require = requireInjector(getfenv(1)) local GPS = require('gps') local Socket = require('socket') local MEProvider = require('meProvider') local Logger = require('logger') local Point = require('point') local process = require('process') if not device.wireless_modem then error('Modem is required') end Logger.setWirelessLogging() if not turtle then error('Can only be run on a turtle') end turtle.clearMoveCallback() local gps = GPS.getPointAndHeading() if not gps then error('could not get gps location') end turtle.setPoint(gps) local blocks = { } local meProvider = MEProvider() local items = { } local pickups = Util.readTable('pickup.tbl') or { } local cells = Util.readTable('cells.tbl') or { } local refills = Util.readTable('refills.tbl') or { } local fluids = Util.readTable('fluids.tbl') or { } local chestPt = turtle.loadLocation('chest') local chargePt = turtle.loadLocation('charge') local fuel = { item = { id = 'minecraft:coal', dmg = 0, }, qty = 64 } local slots turtle.setMoveCallback(function(action, pt) if slots then for _,slot in pairs(slots) do if turtle.getItemCount(slot.index) ~= slot.qty then printError('Slots changed') process:terminate() end end end end) function refuel() if turtle.getFuelLevel() < 5000 then print('refueling') turtle.status = 'refueling' gotoPoint(chestPt, true) dropOff(chestPt) while turtle.getFuelLevel() < 5000 do meProvider:provide(fuel.item, fuel.qty, 1) turtle.refuel(64) print(turtle.getFuelLevel()) os.sleep(1) end end end function pickUp(pt) turtle.status = 'picking up' gotoPoint(pt, true) while true do if not turtle.selectOpenSlot() then dropOff(chestPt) gotoPoint(pt, true) end if not turtle.suckDown(64) then return end end end function dropOff(pt) if turtle.selectSlotWithItems() then gotoPoint(pt, true) turtle.emptyInventory(turtle.dropDown) if pt == chestPt then print('refreshing items') items = meProvider:refresh() end end end function gotoPoint(pt, doDetect) slots = turtle.getInventory() while not turtle.pathfind(pt, blocks) do if turtle.abort then error('aborted') end turtle.status = 'blocked' os.sleep(5) end if doDetect and not turtle.detectDown() then error('Missing target') end end function checkCell(pt) if not turtle.selectOpenSlot() then dropOff(chestPt) end print('checking cell') turtle.status = 'recharging' gotoPoint(pt, true) local c = peripheral.wrap('bottom') local energy = c.getMaxEnergyStored() - c.getEnergyStored() if energy > 20000 then print('charging cell') turtle.selectOpenSlot() turtle.digDown() gotoPoint(chargePt, true) turtle.dropDown() os.sleep(energy / 20000) turtle.suckDown() print('replacing cell') gotoPoint(pt) if not turtle.placeDown() then error('could not place down cell') end end end function fluid(points) print('checking fluid') turtle.status = 'fluiding' gotoPoint(points.source, true) turtle.digDown() gotoPoint( if not turtle.placeDown() then error('could not place fluid container') end os.sleep(5) turtle.digDown() gotoPoint(points.source) turtle.placeDown() end function refill(entry) dropOff(chestPt) turtle.status = 'refilling' gotoPoint(chestPt) for _,item in pairs(entry.items) do meProvider:provide(item, tonumber(item.qty), turtle.selectOpenSlot()) end if turtle.selectSlotWithItems() then if entry.point then dropOff(entry.point) end end end function oldRefill(points) gotoPoint(points.source) repeat until not turtle.suckDown(64) if then dropOff( end if points.targets then for k,target in pairs(points.targets) do dropOff(target) end end dropOff(points.source) dropOff(chestPt) end local function makeKey(pt) return string.format('%d:%d:%d', pt.x, pt.y, pt.z) end local function pickupHost(socket) while true do local data = socket:read() if not data then print('pickup: closing connection to ' .. socket.dhost) return end print('command: ' .. data.type) if data.type == 'pickup' then local key = makeKey(data.point) pickups[key] = data.point Util.writeTable('pickup.tbl', pickups) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'added' }) elseif data.type == 'items' then socket:write( { type = "response", response = items }) elseif data.type == 'refill' then local key = makeKey(data.entry.point) refills[key] = data.entry Util.writeTable('refills.tbl', refills) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'added' }) elseif data.type == 'setPickup' then chestPt = data.point turtle.storeLocation('chest', chestPt) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'Location set' }) elseif data.type == 'setRecharge' then chargePt = data.point turtle.storeLocation('charge', chargePt) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'Location set' }) elseif data.type == 'charge' then local key = makeKey(data.point) cells[key] = data.point Util.writeTable('cells.tbl', cells) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'added' }) elseif data.type == 'fluid' then elseif data.type == 'clear' then local key = makeKey(data.point) refills[key] = nil cells[key] = nil fluids[key] = nil pickups[key] = nil Util.writeTable('refills.tbl', refills) Util.writeTable('cells.tbl', cells) Util.writeTable('fluids.tbl', fluids) Util.writeTable('pickup.tbl', pickups) socket:write( { type = "response", response = 'cleared' }) else print('unknown command') end end end process:newThread('pickup', function() while true do print('waiting for connection on port 5222') local socket = Socket.server(5222) print('pickup: connection from ' .. socket.dhost) process:newThread('pickup_connection', function() pickupHost(socket) end) end end) local function eachEntry(t, fn) local keys = Util.keys(t) for _,key in pairs(keys) do if t[key] then if turtle.abort then return end fn(t[key]) end end end local function eachClosestEntry(t, fn) local points = { } for k,v in pairs(t) do v = Util.shallowCopy(v) v.key = k table.insert(points, v) end while not Util.empty(points) do local closest = Point.closest(turtle.point, points) if turtle.abort then return end if t[closest.key] then fn(closest) end for k,v in pairs(points) do if v.key == closest.key then table.remove(points, k) break end end end end refuel() turtle.abort = false local deliveryThread = process:newThread('deliveries', function() while true do if chestPt then eachClosestEntry(pickups, pickUp) eachEntry(refills, refill) refuel() end eachEntry(fluids, fluid) if chargePt then eachEntry(cells, checkCell) end print('sleeping') turtle.status = 'sleeping' if turtle.abort then printError('aborted') break end os.sleep(60) end end) while true do local e = process:pullEvent() if e == 'terminate' or deliveryThread:isDead() then break end end end) process:threadEvent('terminate')