local Util = require('util') local Point = { } Point.directions = { [ 0 ] = { xd = 1, zd = 0, yd = 0, heading = 0, direction = 'east' }, [ 1 ] = { xd = 0, zd = 1, yd = 0, heading = 1, direction = 'south' }, [ 2 ] = { xd = -1, zd = 0, yd = 0, heading = 2, direction = 'west' }, [ 3 ] = { xd = 0, zd = -1, yd = 0, heading = 3, direction = 'north' }, [ 4 ] = { xd = 0, zd = 0, yd = 1, heading = 4, direction = 'up' }, [ 5 ] = { xd = 0, zd = 0, yd = -1, heading = 5, direction = 'down' }, } Point.facings = { [ 0 ] = Point.directions[0], [ 1 ] = Point.directions[1], [ 2 ] = Point.directions[2], [ 3 ] = Point.directions[3], east = Point.directions[0], south = Point.directions[1], west = Point.directions[2], north = Point.directions[3], } Point.headings = { [ 0 ] = Point.directions[0], [ 1 ] = Point.directions[1], [ 2 ] = Point.directions[2], [ 3 ] = Point.directions[3], [ 4 ] = Point.directions[4], [ 5 ] = Point.directions[5], east = Point.directions[0], south = Point.directions[1], west = Point.directions[2], north = Point.directions[3], up = Point.directions[4], down = Point.directions[5], } Point.EAST = 0 Point.SOUTH = 1 Point.WEST = 2 Point.NORTH = 3 Point.UP = 4 Point.DOWN = 5 function Point.copy(pt) return { x = pt.x, y = pt.y, z = pt.z } end function Point.round(pt) pt.x = Util.round(pt.x) pt.y = Util.round(pt.y) pt.z = Util.round(pt.z) return pt end function Point.same(pta, ptb) return pta.x == ptb.x and pta.y == ptb.y and pta.z == ptb.z end function Point.above(pt) return { x = pt.x, y = pt.y + 1, z = pt.z, heading = pt.heading } end function Point.below(pt) return { x = pt.x, y = pt.y - 1, z = pt.z, heading = pt.heading } end function Point.subtract(a, b) a.x = a.x - b.x a.y = a.y - b.y a.z = a.z - b.z end -- Euclidian distance function Point.distance(a, b) return math.sqrt( math.pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + math.pow(a.y - b.y, 2) + math.pow(a.z - b.z, 2)) end -- turtle distance (manhattan) function Point.turtleDistance(a, b) if a.y and b.y then return math.abs(a.x - b.x) + math.abs(a.y - b.y) + math.abs(a.z - b.z) else return math.abs(a.x - b.x) + math.abs(a.z - b.z) end end function Point.calculateTurns(ih, oh) if ih == oh then return 0 end if (ih % 2) == (oh % 2) then return 2 end return 1 end function Point.calculateHeading(pta, ptb) local heading local xd, zd = pta.x - ptb.x, pta.z - ptb.z if (pta.heading % 2) == 0 and zd ~= 0 then heading = zd < 0 and 1 or 3 elseif (pta.heading % 2) == 1 and xd ~= 0 then heading = xd < 0 and 0 or 2 elseif pta.heading == 0 and xd > 0 then heading = 2 elseif pta.heading == 2 and xd < 0 then heading = 0 elseif pta.heading == 1 and zd > 0 then heading = 3 elseif pta.heading == 3 and zd < 0 then heading = 1 end return heading or pta.heading end -- Calculate distance to location including turns -- also returns the resulting heading function Point.calculateMoves(pta, ptb, distance) local heading = pta.heading local moves = distance or Point.turtleDistance(pta, ptb) if (pta.heading % 2) == 0 and pta.z ~= ptb.z then moves = moves + 1 if ptb.heading and (ptb.heading % 2 == 1) then heading = ptb.heading elseif ptb.z > pta.z then heading = 1 else heading = 3 end elseif (pta.heading % 2) == 1 and pta.x ~= ptb.x then moves = moves + 1 if ptb.heading and (ptb.heading % 2 == 0) then heading = ptb.heading elseif ptb.x > pta.x then heading = 0 else heading = 2 end end if not ptb.heading then return moves, heading, moves end -- calc turns as slightly less than moves local weighted = moves if heading ~= ptb.heading then local turns = Point.calculateTurns(heading, ptb.heading) moves = moves + turns local wturns = { [0] = 0, [1] = .9, [2] = 1.9 } weighted = weighted + wturns[turns] heading = ptb.heading end return moves, heading, weighted end -- given a set of points, find the one taking the least moves function Point.closest(reference, pts) if #pts == 1 then return pts[1] end local lm, lpt = math.huge for _,pt in pairs(pts) do local distance = Point.turtleDistance(reference, pt) if distance < lm then local _, _, m = Point.calculateMoves(reference, pt, distance) if m < lm then lpt = pt lm = m end end end return lpt end function Point.eachClosest(spt, ipts, fn) local pts = Util.shallowCopy(ipts) while #pts > 0 do local pt = Point.closest(spt, pts) local r = fn(pt) if r then return r end Util.removeByValue(pts, pt) end end function Point.adjacentPoints(pt) local pts = { } for i = 0, 5 do local hi = Point.headings[i] table.insert(pts, { x = pt.x + hi.xd, y = pt.y + hi.yd, z = pt.z + hi.zd }) end return pts end -- get the point nearest A that is in the direction of B function Point.nearestTo(pta, ptb) local heading if pta.x < ptb.x then heading = 0 elseif pta.z < ptb.z then heading = 1 elseif pta.x > ptb.x then heading = 2 elseif pta.z > ptb.z then heading = 3 elseif pta.y < ptb.y then heading = 4 elseif pta.y > ptb.y then heading = 5 end if heading then return { x = pta.x + Point.headings[heading].xd, y = pta.y + Point.headings[heading].yd, z = pta.z + Point.headings[heading].zd, } end return pta -- error ? end function Point.rotate(pt, facing) local x, z = pt.x, pt.z if facing == 1 then pt.x = z pt.z = -x elseif facing == 2 then pt.x = -x pt.z = -z elseif facing == 3 then pt.x = -z pt.z = x end end function Point.makeBox(pt1, pt2) return { x = pt1.x, y = pt1.y, z = pt1.z, ex = pt2.x, ey = pt2.y, ez = pt2.z, } end -- expand box to include point function Point.expandBox(box, pt) if pt.x < box.x then box.x = pt.x elseif pt.x > box.ex then box.ex = pt.x end if pt.y < box.y then box.y = pt.y elseif pt.y > box.ey then box.ey = pt.y end if pt.z < box.z then box.z = pt.z elseif pt.z > box.ez then box.ez = pt.z end end function Point.normalizeBox(box) return { x = math.min(box.x, box.ex), y = math.min(box.y, box.ey), z = math.min(box.z, box.ez), ex = math.max(box.x, box.ex), ey = math.max(box.y, box.ey), ez = math.max(box.z, box.ez), } end function Point.inBox(pt, box) return pt.x >= box.x and pt.y >= box.y and pt.z >= box.z and pt.x <= box.ex and pt.y <= box.ey and pt.z <= box.ez end function Point.closestPointInBox(pt, box) local cpt = { x = math.abs(pt.x - box.x) < math.abs(pt.x - box.ex) and box.x or box.ex, y = math.abs(pt.y - box.y) < math.abs(pt.y - box.ey) and box.y or box.ey, z = math.abs(pt.z - box.z) < math.abs(pt.z - box.ez) and box.z or box.ez, } cpt.x = pt.x > box.x and pt.x < box.ex and pt.x or cpt.x cpt.y = pt.y > box.y and pt.y < box.ey and pt.y or cpt.y cpt.z = pt.z > box.z and pt.z < box.ez and pt.z or cpt.z return cpt end return Point