local Event = require('opus.event') local Socket = require('opus.socket') local fs = _G.fs local fileUid = 0 local fileHandles = { } local function remoteOpen(fn, fl) local fh = fs.open(fn, fl) if fh then local methods = { 'close', 'write', 'writeLine', 'flush', 'read', 'readLine', 'readAll', } fileUid = fileUid + 1 fileHandles[fileUid] = fh local vfh = { methods = { }, fileUid = fileUid, } for _,m in ipairs(methods) do if fh[m] then table.insert(vfh.methods, m) end end return vfh end end local function remoteFileOperation(fileId, op, ...) local fh = fileHandles[fileId] if fh then return fh[op](...) end end local function sambaConnection(socket) while true do local msg = socket:read() if not msg then break end local fn = fs[msg.fn] if msg.fn == 'open' then fn = remoteOpen elseif msg.fn == 'fileOp' then fn = remoteFileOperation end local ret local s, m = pcall(function() ret = fn(unpack(msg.args)) end) if not s and m then _G.printError('samba: ' .. m) end socket:write({ response = ret }) end print('samba: Connection closed') end Event.addRoutine(function() print('samba: listening on port 139') while true do local socket = Socket.server(139) Event.addRoutine(function() print('samba: connection from ' .. socket.dhost) local s, m = pcall(sambaConnection, socket) print('samba: closing connection to ' .. socket.dhost) socket:close() if not s and m then print('Samba error') _G.printError(m) end end) end end) Event.on('network_attach', function(_, computer) fs.mount(fs.combine('network', computer.label), 'netfs', computer.id) end) Event.on('network_detach', function(_, computer) print('samba: detaching ' .. computer.label) fs.unmount(fs.combine('network', computer.label)) end)