require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Config = require('config') local config = { enable = false, pocketId = 10, distance = 8, } local lockId function lockScreen() require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local UI = require('ui') local Event = require('event') local SHA1 = require('sha1') local center = math.floor(UI.term.width / 2) local page = UI.Page({ backgroundColor =, prompt = UI.Text({ x = center - 9, y = math.floor(UI.term.height / 2), value = 'Password', }), password = UI.TextEntry({ x = center, y = math.floor(UI.term.height / 2), width = 8, limit = 8 }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), accelerators = { q = 'back', }, }) function page:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'key' and event.key == 'enter' then Config.load('os', config) if SHA1.sha1(self.password.value) == config.password then os.locked = false Event.exitPullEvents() lockId = false return true else self.statusBar:timedStatus('Invalid Password', 3) end end UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end UI:setPage(page) Event.pullEvents() end function os.verifyPassword(password) Config.load('os', config) return config.password and password == config.password end function os.getSecretKey() Config.load('os', config) if not os.secretKey then os.secretKey = math.random(100000, 999999) Config.update('os', config) end return os.secretKey end function os.updatePassword(password) Config.load('os', config) config.password = password Config.update('os', config) end function os.getPassword() Config.load('os', config) return config.password end os.lock = function() --os.locked = true if not lockId then lockId = multishell.openTab({ title = 'Lock', env = getfenv(1), fn = lockScreen, focused = true, }) end end os.unlock = function() os.locked = false if lockId then multishell.terminate(lockId) lockId = nil end end function os.isTurtle() return not not turtle end function os.isAdvanced() return term.native().isColor() end function os.isPocket() return not not pocket end function os.getVersion() local version if _CC_VERSION then version = tonumber(_CC_VERSION:gmatch('[%d]+%.?[%d][%d]', '%1')()) end if not version and _HOST then version = tonumber(_HOST:gmatch('[%d]+%.?[%d][%d]', '%1')()) end return version or 1.7 end function os.registerApp(entry) local apps = { } Config.load('apps', apps) local run = fs.combine(, '') for k,app in pairs(apps) do if == run then table.remove(apps, k) break end end table.insert(apps, { run = run, title = entry.title, args = entry.args, category = entry.category, icon = entry.icon, }) Config.update('apps', apps) os.queueEvent('os_register_app') end function os.unregisterApp(run) local apps = { } Config.load('apps', apps) local run = fs.combine(run, '') for k,app in pairs(apps) do if == run then table.remove(apps, k) Config.update('apps', apps) os.queueEvent('os_register_app') break end end end