require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local Socket = require('socket') local Terminal = require('terminal') local Logger = require('logger') local process = require('process') Logger.setScreenLogging() local remoteId local args = { ... } if #args == 1 then remoteId = tonumber(args[1]) else print('Enter host ID') remoteId = tonumber(read()) end if not remoteId then error('Syntax: telnet ') end print('connecting...') local socket for i = 1,3 do socket = Socket.connect(remoteId, 5901) if socket then break end os.sleep(3) end if not socket then error('Unable to connect to ' .. remoteId .. ' on port 5901') end print('connected') local function wrapTerm(socket) local methods = { 'blit', 'clear', 'clearLine', 'setCursorPos', 'write', 'setTextColor', 'setTextColour', 'setBackgroundColor', 'setBackgroundColour', 'scroll', 'setCursorBlink', } socket.term = multishell.term socket.oldTerm = Util.shallowCopy(socket.term) for _,k in pairs(methods) do socket.term[k] = function(...) if not socket.queue then socket.queue = { } os.queueEvent('mirror_flush') end table.insert(socket.queue, { f = k, args = { ... }, }) socket.oldTerm[k](...) end end end wrapTerm(socket) os.queueEvent('term_resize') while true do local e = process:pullEvent('mirror_flush') if e == 'terminate' then break end if not socket.connected then break end if socket.queue then socket:write(socket.queue) socket.queue = nil end end for k,v in pairs(socket.oldTerm) do socket.term[k] = v end socket:close()