end -- goto used when turtle could be below travel plane -- if the distance is no more than 1 block, there's no need to pop back to the travel plane function Builder:gotoEx(x, z, y, h, travelPlane) local distance = math.abs(turtle.getPoint().x - x) + math.abs(turtle.getPoint().z - z) -- following code could be better if distance == 0 then turtle.gotoY(y) elseif distance == 1 then if turtle.point.y < y then turtle.gotoY(y) end elseif distance > 1 then self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) end self:goto(x, z, y, h) end function Builder:placeDirectionalBlock(b, slot, travelPlane) local d = b.direction local function getAdjacentPoint(pt, direction) local hi = turtle.getHeadingInfo(direction) return { x = pt.x + hi.xd, z = pt.z + hi.zd, y = pt.y + hi.yd, heading = (hi.heading + 2) % 4 } end local directions = { [ 'north' ] = 'north', [ 'south' ] = 'south', [ 'east' ] = 'east', [ 'west' ] = 'west', } if directions[d] then self:gotoEx(b.x, b.z, b.y, turtle.getHeadingInfo(directions[d]).heading, travelPlane) b.placed = self:placeDown(slot) end if d == 'top' then self:gotoEx(b.x, b.z, b.y+1, nil, travelPlane) if self:placeDown(slot) then turtle.goback() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) end end if d == 'bottom' then local t = { [1] = getAdjacentPoint(b, 'east'), [2] = getAdjacentPoint(b, 'south'), [3] = getAdjacentPoint(b, 'west'), [4] = getAdjacentPoint(b, 'north'), } local c = Point.closest(turtle.getPoint(), t) self:gotoEx(c.x, c.z, c.y, c.heading, travelPlane) if self:place(slot) then turtle.up() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) end end local stairDownDirections = { [ 'north-down' ] = 'north', [ 'south-down' ] = 'south', [ 'east-down' ] = 'east', [ 'west-down' ] = 'west' } if stairDownDirections[d] then self:gotoEx(b.x, b.z, b.y+1, turtle.getHeadingInfo(stairDownDirections[d]).heading, travelPlane) if self:placeDown(slot) then turtle.goback() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) end end local stairUpDirections = { [ 'north-up' ] = 'south', [ 'south-up' ] = 'north', [ 'east-up' ] = 'west', [ 'west-up' ] = 'east' } if stairUpDirections[d] then local isSouth = (turtle.getHeadingInfo(Builder.facing).heading + turtle.getHeadingInfo(stairUpDirections[d]).heading) % 4 == 1 if os.getVersion() == 1.8 then isSouth = false -- no stair bug in this version end if isSouth then -- for some reason, the south facing stair doesn't place correctly -- jump through some hoops to place it self:gotoEx(b.x, b.z, b.y, (turtle.getHeadingInfo(stairUpDirections[d]).heading + 2) % 4, travelPlane) if self:placeUp(slot) then turtle.goback() turtle.gotoY(turtle.point.y + 2) b.placed = self:placePiston(b) turtle.down() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) b.heading = turtle.point.heading -- stop debug message below since we are pointing in wrong direction end else local hi = turtle.getHeadingInfo(stairUpDirections[d]) self:gotoEx(b.x - hi.xd, b.z - hi.zd, b.y, hi.heading, travelPlane) if self:place(slot) then turtle.up() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) end end end local horizontalDirections = { [ 'east-west-block' ] = { 'east', 'west' }, [ 'north-south-block' ] = { 'north', 'south' }, } if horizontalDirections[d] then local t = { [1] = getAdjacentPoint(b, horizontalDirections[d][1]), [2] = getAdjacentPoint(b, horizontalDirections[d][2]), } local c = Point.closest(turtle.getPoint(), t) self:gotoEx(c.x, c.z, c.y, c.heading, travelPlane) if self:place(slot) then turtle.up() b.placed = self:placePiston(b) end end local pistonDirections = { [ 'piston-north' ] = 'north', [ 'piston-south' ] = 'south', [ 'piston-west' ] = 'west', [ 'piston-east' ] = 'east', [ 'piston-down' ] = 'down', [ 'piston-up' ] = 'up', } if pistonDirections[d] then -- why are pistons so broke in cc 1.7 ?????????????????????? local ws = Builder:getWrenchSlot() if not ws then b.needResupply = true -- a hopper may have eaten the piston return false end -- piston turns relative to turtle position :) local rotatedPistonDirections = { [ 'piston-east' ] = 0, [ 'piston-south' ] = 1, [ 'piston-west' ] = 2, [ 'piston-north' ] = 3, } self:gotoEx(b.x, b.z, b.y, nil, travelPlane) local heading = rotatedPistonDirections[d] if heading and turtle.point.heading % 2 ~= heading % 2 then turtle.setHeading(heading) end if self:placeDown(slot) then b.placed = self:wrenchBlock('down', pistonDirections[d]) end end local doorDirections = { [ 'east-door' ] = 'east', [ 'south-door' ] = 'south', [ 'west-door' ] = 'west', [ 'north-door' ] = 'north', } if doorDirections[d] then local hi = turtle.getHeadingInfo(doorDirections[d]) self:gotoEx(b.x - hi.xd, b.z - hi.zd, b.y - 2, hi.heading, travelPlane) -- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- if turtle.down() then -- if not turtle.detectDown() then -- if turtle.down() then b.placed = self:place(slot) -- end -- end -- end -- end end local blockDirections = { [ 'north-block' ] = 'north', [ 'south-block' ] = 'south', [ 'east-block' ] = 'east', [ 'west-block' ] = 'west', } if blockDirections[d] then local hi = turtle.getHeadingInfo(blockDirections[d]) self:gotoEx(b.x - hi.xd, b.z - hi.zd, b.y-1, hi.heading, travelPlane) b.placed = self:place(slot) end -- debug if d ~= 'top' and d ~= 'bottom' and not horizontalDirections[d] and not pistonDirections[d] then if not b.heading or turtle.getHeading() ~= b.heading then self:log(d .. ' - ' .. turtle.getHeading() .. ' - ' .. (b.heading or 'nil')) --read() end end return b.placed end function Builder:reloadSchematic() schematic:reload() self:substituteBlocks() end function Builder:log(...) Logger.log('builder', ...) Util.print(...) end function Builder:logBlock(index, b) local bdir = b.direction or '' local logText = string.format('%d %s:%d (x:%d,z:%d:y:%d) %s', index, b.id, b.dmg, b.x, b.z, b.y, bdir) self:log(logText) -- self:log(b.index) -- unique identifier of block if device.wireless_modem then Message.broadcast('builder', { x = b.x, y = b.y, z = b.z, heading = b.heading }) end if b.info then Logger.debug(b.info) end end function Builder:saveProgress(index) Util.writeTable( fs.combine(BUILDER_DIR, schematic.filename .. '.progress'), { index = index, facing = Builder.facing } ) end function Builder:loadProgress(filename) local progress = Util.readTable(fs.combine(BUILDER_DIR, filename)) if progress then Builder.index = progress.index if Builder.index > #schematic.blocks then Builder.index = 1 end Builder.facing = progress.facing or 'south' end end -- find the highest y in the last 2 planes function Builder:findTravelPlane(index) local travelPlane for i = index, 1, -1 do local b = schematic.blocks[i] if not travelPlane or b.y > travelPlane then -- if not b.twoHigh then travelPlane = b.y Logger.log('builder', 'adjusting travelPlane') Logger.log('builder', b) --read() -- end elseif travelPlane and travelPlane - b.y > 2 then break end end return travelPlane or 0 end function Builder:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) if travelPlane > turtle.getPoint().y then turtle.gotoY(travelPlane) end end function Builder:build() local direction = 1 local last = #schematic.blocks local travelPlane = 0 local minFuel = schematic.height + schematic.width + schematic.length + 100 if self.mode == 'destroy' then direction = -1 last = 1 turtle.status = 'destroying' else travelPlane = self:findTravelPlane(self.index) turtle.status = 'building' if not self.confirmFacing then local facing = self:getTurtleFacing() if facing then self.confirmFacing = true self.facing = facing end end end UI:setPage('blank') for i = self.index, last, direction do self.index = i local b = schematic.blocks[i] if b.id ~= 'minecraft:air' then if self.mode == 'destroy' then b.heading = nil -- don't make the supplier follow the block heading self:logBlock(self.index, b) if b.y ~= turtle.getPoint().y then turtle.gotoY(b.y) end self:goto(b.x, b.z, b.y) turtle.digDown() -- if no supplier, then should fill all slots if turtle.getItemCount(self.resourceSlots) > 0 or turtle.getFuelLevel() < minFuel then Logger.log('builder', 'Dropping off inventory') if turtle.getFuelLevel() < minFuel or not self:inAirDropoff() then turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') os.sleep(.1) -- random 'Computer is not connected' error... self:dumpInventoryWithCheck() self:refuel() end turtle.status = 'destroying' end else -- Build mode local slot = Builder:selectItem(b.id, b.dmg) if not slot or turtle.getFuelLevel() < minFuel then if turtle.getPoint().x > -1 or turtle.getPoint().z > -1 then self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) end self:resupply() return end if b.y > travelPlane then travelPlane = b.y end self:logBlock(self.index, b) if b.direction then b.needResupply = false self:placeDirectionalBlock(b, slot, travelPlane) if b.needResupply then -- lost our piston in a hopper probably self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) self:resupply() return end else self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) self:goto(b.x, b.z, b.y) b.placed = self:placeDown(slot) end if b.placed then slot.qty = slot.qty - 1 else Logger.log('builder', 'failed to place block') print('failed to place block') end end self:saveProgress(self.index+1) elseif (i % 50) == 0 then -- is Air os.sleep(0) -- sleep in case there are a large # of skipped blocks end if turtle.abort then turtle.status = 'aborting' self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') turtle.setHeading(0) Builder:dumpInventory() Event.exitPullEvents() UI.term:reset() print('Aborted') return end end Message.broadcast('finished') self:gotoTravelPlane(travelPlane) turtle.gotoLocation('supplies') turtle.setHeading(0) Builder:dumpInventory() for i = 1, 4 do turtle.turnRight() end --self.index = 1 --os.queueEvent('build') Event.exitPullEvents() UI.term:reset() fs.delete(schematic.filename .. '.progress') Logger.log('builder', 'Finished') print('Finished') end --[[-- blankPage --]]-- blankPage = UI.Page() function blankPage:draw() self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) end function blankPage:enable() self:sync() UI.Page.enable(self) end --[[-- selectSubstitutionPage --]]-- selectSubstitutionPage = UI.Page({ titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ title = 'Select a substitution', previousPage = 'listing' }), grid = UI.ScrollingGrid({ columns = { { heading = 'id', key = 'id' }, { heading = 'dmg', key = 'dmg' }, }, sortColumn = 'odmg', height = UI.term.height-1, autospace = true, y = 2, }), }) function selectSubstitutionPage:enable() self.grid:adjustWidth() self.grid:setIndex(1) UI.Page.enable(self) end function selectSubstitutionPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_select' then substitutionPage.sub = event.selected UI:setPage(substitutionPage) elseif event.type == 'key' and event.key == 'q' then UI:setPreviousPage() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end --[[-- substitutionPage --]]-- substitutionPage = UI.Page({ backgroundColor = colors.gray, titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ previousPage = true, title = 'Substitute a block' }), menuBar = UI.MenuBar({ y = 2, buttons = { { text = 'Accept', event = 'accept', help = 'Accept' }, { text = 'Revert', event = 'revert', help = 'Restore to original' }, { text = 'Air', event = 'air', help = 'Air' }, }, }), info = UI.Window({ y = 4, width = UI.term.width, height = 3 }), grid = UI.ScrollingGrid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = UI.term.width-9 }, { heading = 'Qty', key = 'fQty', width = 5 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', height = UI.term.height-7, y = 7, }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar() }) substitutionPage.menuBar:add({ filterLabel = UI.Text({ value = 'Search', x = UI.term.width-14, textColor = colors.black, }), filter = UI.TextEntry({ x = UI.term.width-7, width = 7, }) }) function substitutionPage.info:draw() local sub = self.parent.sub local inName = blocks.blockDB:getName(sub.id, sub.dmg) local outName = '' if sub.sid then outName = blocks.blockDB:getName(sub.sid, sub.sdmg) end self:clear() self:setCursorPos(1, 1) self:print(' Replace ' .. inName .. '\n') self:print(' ' .. sub.id .. ':' .. sub.dmg .. '\n', nil, colors.yellow) self:print(' With ' .. outName) end function substitutionPage:enable() self.allItems = Builder.itemProvider:refresh() self.grid.values = self.allItems for _,item in pairs(self.grid.values) do item.key = item.id .. ':' .. item.dmg item.lname = string.lower(item.name) item.fQty = Util.toBytes(item.qty) end self.grid:update() self.menuBar.filter.value = '' self.menuBar.filter.pos = 1 self:setFocus(self.menuBar.filter) UI.Page.enable(self) end --function substitutionPage:focusFirst() -- self.menuBar.filter:focus() --end function substitutionPage:applySubstitute(id, dmg) self.sub.sid = id self.sub.sdmg = dmg end function substitutionPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then local s = string.format('%s:%d', event.selected.id, event.selected.dmg) self.statusBar:setStatus(s) self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'grid_select' then if not blocks.blockDB:lookupName(event.selected.id, event.selected.dmg) then blocks.blockDB:add(event.selected.id, event.selected.dmg, event.selected.name, event.selected.id) blocks.blockDB:flush() end self:applySubstitute(event.selected.id, event.selected.dmg) self.info:draw() elseif event.type == 'text_change' then local text = event.text if #text == 0 then self.grid.values = self.allItems else self.grid.values = { } for _,item in pairs(self.allItems) do if string.find(item.lname, text) then table.insert(self.grid.values, item) end end end --self.grid:adjustWidth() self.grid:update() self.grid:setIndex(1) self.grid:draw() elseif event.type == 'accept' or event.type == 'air' or event.type == 'revert' then self.statusBar:setStatus('Saving changes...') self.statusBar:draw() self:sync() if event.type == 'air' then self:applySubstitute('minecraft:air', 0) end if event.type == 'revert' then subDB:remove(self.sub) elseif not self.sub.sid then self.statusBar:setStatus('Select a substition') self.statusBar:draw() return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) else subDB:add(self.sub) end Builder:reloadSchematic() UI:setPage('listing') elseif event.type == 'cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end --[[-- SupplyPage --]]-- supplyPage = UI.Page({ titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ title = 'Waiting for supplies', previousPage = 'start' }), menuBar = UI.MenuBar({ y = 2, buttons = { --{ text = 'Refresh', event = 'refresh', help = 'Refresh inventory' }, { text = 'Continue', event = 'build', help = 'Continue building' }, { text = 'Menu', event = 'menu', help = 'Return to main menu' }, { text = 'Force Craft', event = 'craft', help = 'Request crafting (again)' }, } }), grid = UI.Grid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = UI.term.width - 7 }, { heading = 'Need', key = 'need', width = 4 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', y = 3, width = UI.term.width, height = UI.term.height - 3 }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar({ columns = { { 'Help', 'help', UI.term.width - 13 }, { 'Fuel', 'fuel', 11 } } }), accelerators = { c = 'craft', r = 'refresh', b = 'build', m = 'menu', }, }) function supplyPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'craft' then local s = self.grid:getSelected() if Builder.itemProvider:craft(s.id, s.dmg, s.need-s.qty) then local name = s.name or '' self.statusBar:timedStatus('Requested ' .. s.need-s.qty .. ' ' .. name, 3) else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Unable to craft') end elseif event.type == 'refresh' then self:refresh() elseif event.type == 'build' then Builder:build() elseif event.type == 'menu' then Builder:dumpInventory() --Builder.status = 'idle' UI:setPage('start') turtle.status = 'idle' elseif event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then self.statusBar:setValue('help', event.selected.id .. ':' .. event.selected.dmg) self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'focus_change' then self.statusBar:timedStatus(event.focused.help, 3) end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end function supplyPage:enable() self.grid:setIndex(1) self.statusBar:setValue('fuel', string.format('Fuel: %dk', math.floor(turtle.getFuelLevel() / 1024))) -- self.statusBar:setValue('block', -- string.format('Block: %d', Builder.index)) Event.addNamedTimer('supplyRefresh', 6, true, function() if self.enabled then Builder:autocraft(Builder:getSupplies()) self:refresh() self.statusBar:timedStatus('Refreshed ', 2) self:sync() end end) UI.Page.enable(self) end function supplyPage:disable() Event.cancelNamedTimer('supplyRefresh') end function supplyPage:setSupplies(supplies) local t = { } for _,s in pairs(supplies) do local key = s.id .. ':' .. s.dmg local entry = t[key] if not entry then entry = Util.shallowCopy(s) t[key] = entry else entry.need = entry.need + s.need end entry.need = entry.need - turtle.getItemCount(s.index) end self.grid:setValues(t) end function supplyPage:refresh() self.statusBar:timedStatus('Refreshed ', 3) local supplies = Builder:getSupplies() if #supplies == 0 then Builder:build() else self:setSupplies(supplies) self.grid:draw() end end --[[-- ListingPage --]]-- listingPage = UI.Page({ titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ title = 'Supply List', previousPage = 'start' }), menuBar = UI.MenuBar({ y = 2, buttons = { { text = 'Craft', event = 'craft', help = 'Request crafting' }, { text = 'Refresh', event = 'refresh', help = 'Refresh inventory' }, { text = 'Toggle', event = 'toggle', help = 'Toggles needed blocks' }, { text = 'Substitute', event = 'edit', help = 'Substitute a block' }, } }), grid = UI.ScrollingGrid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = UI.term.width - 14 }, { heading = 'Need', key = 'need', width = 5 }, { heading = 'Have', key = 'qty', width = 5 }, }, sortColumn = 'name', y = 3, height = UI.term.height-3, help = 'Set a block type or pick a substitute block' }), accelerators = { q = 'menu', c = 'craft', r = 'refresh', t = 'toggle', }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), fullList = true }) function listingPage:enable() listingPage:refresh() UI.Page.enable(self) end function listingPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'craft' then local s = self.grid:getSelected() local item = Builder.itemProvider:getItemInfo(s.id, s.dmg) if item and item.is_craftable then local qty = math.max(0, s.need - item.qty) if item then Builder.itemProvider:craft(s.id, s.dmg, qty) local name = s.name or s.key self.statusBar:timedStatus('Requested ' .. qty .. ' ' .. name, 3) end else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Unable to craft') end elseif event.type == 'grid_focus_row' then self.statusBar:setStatus(event.selected.id .. ':' .. event.selected.dmg) self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'refresh' then self:refresh() self:draw() self.statusBar:timedStatus('Refreshed ', 3) elseif event.type == 'toggle' then self.fullList = not self.fullList self:refresh() self:draw() elseif event.type == 'menu' then UI:setPage('start') elseif event.type == 'edit' or event.type == 'grid_select' then self:manageBlock(self.grid:getSelected()) elseif event.type == 'focus_change' then if event.focused.help then self.statusBar:timedStatus(event.focused.help, 3) end end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end function listingPage.grid:getDisplayValues(row) row = Util.shallowCopy(row) row.need = Util.toBytes(row.need) row.qty = Util.toBytes(row.qty) return row end function listingPage.grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if row.is_craftable then return colors.yellow end return UI.Grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) end function listingPage:refresh() local supplyList = Builder:getBlockCounts() Builder.itemProvider:refresh() for _,b in pairs(supplyList) do if b.need > 0 then local item = Builder.itemProvider:getItemInfo(b.id, b.dmg) if item then local block = blocks.blockDB:lookup(b.id, b.dmg) if not block then blocks.blockDB:add(b.id, b.dmg, item.name, b.id) elseif not block.name and item.name then blocks.blockDB:add(b.id, b.dmg, item.name, b.id) end b.name = item.name b.qty = item.qty b.is_craftable = item.is_craftable else b.name = blocks.blockDB:getName(b.id, b.dmg) end end end blocks.blockDB:flush() if self.fullList then self.grid:setValues(supplyList) else local t = {} for _,b in pairs(supplyList) do if self.fullList or b.qty < b.need then table.insert(t, b) end end self.grid:setValues(t) end self.grid:setIndex(1) end function listingPage:manageBlock(selected) local substitutes = subDB:lookupBlocksForSub(selected.id, selected.dmg) if Util.empty(substitutes) then substitutionPage.sub = { id = selected.id, dmg = selected.dmg } UI:setPage(substitutionPage) elseif Util.size(substitutes) == 1 then local _,sub = next(substitutes) substitutionPage.sub = sub UI:setPage(substitutionPage) else selectSubstitutionPage.selected = selected selectSubstitutionPage.grid:setValues(substitutes) UI:setPage(selectSubstitutionPage) end end --[[-- startPage --]]-- local startPage = UI.Page({ -- titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ title = 'Builder v' .. Builder.version }), window = UI.Window({ x = UI.term.width-16, y = 2, width = 16, height = UI.term.height-2, backgroundColor = colors.gray, grid = UI.Grid({ columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'name', width = 6 }, { heading = 'Value', key = 'value', width = 7 }, }, disableHeader = true, --y = UI.term.height-1, x = 1, y = 2, width = 16, height = 9, --autospace = true, selectable = false, backgroundColor = colors.gray }), }), menu = UI.Menu({ x = 2, y = 4, menuItems = { { prompt = 'Set starting level', event = 'startLevel' }, { prompt = 'Set starting block', event = 'startBlock' }, { prompt = 'Supply list', event = 'assignBlocks' }, { prompt = 'Toggle mode', event = 'toggleMode' }, { prompt = 'Toggle facing', event = 'toggleFacing' }, { prompt = 'Begin', event = 'begin' }, { prompt = 'Quit', event = 'quit' } } }), accelerators = { x = 'test', q = 'quit' } }) function startPage:draw() local fuel = turtle.getFuelLevel() if fuel > 9999 then fuel = string.format('%dk', math.floor(fuel/1024)) end local t = { { name = 'mode', value = Builder.mode }, { name = 'start', value = Builder.index }, { name = 'blocks', value = #schematic.blocks }, { name = 'fuel', value = fuel }, { name = 'facing', value = Builder.facing }, { name = 'length', value = schematic.length }, { name = 'width', value = schematic.width }, { name = 'height', value = schematic.height }, } self.window.grid:setValues(t) UI.Page.draw(self) end function startPage:enable() self:setFocus(self.menu) UI.Page.enable(self) end function startPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'startLevel' then local dialog = UI.Dialog({ title = 'Enter Starting Level', height = 7, form = UI.Form { y = 3, x = 2, height = 4, text = UI.Text({ x = 5, y = 1, textColor = colors.gray, value = '0 - ' .. schematic.height }), textEntry = UI.TextEntry({ x = 15, y = 1, '0 - 11', width = 7 }), }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), }) dialog.eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'form_complete' then local l = tonumber(self.form.textEntry.value) if l and l < schematic.height and l >= 0 then for k,v in pairs(schematic.blocks) do if v.y >= l then Builder.index = k Builder:saveProgress(Builder.index) UI:setPreviousPage() break end end else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Invalid Level', 3) end elseif event.type == 'form_cancel' or event.type == 'cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() else return UI.Dialog.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end dialog:setFocus(dialog.form.textEntry) UI:setPage(dialog) elseif event.type == 'startBlock' then local dialog = UI.Dialog { title = 'Enter Block Number', height = 7, form = UI.Form { y = 3, x = 2, height = 4, text = UI.Text { x = 5, y = 1, value = '1 - ' .. #schematic.blocks, textColor = colors.gray }, textEntry = UI.TextEntry { x = 15, y = 1, value = tostring(Builder.index), width = 7 } }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), } dialog.eventHandler = function(self, event) if event.type == 'form_complete' then local bn = tonumber(self.form.textEntry.value) if bn and bn < #schematic.blocks and bn >= 0 then Builder.index = bn Builder:saveProgress(Builder.index) UI:setPreviousPage() else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Invalid Block', 3) end elseif event.type == 'form_cancel' or event.type == 'cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() else return UI.Dialog.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end dialog:setFocus(dialog.form.textEntry) UI:setPage(dialog) elseif event.type == 'assignBlocks' then Builder:dumpInventory() UI:setPage('listing') elseif event.type == 'toggleMode' then if Builder.mode == 'build' then if Builder.index == 1 then Builder.index = #schematic.blocks end Builder.mode = 'destroy' else if Builder.index == #schematic.blocks then Builder.index = 1 end Builder.mode = 'build' end self:draw() elseif event.type == 'toggleFacing' then local directions = { [ 'north' ] = 'east', [ 'east' ] = 'south', [ 'south' ] = 'west', [ 'west' ] = 'north', } Builder.facing = directions[Builder.facing] Builder:saveProgress(Builder.index) self:draw() elseif event.type == 'begin' then UI:setPage('blank') --Builder.status = 'building' turtle.status = 'thinking' print('Reloading schematic') Builder:reloadSchematic() print('Determining block placement') schematic:determineBlockPlacement() print('Optimizing route (' .. #schematic.blocks .. ' blocks)') schematic:optimizeRoute() print('Adjusting route') schematic:setPlacementOrder() Builder:dumpInventory() Builder:refuel() if Builder.mode == 'destroy' then if device.wireless_modem then Message.broadcast('supplyList', { uid = 1, slots = Builder:getAirResupplyList() }) end print('Beginning destruction') else print('Starting build') end -- reset piston cache in case wrench was substituted pistonFacings = { down = { }, forward = { }, } Builder:build() Profile.display() elseif event.type == 'quit' then Event.exitPullEvents() end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end --[[-- startup logic --]]-- local args = {...} if #args < 1 then error('supply file name') end --if #args > 1 then Profile.enable() --end if os.version() == 'CraftOS 1.7' then Builder.ccVersion = 1.7 Builder.resourceSlots = 14 else error('Unsupported ComputerCraft version') end Builder.itemProvider = MEProvider() if not Builder.itemProvider:isValid() then Builder.itemProvider = ChestProvider() if not Builder.itemProvider:isValid() then error('A chest or ME interface must be below turtle') end end multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Builder v' .. Builder.version) maxStackDB:load() subDB:load() UI.term:reset() turtle.status = 'reading' print('Loading ' .. args[1]) schematic:load(args[1]) print('Substituting blocks') Builder:substituteBlocks() if not fs.exists(BUILDER_DIR) then fs.makeDir(BUILDER_DIR) end Builder:loadProgress(schematic.filename .. '.progress') UI:setPages({ listing = listingPage, start = startPage, supply = supplyPage, blank = blankPage }) UI:setPage('start') turtle.setPolicy(turtle.policies.digAttack) turtle.setPoint({ x = -1, z = -1, y = 0, heading = 0 }) turtle.saveLocation('supplies') turtle.status = 'idle' turtle.abort = false Event.pullEvents() UI.term:reset() turtle.status = 'idle'