local Util = require('opus.util') local fs = _G.fs local ramfs = { } function ramfs.mount(_, nodeType) if nodeType == 'directory' then return { nodes = { }, size = 0, created = os.epoch('utc'), modification = os.epoch('utc'), } elseif nodeType == 'file' then return { size = 0, created = os.epoch('utc'), modification = os.epoch('utc'), } end error('ramfs syntax: [directory, file]') end function ramfs.attributes(node) return { created = node.created, isDir = not not node.nodes, modification = node.modification, size = node.size, } end function ramfs.delete(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then fs.unmount(node.mountPoint) end end function ramfs.exists(node, fn) return node.mountPoint == fn end function ramfs.getSize(node) return node.size end function ramfs.isReadOnly() return false end function ramfs.makeDir(_, dir) fs.mount(dir, 'ramfs', 'directory') end function ramfs.isDir(node, dir) if node.mountPoint == dir then return not not node.nodes end end function ramfs.getDrive() return 'ram' end function ramfs.getFreeSpace() return math.huge end function ramfs.list(node, dir) if node.nodes and node.mountPoint == dir then local files = { } for k in pairs(node.nodes) do table.insert(files, k) end return files end error('Not a directory') end function ramfs.open(node, fn, fl) if fl ~= 'r' and fl ~= 'w' and fl ~= 'rb' and fl ~= 'wb' then error('Unsupported mode') end if fl == 'r' then if node.mountPoint ~= fn then return end local c = type(node.contents) == 'table' and string.char(table.unpack(node.contents)) or node.contents local ctr = 0 local lines return { read = function(n) n = n or 1 if ctr >= node.size then return end local t = c:sub(ctr + 1, ctr + n) ctr = ctr + n return t end, readLine = function() if not lines then lines = Util.split(c) end ctr = ctr + 1 return lines[ctr] end, readAll = function() return c end, close = function() lines = nil end, } elseif fl == 'w' then node = fs.mount(fn, 'ramfs', 'file') local c = '' return { write = function(str) c = c .. str end, writeLine = function(str) c = c .. str .. '\n' end, flush = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c end, close = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c c = nil end, } elseif fl == 'rb' then if node.mountPoint ~= fn or not node.contents then return end local c = node.contents if type(node.contents) == 'string' then c = { } for i = 1, node.size do c[i] = node.contents:sub(i, i):byte() end end local ctr = 0 return { readAll = function() return string.char(table.unpack(c)) end, read = function(n) if n and n > 1 and ctr < node.size then -- some programs open in rb, when it should have -- been opened in r - attempt to support multiple read -- if nils are present in data, this will fail local t = string.char(table.unpack(c, ctr + 1, ctr + n)) ctr = ctr + n return t end ctr = ctr + 1 return c[ctr] end, close = function() end, } elseif fl == 'wb' then node = fs.mount(fn, 'ramfs', 'file') local c = { } return { write = function(b) if type(b) == 'number' then table.insert(c, b) else for i = 1, #b do table.insert(c, b:sub(i, i):byte()) end end end, flush = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c end, close = function() node.contents = c node.size = #c c = nil end, } end end return ramfs