require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Point = require('point') local Logger = require('logger') if device and device.wireless_modem then Logger.setWirelessLogging() end local args = { ... } local options = { chunks = { arg = 'c', type = 'number', value = -1, desc = 'Number of chunks to mine' }, depth = { arg = 'd', type = 'number', value = 9000, desc = 'Mining depth' }, -- enderChest = { arg = 'e', type = 'flag', value = false, -- desc = 'Use ender chest' }, resume = { arg = 'r', type = 'flag', value = false, desc = 'Resume mining' }, fortunePick = { arg = 'p', type = 'string', value = nil, desc = 'Pick to use with CCTweaks toolhost' }, setTrash = { arg = 's', type = 'flag', value = false, desc = 'Set trash items' }, help = { arg = 'h', type = 'flag', value = false, desc = 'Displays the options' }, } local fortuneBlocks = { [ 'minecraft:redstone_ore' ] = true, [ 'minecraft:lapis_ore' ] = true, [ 'minecraft:coal_ore' ] = true, [ 'minecraft:diamond_ore' ] = true, [ 'minecraft:emerald_ore' ] = true, } local MIN_FUEL = 7500 local LOW_FUEL = 1500 local MAX_FUEL = 100000 if not term.isColor() then MAX_FUEL = 20000 end local mining = { diameter = 1, chunkIndex = 0, chunks = -1, } local trash local boreDirection function getChunkCoordinates(diameter, index, x, z) local dirs = { -- circumference of grid { xd = 0, zd = 1, heading = 1 }, -- south { xd = -1, zd = 0, heading = 2 }, { xd = 0, zd = -1, heading = 3 }, { xd = 1, zd = 0, heading = 0 } -- east } -- always move east when entering the next diameter if index == 0 then dirs[4].x = x + 16 dirs[4].z = z return dirs[4] end dir = dirs[math.floor(index / (diameter - 1)) + 1] dir.x = x + dir.xd * 16 dir.z = z + dir.zd * 16 return dir end function getBoreLocations(x, z) local locations = {} while true do local a = math.abs(z) local b = math.abs(x) if x > 0 and z > 0 or x < 0 and z < 0 then -- rotate coords a = math.abs(x) b = math.abs(z) end if (a % 5 == 0 and b % 5 == 0) or (a % 5 == 2 and b % 5 == 1) or (a % 5 == 4 and b % 5 == 2) or (a % 5 == 1 and b % 5 == 3) or (a % 5 == 3 and b % 5 == 4) then table.insert(locations, { x = x, z = z, y = 0 }) end if z % 2 == 0 then -- forward dir if (x + 1) % 16 == 0 then z = z + 1 else x = x + 1 end else if (x - 1) % 16 == 15 then if (z + 1) % 16 == 0 then break end z = z + 1 else x = x - 1 end end end return locations end -- get the bore location closest to the miner local function getClosestLocation(points, b) local key = 1 local leastMoves = 9000 for k,pt in pairs(points) do local moves = Point.calculateMoves(turtle.point, pt) if moves < leastMoves then key = k leastMoves = moves if leastMoves == 0 then break end end end return table.remove(points, key) end function getCornerOf(c) return math.floor(c.x / 16) * 16, math.floor(c.z / 16) * 16 end function nextChunk() local x, z = getCornerOf({ x = mining.x, z = mining.z }) local points = math.pow(mining.diameter, 2) - math.pow(mining.diameter-2, 2) mining.chunkIndex = mining.chunkIndex + 1 if mining.chunkIndex >= points then mining.diameter = mining.diameter + 2 mining.chunkIndex = 0 end if mining.chunks ~= -1 then local chunks = math.pow(mining.diameter-2, 2) + mining.chunkIndex if chunks >= mining.chunks then return false end end local nc = getChunkCoordinates(mining.diameter, mining.chunkIndex, x, z) mining.locations = getBoreLocations(nc.x, nc.z) -- enter next chunk mining.x = nc.x mining.z = nc.z Util.writeTable('mining.progress', mining) return true end function addTrash() if not trash then trash = { } end local slots = turtle.getFilledSlots() for k,slot in pairs(slots) do trash[slot.iddmg] = true end trash['minecraft:bucket:0'] = nil Util.writeTable('mining.trash', trash) end function log(text) print(text) Logger.log('mineWorker', text) end function status(status) turtle.status = status log(status) end function refuel() if turtle.getFuelLevel() < MIN_FUEL then local oldStatus = turtle.status status('refueling') if turtle.selectSlot('minecraft:coal:0') then local qty = turtle.getItemCount() print('refueling ' .. qty) turtle.refuel(qty) end if turtle.getFuelLevel() < MIN_FUEL then log('desperate fueling') turtle.eachFilledSlot(function(slot) if turtle.getFuelLevel() < MIN_FUEL then turtle.refuel(64) end end) end log('Fuel: ' .. turtle.getFuelLevel()) status(oldStatus) end end function enderChestUnload() log('unloading') if not Util.tryTimed(5, function() turtle.digDown() return turtle.placeDown() end) then log('placedown failed') else turtle.reconcileInventory(slots, turtle.dropDown) turtle.drop(64) turtle.digDown() end end function safeGoto(x, z, y, h) local oldStatus = turtle.status while not turtle.pathfind({ x = x, z = z, y = y, heading = h }) do --status('stuck') if turtle.abort then return false end --os.sleep(1) end turtle.status = oldStatus return true end function safeGotoY(y) local oldStatus = turtle.status while not turtle.gotoY(y) do status('stuck') if turtle.abort then return false end os.sleep(1) end turtle.status = oldStatus return true end function makeWalkableTunnel(action, tpt, pt) if action ~= 'turn' and not, { x = 0, z = 0 }) then -- not at source if not, pt) then -- not at dest local r, block = turtle.inspectUp() if r and not turtle.isTurtleAtSide('top') then if ~= 'minecraft:cobblestone' and ~= 'minecraft:chest' then turtle.digUp() end end end end end function normalChestUnload() local oldStatus = turtle.status status('unloading') local pt = Util.shallowCopy(turtle.point) safeGotoY(0) turtle.setMoveCallback(function(action, tpt) makeWalkableTunnel(action, tpt, { x = pt.x, z = pt.z }) end) safeGoto(0, 0) if not turtle.detectUp() then error('no chest') end local slots = turtle.getFilledSlots() for _,slot in pairs(slots) do if not trash[slot.iddmg] and slot.iddmg ~= 'minecraft:bucket:0' and ~= 'minecraft:diamond_pickaxe' and ~= 'cctweaks:toolHost' then if ~= options.fortunePick.value then turtle.dropUp(64) end end end safeGoto(pt.x, pt.z, 0, pt.heading) turtle.clearMoveCallback() safeGotoY(pt.y) status(oldStatus) end function ejectTrash() local cobbleSlotCount = 0 turtle.eachFilledSlot(function(slot) if slot.iddmg == 'minecraft:cobblestone:0' then cobbleSlotCount = cobbleSlotCount + 1 end if trash[slot.iddmg] then -- retain 1 slot with cobble in order to indicate active mining if slot.iddmg ~= 'minecraft:cobblestone:0' or cobbleSlotCount > 1 then turtle.dropDown(64) end end end) end function mineable(action) local r, block = action.inspect() if not r then return false end if == 'minecraft:chest' then collectDrops(action.suck) end if turtle.getFuelLevel() < (MAX_FUEL - 1000) then if == 'minecraft:lava' or == 'minecraft:flowing_lava' then if turtle.selectSlot('minecraft:bucket:0') then if then log('Lava! ' .. turtle.getFuelLevel()) turtle.refuel() log(turtle.getFuelLevel()) end end return false end end if action.side == 'bottom' then return end if trash[ .. ':0'] then return false end return end function fortuneDig(action, blockName) if options.fortunePick.value and fortuneBlocks[blockName] then turtle.selectSlot('cctweaks:toolHost') turtle.equipRight() turtle.selectSlot(options.fortunePick.value) repeat until not turtle.dig() turtle.selectSlot('minecraft:diamond_pickaxe') turtle.equipRight() return true end end function mine(action) local blockName = mineable(action) if blockName then checkSpace() --collectDrops(action.suck) if not fortuneDig(action, blockName) then action.dig() end end end function bore() local loc = turtle.point local level = loc.y status('boring down') boreDirection = 'down' while true do if turtle.abort then status('aborting') return false end if loc.y <= -mining.depth then break end if turtle.point.y < -2 then -- turtle.setDigPolicy(turtle.digPolicies.turtleSafe) end mine(turtle.getAction('down')) if not Util.tryTimed(3, turtle.down) then break end if loc.y < level - 1 then mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) turtle.turnRight() mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) end end boreDirection = 'up' status('boring up') turtle.turnRight() mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) turtle.turnRight() mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) turtle.turnLeft() while true do if turtle.abort then status('aborting') return false end if turtle.point.y > -2 then -- turtle.setDigPolicy(turtle.digPolicies.turtleSafe) end while not Util.tryTimed(3, turtle.up) do status('stuck') end if turtle.status == 'stuck' then status('boring up') end if loc.y >= level - 1 then break end mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) turtle.turnLeft() mine(turtle.getAction('forward')) end if turtle.getFuelLevel() < LOW_FUEL then refuel() local veryMinFuel = Point.turtleDistance(turtle.point, { x = 0, y = 0, z = 0}) + 512 if turtle.getFuelLevel() < veryMinFuel then log('Not enough fuel to continue') return false end end return true end function checkSpace() if turtle.getItemCount(16) > 0 then refuel() local oldStatus = turtle.status status('condensing') ejectTrash() turtle.condense() local lastSlot = 16 if boreDirection == 'down' then lastSlot = 15 end if turtle.getItemCount(lastSlot) > 0 then unload() end status(oldStatus) end end function collectDrops(suckAction) for i = 1, 50 do if not suckAction() then break end checkSpace() end end function, ptb) if pta.x == ptb.x and pta.z == ptb.z then if pta.y and ptb.y then return pta.y == ptb.y end return true end return false end function inspect(action, name) local r, block = action.inspect() if r and == name then return true end end function boreCommand() local pt = getClosestLocation(mining.locations, turtle.point) turtle.setMoveCallback(function(action, tpt) makeWalkableTunnel(action, tpt, pt) end) safeGotoY(0) safeGoto(pt.x, pt.z, 0) turtle.clearMoveCallback() -- location is either mined, currently being mined or is the -- dropoff point for a turtle if inspect(turtle.getAction('up'), 'minecraft:cobblestone') or inspect(turtle.getAction('up'), 'minecraft:chest') or inspect(turtle.getAction('down'), 'minecraft:cobblestone') then return true end turtle.digUp() turtle.placeUp('minecraft:cobblestone:0') local success = bore() safeGotoY(0) -- may have aborted turtle.digUp() if success then turtle.placeDown('minecraft:cobblestone:0') -- cap with cobblestone to indicate this spot was mined out end return success end if not Util.getOptions(options, args) then return end mining.depth = options.depth.value mining.chunks = options.chunks.value unload = normalChestUnload --if options.enderChest.value then -- unload = enderChestUnload --end mining.x = 0 mining.z = 0 mining.locations = getBoreLocations(0, 0) trash = Util.readTable('mining.trash') if options.resume.value then mining = Util.readTable('mining.progress') elseif fs.exists('mining.progress') then print('use -r to resume') read() end if not trash or options.setTrash.value then print('Add trash blocks, press enter when ready') read() addTrash() end if not turtle.getSlot('minecraft:bucket:0') or not turtle.getSlot('minecraft:cobblestone:0') then print('Add bucket and cobblestone, press enter when ready') read() end if options.fortunePick.value then local s = turtle.getSlot(options.fortunePick.value) if not s then error('fortunePick not found: ' .. options.fortunePick.value) end if not turtle.getSlot('cctweaks:toolHost:0') then error('CCTweaks tool host not found') end trash[s.iddmg] = nil trash['minecraft:diamond_pickaxe:0'] = nil trash['cctweaks:toolHost:0'] = nil end _G._p = trash local function main() repeat while #mining.locations > 0 do status('searching') if not boreCommand() then return end Util.writeTable('mining.progress', mining) end until not nextChunk() end turtle.reset() turtle.setPolicy(turtle.policies.digAttack) turtle.setDigPolicy(turtle.digPolicies.turtleSafe) unload() status('mining') local s, m = pcall(function() main() end) if not s and m then printError(m) end safeGotoY(0) safeGoto(0, 0, 0, 0) unload() turtle.reset() end)