local Packages = require('opus.packages') local Util = require('opus.util') local fs = _G.fs local help = _G.help local shell = _ENV.shell local appPaths = Util.split(shell.path(), '(.-):') local helpPaths = Util.split(help.path(), '(.-):') table.insert(helpPaths, '/sys/help') for name in pairs(Packages:installed()) do local packageDir = fs.combine('packages', name) local fstabPath = fs.combine(packageDir, 'etc/fstab') if fs.exists(fstabPath) then fs.loadTab(fstabPath) end table.insert(appPaths, 1, '/' .. packageDir) local apiPath = fs.combine(packageDir, 'apis') -- TODO: rename dir to 'modules' (someday) if fs.exists(apiPath) then fs.mount(fs.combine('rom/modules/main', name), 'linkfs', apiPath) end local helpPath = '/' .. fs.combine(packageDir, 'help') if fs.exists(helpPath) then table.insert(helpPaths, helpPath) end end help.setPath(table.concat(helpPaths, ':')) shell.setPath(table.concat(appPaths, ':')) local function runDir(directory) local files = fs.list(directory) table.sort(files) for _,file in ipairs(files) do os.sleep(0) local result, err = shell.run(directory .. '/' .. file) if not result and err then _G.printError('\n' .. err) end end end for _, package in pairs(Packages:installedSorted()) do local packageDir = 'packages/' .. package.name .. '/init' if fs.exists(packageDir) and fs.isDir(packageDir) then runDir(packageDir) end end