local Config = require('config') local UI = require('ui') local Util = require('util') local colors = _G.colors local os = _G.os local config = Config.load('shellprompt') local allColors = { } for k,v in pairs(colors) do if type(v) == 'number' then table.insert(allColors, { name = k, value = v }) end end local defaults = { textColor = colors.white, commandTextColor = colors.yellow, directoryTextColor = colors.orange, directoryBackgroundColor = colors.black, promptTextColor = colors.blue, promptBackgroundColor = colors.black, directoryColor = colors.green, fileColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.black, } local _colors = config.color or Util.shallowCopy(defaults) local allSettings = { } for k, v in pairs(defaults) do table.insert(allSettings, { name = k }) end -- temp if not _colors.backgroundColor then _colors.backgroundColor = colors.black _colors.fileColor = colors.white end local tab = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'Shell', description = 'Shell options', grid1 = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 2, ey = -10, x = 3, ex = -16, disableHeader = true, columns = { { key = 'name' } }, values = allSettings, sortColumn = 'name', }, grid2 = UI.ScrollingGrid { y = 2, ey = -10, x = -14, ex = -3, disableHeader = true, columns = { { key = 'name' } }, values = allColors, sortColumn = 'name', }, directoryLabel = UI.Text { x = 2, y = -2, value = 'Display directory', }, directory = UI.Checkbox { x = 20, y = -2, value = config.displayDirectory }, reset = UI.Button { x = -18, y = -2, text = 'Reset', event = 'reset', }, button = UI.Button { x = -9, y = -2, text = 'Update', event = 'update', }, display = UI.Window { x = 3, ex = -3, y = -8, height = 5, }, } function tab.grid2:getRowTextColor(row) local selected = tab.grid1:getSelected() if _colors[selected.name] == row.value then return colors.yellow end return UI.Grid.getRowTextColor(self, row) end function tab.display:draw() self:clear(_colors.backgroundColor) local offset = 0 if config.displayDirectory then self:write(1, 1, '==' .. os.getComputerLabel() .. ':/dir/etc', _colors.directoryBackgroundColor, _colors.directoryTextColor) offset = 1 end self:write(1, 1 + offset, '$ ', _colors.promptBackgroundColor, _colors.promptTextColor) self:write(3, 1 + offset, 'ls /', _colors.backgroundColor, _colors.commandTextColor) self:write(1, 2 + offset, 'sys usr', _colors.backgroundColor, _colors.directoryColor) self:write(1, 3 + offset, 'startup', _colors.backgroundColor, _colors.fileColor) end function tab:eventHandler(event) if event.type =='checkbox_change' then config.displayDirectory = not not event.checked self.display:draw() elseif event.type == 'grid_focus_row' and event.element == self.grid1 then self.grid2:draw() elseif event.type == 'grid_select' and event.element == self.grid2 then _colors[tab.grid1:getSelected().name] = event.selected.value self.display:draw() self.grid2:draw() elseif event.type == 'reset' then config.color = defaults config.displayDirectory = true self.directory.value = true _colors = Util.shallowCopy(defaults) Config.update('shellprompt', config) self:draw() elseif event.type == 'update' then config.color = _colors Config.update('shellprompt', config) end return UI.Tab.eventHandler(self, event) end return tab