local Util = require('util') local Process = require('process') local Event = { uid = 1, -- unique id for handlers } local eventHandlers = { namedTimers = {} } -- debug purposes function Event.getHandlers() return eventHandlers end function Event.addHandler(type, f) local event = eventHandlers[type] if not event then event = {} event.handlers = {} eventHandlers[type] = event end local handler = { uid = Event.uid, event = type, f = f, } Event.uid = Event.uid + 1 event.handlers[handler.uid] = handler return handler end function Event.removeHandler(h) if h and h.event then eventHandlers[h.event].handlers[h.uid] = nil end end function Event.queueTimedEvent(name, timeout, event, args) Event.addNamedTimer(name, timeout, false, function() os.queueEvent(event, args) end ) end function Event.addNamedTimer(name, interval, recurring, f) Event.cancelNamedTimer(name) eventHandlers.namedTimers[name] = Event.addTimer(interval, recurring, f) end function Event.getNamedTimer(name) return eventHandlers.namedTimers[name] end function Event.cancelNamedTimer(name) local timer = Event.getNamedTimer(name) if timer then timer.enabled = false Event.removeHandler(timer) end end function Event.isTimerActive(timer) return timer.enabled and os.clock() < timer.start + timer.interval end function Event.addTimer(interval, recurring, f) local timer = Event.addHandler('timer', function(t, id) if t.timerId ~= id then return end if t.enabled then t.fired = true t.cf(t, id) end if t.recurring then t.fired = false t.start = os.clock() t.timerId = os.startTimer(t.interval) else Event.removeHandler(t) end end ) timer.cf = f timer.interval = interval timer.recurring = recurring timer.start = os.clock() timer.enabled = true timer.timerId = os.startTimer(interval) return timer end function Event.removeTimer(h) Event.removeHandler(h) end function Event.blockUntilEvent(event, timeout) return Event.waitForEvent(event, timeout, os.pullEvent) end function Event.waitForEvent(event, timeout, pullEvent) pullEvent = pullEvent or Event.pullEvent local timerId = os.startTimer(timeout) repeat local e, p1, p2, p3, p4 = pullEvent() if e == event then return e, p1, p2, p3, p4 end until e == 'timer' and p1 == timerId end local exitPullEvents = false local function _pullEvents() while true do local e = { os.pullEvent() } Event.processEvent(e) end end function Event.sleep(t) local timerId = os.startTimer(t or 0) repeat local event, id = Event.pullEvent() until event == 'timer' and id == timerId end function Event.addThread(fn) return Process:addThread(fn) end function Event.pullEvents(...) Process:addThread(_pullEvents) local routines = { ... } if #routines > 0 then for _, routine in ipairs(routines) do Process:addThread(routine) end end while true do local e = Process:pullEvent() if exitPullEvents or e == 'terminate' then break end end end function Event.exitPullEvents() exitPullEvents = true os.sleep(0) end function Event.pullEvent(eventType) local e = { os.pullEventRaw(eventType) } return Event.processEvent(e) end function Event.processEvent(pe) local e, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 = unpack(pe) local event = eventHandlers[e] if event then local keys = Util.keys(event.handlers) for _,key in pairs(keys) do local h = event.handlers[key] if h then h.f(h, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5) end end end return e, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5 end return Event