local Util = require('util') local class = require('class') local Event = require('event') local mapColorToGray = { [ colors.white ] = colors.white, [ colors.orange ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.magenta ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.lightBlue ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.yellow ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.lime ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.pink ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.gray ] = colors.gray, [ colors.lightGray ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.cyan ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.purple ] = colors.gray, [ colors.blue ] = colors.gray, [ colors.brown ] = colors.gray, [ colors.green ] = colors.lightGray, [ colors.red ] = colors.gray, [ colors.black ] = colors.black, } local mapColorToPaint = { [ colors.white ] = '0', [ colors.orange ] = '1', [ colors.magenta ] = '2', [ colors.lightBlue ] = '3', [ colors.yellow ] = '4', [ colors.lime ] = '5', [ colors.pink ] = '6', [ colors.gray ] = '7', [ colors.lightGray ] = '8', [ colors.cyan ] = '9', [ colors.purple ] = 'a', [ colors.blue ] = 'b', [ colors.brown ] = 'c', [ colors.green ] = 'd', [ colors.red ] = 'e', [ colors.black ] = 'f', } local mapGrayToPaint = { [ colors.white ] = '0', [ colors.orange ] = '8', [ colors.magenta ] = '8', [ colors.lightBlue ] = '8', [ colors.yellow ] = '8', [ colors.lime ] = '8', [ colors.pink ] = '8', [ colors.gray ] = '7', [ colors.lightGray ] = '8', [ colors.cyan ] = '8', [ colors.purple ] = '7', [ colors.blue ] = '7', [ colors.brown ] = '7', [ colors.green ] = '8', [ colors.red ] = '7', [ colors.black ] = 'f', } local function colorToGrayScale(c) return mapColorToGray[c] end local function colorToPaintColor(c, isColor) if isColor then return mapColorToPaint[c] end return mapGrayToPaint[c] end local function safeValue(v) local t = type(v) if t == 'string' or t == 'number' then return v end return tostring(v) end -- need to add offsets to this test local function getPosition(element) local x, y = 1, 1 repeat x = element.x + x - 1 y = element.y + y - 1 element = element.parent until not element return x, y end --[[-- Top Level Manager --]]-- local Manager = class() Manager.effect = { slideLeft = { type = 'slideLeft', ticks = 12, easing = 'outBounce', }, slideRight = { type = 'slideRight', ticks = 12, easing = 'outBounce', }, explode = { type = 'explode', ticks = 12, easing = 'outBounce', }, } function Manager:init(args) local control = false local shift = false local pages = { } Event.addHandler('term_resize', function(h, side) if self.currentPage then -- the parent doesn't have any children set... -- that's why we have to resize both the parent and the current page -- kinda makes sense if self.currentPage.parent.device.side == side then self.currentPage.parent:resize() self.currentPage:resize() self.currentPage:draw() self.currentPage:sync() end end end) Event.addHandler('mouse_scroll', function(h, direction, x, y) if self.target then local event = self:pointToChild(self.target, x, y) local directions = { [ -1 ] = 'up', [ 1 ] = 'down' } -- revisit - should send out scroll_up and scroll_down events -- let the element convert them to up / down self:inputEvent(event.element, { type = 'key', key = directions[direction] }) self.currentPage:sync() end end) -- this should be moved to the device ! Event.addHandler('monitor_touch', function(h, side, x, y) if self.currentPage then if self.currentPage.parent.device.side == side then self:click(1, x, y) end end end) Event.addHandler('mouse_click', function(h, button, x, y) if self.currentPage then if not self.currentPage.parent.device.side then self:click(button, x, y) end end end) Event.addHandler('paste', function(h, text) self:emitEvent({ type = 'paste', text = text }) self.currentPage:sync() end) Event.addHandler('char', function(h, ch) control = false if self.currentPage then self:inputEvent(self.currentPage.focused, { type = 'key', key = ch }) self.currentPage:sync() end end) Event.addHandler('key_up', function(h, code) if code == keys.leftCtrl or code == keys.rightCtrl then control = false elseif code == keys.leftShift or code == keys.rightShift then shift = false end end) Event.addHandler('key', function(h, code) local ch = keys.getName(code) if not ch then return end if code == keys.leftCtrl or code == keys.rightCtrl then control = true elseif code == keys.leftShift or code == keys.rightShift then shift = true elseif control then ch = 'control-' .. ch elseif shift and ch == 'tab' then ch = 'shiftTab' end -- filter out a through z and numbers as they will be get picked up -- as char events if ch and #ch > 1 and (code < 2 or code > 11) then if self.currentPage then self:inputEvent(self.currentPage.focused, { type = 'key', key = ch, element = self.currentPage.focused }) self.currentPage:sync() end end end) end function Manager:configure(appName, ...) local options = { device = { arg = 'd', type = 'string', desc = 'Device type' }, textScale = { arg = 't', type = 'number', desc = 'Text scale' }, } local defaults = Util.loadTable('/config/' .. appName) or { } if not defaults.device then defaults.device = { } end Util.getOptions(options, { ... }, true) local optionValues = { name = options.device.value, textScale = options.textScale.value, } Util.merge(defaults.device, optionValues) if defaults.device.name then local dev if defaults.device.name == 'terminal' then dev = term.current() else dev = device[defaults.device.name] end if not dev then error('Invalid display device') end local device = self.Device({ device = dev, textScale = defaults.device.textScale, }) self:setDefaultDevice(device) end if defaults.theme then for k,v in pairs(defaults.theme) do if self[k] and self[k].defaults then Util.merge(self[k].defaults, v) end end end end function Manager:disableEffects() self.defaultDevice.effectsEnabled = false end function Manager:loadTheme(filename) local theme, err = Util.loadTable(filename) if not theme then error(err) end for k,v in pairs(theme) do if self[k] and self[k].defaults then Util.merge(self[k].defaults, v) end end end function Manager:emitEvent(event) if self.currentPage and self.currentPage.focused then return self.currentPage.focused:emit(event) end end function Manager:inputEvent(parent, event) while parent do local acc = parent.accelerators[event.key] if acc then if parent:emit({ type = acc, element = parent }) then return true end end if parent.eventHandler then if parent:eventHandler(event) then return true end end parent = parent.parent end end function Manager:pointToChild(parent, x, y) x = x + parent.offx - parent.x + 1 y = y + parent.offy - parent.y + 1 if parent.children then for _,child in pairs(parent.children) do if child.enabled and x >= child.x and x < child.x + child.width and y >= child.y and y < child.y + child.height then local c = self:pointToChild(child, x, y) if c then return c end end end end return { element = parent, x = x, y = y } end function Manager:click(button, x, y) if self.target then local target = self.target -- need to add offsets into this check if x < self.target.x or y < self.target.y or x > self.target.x + self.target.width - 1 or y > self.target.y + self.target.height - 1 then target:emit({ type = 'mouse_out' }) target = self.currentPage end local clickEvent = self:pointToChild(target, x, y) if button == 1 then local c = os.clock() if self.doubleClickTimer and (c - self.doubleClickTimer < 1) and self.doubleClickX == x and self.doubleClickY == y and self.doubleClickElement == clickEvent.element then button = 3 self.doubleClickTimer = nil else self.doubleClickTimer = c self.doubleClickX = x self.doubleClickY = y self.doubleClickElement = clickEvent.element end else self.doubleClickTimer = nil end local events = { 'mouse_click', 'mouse_rightclick', 'mouse_doubleclick' } clickEvent.button = button clickEvent.type = events[button] clickEvent.key = events[button] if clickEvent.element.focus then self.currentPage:setFocus(clickEvent.element) end if not self:inputEvent(clickEvent.element, clickEvent) then if button == 3 then -- if the double-click was not captured -- send through a single-click clickEvent.button = 1 clickEvent.type = events[1] clickEvent.key = events[1] self:inputEvent(clickEvent.element, clickEvent) end end self.currentPage:sync() end end function Manager:setDefaultDevice(device) self.defaultDevice = device self.term = device end function Manager:addPage(name, page) self.pages[name] = page end function Manager:setPages(pages) self.pages = pages end function Manager:getPage(pageName) local page = self.pages[pageName] if not page then error('UI:getPage: Invalid page: ' .. tostring(pageName), 2) end return page end function Manager:setPage(pageOrName, ...) local page = pageOrName if type(pageOrName) == 'string' then page = self.pages[pageOrName] end if page == self.currentPage then page:draw() else if self.currentPage then if self.currentPage.focused then self.currentPage.focused.focused = false self.currentPage.focused:focus() end self.currentPage:disable() page.previousPage = self.currentPage end self.currentPage = page self.currentPage:clear(page.backgroundColor) page:enable(...) page:draw() if self.currentPage.focused then self.currentPage.focused.focused = true self.currentPage.focused:focus() end self:capture(self.currentPage) page:sync() end end function Manager:getCurrentPage() return self.currentPage end function Manager:setPreviousPage() if self.currentPage.previousPage then local previousPage = self.currentPage.previousPage.previousPage self:setPage(self.currentPage.previousPage) self.currentPage.previousPage = previousPage end end function Manager:capture(child) self.target = child end function Manager:release(child) if self.target == child then self.target = self.currentPage end end function Manager:getDefaults(element, args) local defaults = Util.deepCopy(element.defaults) if args then Util.merge(defaults, args) end return defaults end -- inconsistent function Manager.setProperties(obj, args) if args then for k,v in pairs(args) do if k == 'accelerators' then if obj.accelerators then Util.merge(obj.accelerators, args.accelerators) else obj[k] = v end else obj[k] = v end end end end local UI = Manager() --[[-- Basic drawable area --]]-- UI.Window = class() UI.Window.defaults = { UIElement = 'Window', x = 1, y = 1, -- z = 0, -- eventually... offx = 0, offy = 0, cursorX = 1, cursorY = 1, accelerators = { }, } function UI.Window:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Window, args) UI.setProperties(self, defaults) if self.parent then self:setParent() end end function UI.Window:initChildren() local children = self.children -- insert any UI elements created using the shorthand -- window definition into the children array for k,child in pairs(self) do if k ~= 'parent' then -- reserved if type(child) == 'table' and child.UIElement and not child.parent then if not children then children = { } end table.insert(children, child) end end end if children then for _,child in pairs(children) do if not child.parent then child.parent = self child:setParent() -- child:reposition() -- maybe if self.enabled then child:enable() end end end self.children = children end end -- bad name... should be called something like postInit -- normally used to determine sizes since the parent is -- only known at this point function UI.Window:setParent() self.oh, self.ow = self.height, self.width if self.rx then if self.rx > 0 then self.x = self.rx else self.x = self.parent.width + self.rx end end if self.ry then if self.ry > 0 then self.y = self.ry else self.y = self.parent.height + self.ry end end if self.rex then self.width = self.parent.width - self.x + self.rex + 2 end if self.rey then self.height = self.parent.height - self.y + self.rey + 2 end if not self.width then self.width = self.parent.width - self.x + 1 end if not self.height then self.height = self.parent.height - self.y + 1 end self:initChildren() end function UI.Window:add(children) UI.setProperties(self, children) self:initChildren() end function UI.Window:getCursorPos() return self.cursorX, self.cursorY end function UI.Window:setCursorPos(x, y) self.cursorX = x self.cursorY = y self.parent:setCursorPos(self.x + x - 1, self.y + y - 1) end function UI.Window:setCursorBlink(blink) self.parent:setCursorBlink(blink) end function UI.Window:draw() self:clear(self.backgroundColor) if self.children then for k,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.enabled then child:draw() end end end end function UI.Window:sync() if self.parent then self.parent:sync() end end function UI.Window:resize() if self.rx then if self.rx > 0 then self.x = self.rx else self.x = self.parent.width + self.rx end end if self.ry then if self.ry > 0 then self.y = self.ry else self.y = self.parent.height + self.ry end end if self.rex then self.width = self.parent.width - self.x + self.rex + 2 elseif not self.ow and self.parent then self.width = self.parent.width - self.x + 1 end if self.rey then self.height = self.parent.height - self.y + self.rey + 2 elseif not self.oh and self.parent then self.height = self.parent.height - self.y + 1 end if self.children then for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do child:resize() end end end function UI.Window:enable() self.enabled = true if self.children then for k,child in pairs(self.children) do child:enable() end end end function UI.Window:disable() self.enabled = false if self.children then for k,child in pairs(self.children) do child:disable() end end end function UI.Window:setTextScale(textScale) self.textScale = textScale self.parent:setTextScale(textScale) end function UI.Window:clear(bg) self:clearArea(1 + self.offx, 1 + self.offy, self.width, self.height, bg) end function UI.Window:clearLine(y, bg) local filler = string.rep(' ', self.width) self:write(1, y, filler, bg) end function UI.Window:clearArea(x, y, width, height, bg) if width > 0 then local filler = string.rep(' ', width) for i = 0, height-1 do self:write(x, y+i, filler, bg) end end end function UI.Window:write(x, y, text, bg, tc) bg = bg or self.backgroundColor tc = tc or self.textColor x = x - self.offx y = y - self.offy if y <= self.height and y > 0 then self.parent:write( self.x + x - 1, self.y + y - 1, tostring(text), bg, tc) end end function UI.Window:centeredWrite(y, text, bg, fg) if #text >= self.width then self:write(1, y, text, bg) else local space = math.floor((self.width-#text) / 2) local filler = string.rep(' ', space + 1) local str = filler:sub(1, space) .. text str = str .. filler:sub(self.width - #str + 1) self:write(1, y, str, bg, fg) end end -- deprecated - use print instead function UI.Window:wrappedWrite(x, y, text, len, bg, fg) for _,v in pairs(Util.wordWrap(text, len)) do self:write(x, y, v, bg, fg) y = y + 1 end return y end function UI.Window:print(text, bg, fg, indent) indent = indent or 1 local function nextWord(line, cx) local result = { line:find("(%w+)", cx) } if #result > 1 and result[2] > cx then return line:sub(cx, result[2] + 1) elseif #result > 0 and result[1] == cx then result = { line:find("(%w+)", result[2] + 1) } if #result > 0 then return line:sub(cx, result[1] + 1) end end if cx <= #line then return line:sub(cx, #line) end end local lines = Util.split(text) for k,line in pairs(lines) do local lx = 1 while true do local word = nextWord(line, lx) if not word then if lines[k + 1] then self.cursorX = indent self.cursorY = self.cursorY + 1 end break end local w = word if self.cursorX + #word > self.width then self.cursorX = indent self.cursorY = self.cursorY + 1 w = word:gsub(' ', '') end self:write(self.cursorX, self.cursorY, w, bg, fg) self.cursorX = self.cursorX + #word lx = lx + #word end end end function UI.Window:setFocus(focus) if self.parent then self.parent:setFocus(focus) end end function UI.Window:getFocusables() local focusable = { } local function focusSort(a, b) if a.y == b.y then return a.x < b.x end return a.y < b.y end local function getFocusable(parent, x, y) for _,child in Util.spairs(parent.children, focusSort) do if child.enabled and child.focus then table.insert(focusable, child) end if child.children then getFocusable(child, child.x + x, child.y + y) end end end if self.children then getFocusable(self, self.x, self.y) end return focusable end function UI.Window:focusFirst() local focusables = self:getFocusables() local focused = focusables[1] if focused then self:setFocus(focused) end end function UI.Window:scrollIntoView() local parent = self.parent if self.x <= parent.offx then parent.offx = math.max(0, self.x - 1) parent:draw() elseif self.x + self.width > parent.width + parent.offx then parent.offx = self.x + self.width - parent.width - 1 parent:draw() end if self.y <= parent.offy then parent.offy = math.max(0, self.y - 1) parent:draw() elseif self.y + self.height > parent.height + parent.offy then parent.offy = self.y + self.height - parent.height - 1 parent:draw() end end function UI.Window:setTransition(effect, x, y, width, height) if self.parent then x = x or 1 y = y or 1 width = width or self.width height = height or self.height self.parent:setTransition(effect, x + self.x, y + self.y - 1, width, height) end end function UI.Window:emit(event) local parent = self --debug(self.UIElement .. ' emitting ' .. event.type) while parent do if parent.eventHandler then --debug('calling ' .. parent.UIElement) if parent:eventHandler(event) then return true end end parent = parent.parent end end function UI.Window:eventHandler(event) return false end --[[-- Terminal for computer / advanced computer / monitor --]]-- UI.Device = class(UI.Window) UI.Device.defaults = { UIElement = 'Device', backgroundColor = colors.black, textColor = colors.white, textScale = 1, effectsEnabled = true, lines = { }, } function UI.Device:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Device) defaults.device = term.current() UI.setProperties(defaults, args) if defaults.deviceType then defaults.device = device[defaults.deviceType] end if not defaults.device.setTextScale then defaults.device.setTextScale = function(...) end end defaults.device.setTextScale(defaults.textScale) defaults.width, defaults.height = defaults.device.getSize() UI.Window.init(self, defaults) self.isColor = self.device.isColor() end function UI.Device:resize() self.width, self.height = self.device.getSize() self.lines = { } UI.Window.resize(self) end function UI.Device:setCursorPos(x, y) self.cursorX = x self.cursorY = y end function UI.Device:getCursorBlink() return self.cursorBlink end function UI.Device:setCursorBlink(blink) self.cursorBlink = blink self.device.setCursorBlink(blink) end function UI.Device:setTextScale(textScale) self.textScale = textScale self.device.setTextScale(self.textScale) end function UI.Device:reset() self.device.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) self.device.setTextColor(colors.white) self.device.clear() self.device.setCursorPos(1, 1) end function UI.Device:setTransition(effect, x, y, width, height) if not self.transition then self.transition = effect effect.x = x effect.y = y effect.width = width effect.height = height for i = y, y + height - 1 do local line = self.lines[i] if line then line.transition = true end end end end function UI.Device:runTransition(effect) if not self.Tween then self.Tween = require('tween') end if effect.type == 'slideLeft' or effect.type == 'slideRight' then for y, line in ipairs(self.lines) do if not line.transition then self.device.setCursorPos(1, y) self.device.blit(line.text, line.fg, line.bg) end end local pos = { x = 1 } local tween = self.Tween.new(effect.ticks, pos, { x = self.width }, effect.easing) local lastx = 0 repeat tween:update(1) local x = math.floor(pos.x) if x ~= lastx then lastx = x for y, line in pairs(self.lines) do if line.transition then if effect.type == 'slideLeft' then local text = self.lastScreen[y].text .. line.text local bg = self.lastScreen[y].bg .. line.bg local fg = self.lastScreen[y].fg .. line.fg self.device.setCursorPos(1 - x, y) self.device.blit(text, fg, bg) else local text = line.text .. self.lastScreen[y].text local bg = line.bg .. self.lastScreen[y].bg local fg = line.fg .. self.lastScreen[y].fg self.device.setCursorPos(-self.width + x + 1, y) self.device.blit(text, fg, bg) end end end end os.sleep() until pos.x == self.width elseif effect.type == 'explode' then local pos = { x = 1 } local tween = self.Tween.new(effect.ticks, pos, { x = 100 }, effect.easing) local mx = math.floor(effect.width / 2) local my = math.floor(effect.height / 2) local function replace(sstr, pos, rstr, width) return sstr:sub(1, pos-1) .. rstr .. sstr:sub(pos+width) end debug('running') repeat tween:update(1) local ux = math.floor(effect.width * pos.x / 200) local uy = math.floor(effect.height * pos.x / 200) local width = ux * 2 local sx = mx - ux + 1 debug({ pos.x, ux, uy }) for y = my - uy, my + uy do local line = self.lines[y] if line then self.device.setCursorPos(1, y) self.device.blit( replace(self.lastScreen[y].text, sx, line.text:sub(sx, sx + width - 1), width), replace(self.lastScreen[y].fg, sx, line.fg:sub(sx, sx + width - 1), width), replace(self.lastScreen[y].bg, sx, line.bg:sub(sx, sx + width - 1), width)) end end os.sleep(.4) until pos.x == 100 debug('done running') end for y, line in ipairs(self.lines) do line.dirty = false line.transition = false end end function UI.Device:sync() local transition if self.transition and self.effectsEnabled then for y, line in pairs(self.lines) do if line.dirty then transition = self.transition break end end self.transition = nil end if transition then self:runTransition(transition) else for y, line in pairs(self.lines) do if line.dirty then self.device.setCursorPos(1, y) self.device.blit(line.text, line.fg, line.bg) line.dirty = false end end end self.lastScreen = Util.deepCopy(self.lines) if self:getCursorBlink() then self.device.setCursorPos(self.cursorX, self.cursorY) end end function UI.Device:write(x, y, text, bg, tc) if y > 0 and y <= self.height and x <= self.width then if not self.lines[y] then self.lines[y] = { text = string.rep(' ', self.width), bg = string.rep(colorToPaintColor(self.backgroundColor, self.isColor), self.width), fg = string.rep(colorToPaintColor(self.textColor, self.isColor), self.width), } end local width = #text if x < 1 then text = text:sub(2 - x) width = width + x - 1 x = 1 end if x + width - 1 > self.width then text = text:sub(1, self.width - x + 1) width = #text end if width > 0 then local function replace(sstr, pos, rstr, width) return sstr:sub(1, pos-1) .. rstr .. sstr:sub(pos+width) end local function fill(sstr, pos, rstr, width) return sstr:sub(1, pos-1) .. string.rep(rstr, width) .. sstr:sub(pos+width) end local line = self.lines[y] line.dirty = true line.text = replace(line.text, x, text, width) if bg then line.bg = fill(line.bg, x, colorToPaintColor(bg, self.isColor), width) end if tc then line.fg = fill(line.fg, x, colorToPaintColor(tc, self.isColor), width) end end end end --[[-- StringBuffer --]]-- UI.StringBuffer = class() function UI.StringBuffer:init(bufSize) self.bufSize = bufSize self.buffer = {} end function UI.StringBuffer:insert(s, width) local len = #tostring(s) if len > width then s = s:sub(1, width) end table.insert(self.buffer, s) if len < width then table.insert(self.buffer, string.rep(' ', width - len)) end end function UI.StringBuffer:get(sep) return Util.widthify(table.concat(self.buffer, sep or ''), self.bufSize) end function UI.StringBuffer:clear() self.buffer = { } end --[[-- Page (focus manager) --]]-- UI.Page = class(UI.Window) UI.Page.defaults = { UIElement = 'Page', accelerators = { down = 'focus_next', enter = 'focus_next', tab = 'focus_next', shiftTab = 'focus_prev', up = 'focus_prev', }, backgroundColor = colors.black, textColor = colors.white, } function UI.Page:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Page) defaults.parent = UI.defaultDevice UI.setProperties(defaults, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Page:enable() UI.Window.enable(self) if not self.focused or not self.focused.enabled then self:focusFirst() end end function UI.Page:getFocused() return self.focused end function UI.Page:focusPrevious() local function getPreviousFocus(focused) local focusables = self:getFocusables() for k, v in ipairs(focusables) do if v == focused then if k > 1 then return focusables[k - 1] end return focusables[#focusables] end end end local focused = getPreviousFocus(self.focused) if focused then self:setFocus(focused) end end function UI.Page:focusNext() local function getNextFocus(focused) local focusables = self:getFocusables() for k, v in ipairs(focusables) do if v == focused then if k < #focusables then return focusables[k + 1] end return focusables[1] end end end local focused = getNextFocus(self.focused) if focused then self:setFocus(focused) end end function UI.Page:setFocus(child) if not child.focus then return end if self.focused and self.focused ~= child then self.focused.focused = false self.focused:focus() self.focused:emit({ type = 'focus_lost', focused = child }) end self.focused = child if not child.focused then child.focused = true self:emit({ type = 'focus_change', focused = child }) end child:focus() end function UI.Page:eventHandler(event) if self.focused then if event.type == 'focus_next' then self:focusNext() return true elseif event.type == 'focus_prev' then self:focusPrevious() return true end end return false end --[[-- Grid --]]-- UI.Grid = class(UI.Window) UI.Grid.defaults = { UIElement = 'Grid', x = 1, y = 1, index = 1, inverseSort = false, disableHeader = false, selectable = true, textColor = colors.white, textSelectedColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.black, backgroundSelectedColor = colors.gray, headerBackgroundColor = colors.blue, headerTextColor = colors.white, unfocusedTextSelectedColor = colors.white, unfocusedBackgroundSelectedColor = colors.gray, focusIndicator = '>', values = { }, columns = { }, } function UI.Grid:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Grid, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) for _,h in pairs(self.columns) do if not h.heading then h.heading = '' end end self:update() end function UI.Grid:enable() UI.Window.enable(self) end function UI.Grid:setParent() UI.Window.setParent(self) self:adjustWidth() if not self.pageSize then if self.disableHeader then self.pageSize = self.height else self.pageSize = self.height - 1 end end end function UI.Grid:adjustWidth() if self.autospace then for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do col.width = #col.heading end for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do for key,row in pairs(self.values) do row = self:getDisplayValues(row, key) local value = row[col.key] if value then value = tostring(value) if #value > col.width then col.width = #value end end end end local colswidth = 1 for _,c in pairs(self.columns) do colswidth = colswidth + c.width end local spacing = (self.width - 1 - colswidth) if spacing > 0 then local left = self.width - 1 for k,c in pairs(self.columns) do local totalSpacing = left - colswidth local space = totalSpacing / (#self.columns - k + 1) colswidth = colswidth - c.width c.width = c.width + math.floor(space) left = left - c.width end end end end function UI.Grid:setPageSize(pageSize) self.pageSize = pageSize end function UI.Grid:getValues() return self.values end function UI.Grid:setValues(t) self.values = t self:update() end function UI.Grid:setInverseSort(inverseSort) self.inverseSort = inverseSort self:update() self:setIndex(self.index) end function UI.Grid:setSortColumn(column) self.sortColumn = column end function UI.Grid:getDisplayValues(row, key) return row end function UI.Grid:getSelected() if self.sorted then return self.values[self.sorted[self.index]] end end function UI.Grid:focus() self:drawRows() end function UI.Grid:draw() if not self.disableHeader then self:drawHeadings() end if self.index <= 0 then self:setIndex(1) elseif self.index > #self.sorted then self:setIndex(#self.sorted) end self:drawRows() end -- Something about the displayed table has changed -- resort the table function UI.Grid:update() local function sort(a, b) if not a[self.sortColumn] then return false elseif not b[self.sortColumn] then return true end return self:sortCompare(a, b) end local function inverseSort(a, b) return not sort(a, b) end local order if self.sortColumn then order = sort if self.inverseSort then order = inverseSort end end self.sorted = Util.keys(self.values) if order then table.sort(self.sorted, function(a,b) return order(self.values[a], self.values[b]) end) end end function UI.Grid:drawHeadings() local sb = UI.StringBuffer(self.width) for _,col in ipairs(self.columns) do local ind = ' ' if self.inverseSort and col.key == self.sortColumn then ind = '^' end sb:insert(ind .. col.heading, col.width + 1) end self:write(1, 1, sb:get(), self.headerBackgroundColor, self.headerTextColor) end function UI.Grid:sortCompare(a, b) local a = safeValue(a[self.sortColumn]) local b = safeValue(b[self.sortColumn]) if type(a) == type(b) then return a < b end return tostring(a) < tostring(b) end function UI.Grid:drawRows() local y = 1 local startRow = math.max(1, self:getStartRow()) local sb = UI.StringBuffer(self.width) if not self.disableHeader then y = y + 1 end local lastRow = math.min(startRow + self.pageSize - 1, #self.sorted) for index = startRow, lastRow do local sindex = self.sorted[index] local row = self.values[sindex] local key = sindex row = self:getDisplayValues(row, key) sb:clear() local ind = ' ' if self.focused and index == self.index and self.selectable then ind = self.focusIndicator end for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do sb:insert(ind .. safeValue(row[col.key] or ''), col.width + 1) ind = ' ' end local selected = index == self.index and self.selectable self:write(1, y, sb:get(), self:getRowBackgroundColor(row, selected), self:getRowTextColor(row, selected)) y = y + 1 end if y <= self.height then self:clearArea(1, y, self.width, self.height - y + 1) end end function UI.Grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if selected then if self.focused then return self.textSelectedColor end return self.unfocusedTextSelectedColor end return self.textColor end function UI.Grid:getRowBackgroundColor(row, selected) if selected then if self.focused then return self.backgroundSelectedColor end return self.unfocusedBackgroundSelectedColor end return self.backgroundColor end function UI.Grid:getIndex(index) return self.index end function UI.Grid:setIndex(index) index = math.max(1, index) self.index = math.min(index, #self.sorted) local selected = self:getSelected() if selected ~= self.selected then self:drawRows() self.selected = selected if selected then self:emit({ type = 'grid_focus_row', selected = selected }) end end end function UI.Grid:getStartRow() return math.floor((self.index - 1) / self.pageSize) * self.pageSize + 1 end function UI.Grid:getPage() return math.floor(self.index / self.pageSize) + 1 end function UI.Grid:getPageCount() local tableSize = Util.size(self.values) local pc = math.floor(tableSize / self.pageSize) if tableSize % self.pageSize > 0 then pc = pc + 1 end return pc end function UI.Grid:nextPage() self:setPage(self:getPage() + 1) end function UI.Grid:previousPage() self:setPage(self:getPage() - 1) end function UI.Grid:setPage(pageNo) -- 1 based paging self:setIndex((pageNo-1) * self.pageSize + 1) end function UI.Grid:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'mouse_click' or event.type == 'mouse_doubleclick' then if not self.disableHeader then if event.y == 1 then local col = 2 for _,c in ipairs(self.columns) do if event.x < col + c.width then if self.sortColumn == c.key then self:setInverseSort(not self.inverseSort) else self.sortColumn = c.key self:setInverseSort(false) end self:draw() break end col = col + c.width + 1 end return true end end local row = self:getStartRow() + event.y - 1 if not self.disableHeader then row = row - 1 end if row > 0 and row <= Util.size(self.values) then self:setIndex(row) if event.type == 'mouse_doubleclick' then self:emit({ type = 'key', key = 'enter' }) end return true end elseif event.type == 'key' then if event.key == 'enter' then if self.selected then self:emit({ type = 'grid_select', selected = self.selected }) end return true elseif event.key == 'down' then self:setIndex(self.index + 1) elseif event.key == 'up' then self:setIndex(self.index - 1) elseif event.key == 'control-b' or event.key == 'pageUp' then self:setIndex(self.index - self.pageSize) elseif event.key == 'control-f' or event.key == 'pageDown' then self:setIndex(self.index + self.pageSize) elseif event.key == 'home' then self:setIndex(1) elseif event.key == 'end' then self:setIndex(Util.size(self.values)) else return false end return true end return false end --[[-- ScrollingGrid --]]-- UI.ScrollingGrid = class(UI.Grid) UI.ScrollingGrid.defaults = { UIElement = 'ScrollingGrid', scrollOffset = 1 } function UI.ScrollingGrid:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.ScrollingGrid, args) UI.Grid.init(self, defaults) end function UI.ScrollingGrid:drawRows() UI.Grid.drawRows(self) self:drawScrollbar() end function UI.ScrollingGrid:drawScrollbar() local ts = Util.size(self.values) if ts > self.pageSize then local sbSize = self.pageSize - 2 local sa = ts sa = self.pageSize / sa sa = math.floor(sbSize * sa) if sa < 1 then sa = 1 end if sa > sbSize then sa = sbSize end local sp = ts-self.pageSize sp = self.scrollOffset / sp sp = math.floor(sp * (sbSize-sa + 0.5)) local x = self.width if self.scrollOffset > 1 then self:write(x, 2, '^') else self:write(x, 2, ' ') end local row = 0 for i = 1, sp - 1 do self:write(x, row+3, '|') row = row + 1 end for i = 1, sa do self:write(x, row+3, '#') row = row + 1 end for i = row, sbSize do self:write(x, row+3, '|') row = row + 1 end if self.scrollOffset + self.pageSize - 1 < Util.size(self.values) then self:write(x, self.pageSize + 1, 'v') else self:write(x, self.pageSize + 1, ' ') end end end function UI.ScrollingGrid:getStartRow() local ts = Util.size(self.values) if ts < self.pageSize then self.scrollOffset = 1 end return self.scrollOffset end function UI.ScrollingGrid:setIndex(index) if index < self.scrollOffset then self.scrollOffset = index elseif index - (self.scrollOffset - 1) > self.pageSize then self.scrollOffset = index - self.pageSize + 1 end if self.scrollOffset < 1 then self.scrollOffset = 1 else local ts = Util.size(self.values) if self.pageSize + self.scrollOffset > ts then self.scrollOffset = math.max(1, ts - self.pageSize + 1) end end UI.Grid.setIndex(self, index) end --[[-- Menu --]]-- UI.Menu = class(UI.Grid) UI.Menu.defaults = { UIElement = 'Menu', disableHeader = true, columns = { { heading = 'Prompt', key = 'prompt', width = 20 } }, } function UI.Menu:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Menu) defaults.values = args['menuItems'] UI.setProperties(defaults, args) UI.Grid.init(self, defaults) self.pageSize = #args.menuItems end function UI.Menu:setParent() UI.Grid.setParent(self) self.itemWidth = 1 for _,v in pairs(self.values) do if #v.prompt > self.itemWidth then self.itemWidth = #v.prompt end end self.columns[1].width = self.itemWidth if self.centered then self:center() else self.width = self.itemWidth + 2 end end function UI.Menu:center() self.x = (self.width - self.itemWidth + 2) / 2 self.width = self.itemWidth + 2 end function UI.Menu:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'key' then if event.key == 'enter' then local selected = self.menuItems[self.index] self:emit({ type = selected.event or 'menu_select', selected = selected }) return true end elseif event.type == 'mouse_click' then if event.y <= #self.menuItems then UI.Grid.setIndex(self, event.y) local selected = self.menuItems[self.index] self:emit({ type = selected.event or 'menu_select', selected = selected }) return true end end return UI.Grid.eventHandler(self, event) end --[[-- ViewportWindow --]]-- UI.ViewportWindow = class(UI.Window) UI.ViewportWindow.defaults = { UIElement = 'ViewportWindow', backgroundColor = colors.blue, accelerators = { down = 'scroll_down', up = 'scroll_up', home = 'scroll_top', [ 'end' ] = 'scroll_bottom', pageUp = 'scroll_pageUp', [ 'control-b' ] = 'scroll_pageUp', pageDown = 'scroll_pageDown', [ 'control-f' ] = 'scroll_pageDown', }, } function UI.ViewportWindow:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.ViewportWindow, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.ViewportWindow:setScrollPosition(offset) local oldOffset = self.offy self.offy = math.max(offset, 0) local max = self.ymax or self.height if self.children then for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do max = math.max(child.y + child.height - 1, max) end end self.offy = math.min(self.offy, math.max(max, self.height) - self.height) if self.offy ~= oldOffset then self:draw() end end function UI.ViewportWindow:reset() self.offy = 0 end function UI.ViewportWindow:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'scroll_down' then self:setScrollPosition(self.offy + 1) elseif event.type == 'scroll_up' then self:setScrollPosition(self.offy - 1) elseif event.type == 'scroll_top' then self:setScrollPosition(0) elseif event.type == 'scroll_bottom' then self:setScrollPosition(10000000) elseif event.type == 'scroll_pageUp' then self:setScrollPosition(self.offy - self.height) elseif event.type == 'scroll_pageDown' then self:setScrollPosition(self.offy + self.height) else return false end return true end --[[-- ScrollingText --]]-- UI.ScrollingText = class(UI.Window) UI.ScrollingText.defaults = { UIElement = 'ScrollingText', backgroundColor = colors.black, buffer = { }, } function UI.ScrollingText:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.ScrollingText, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.ScrollingText:appendLine(text) if #self.buffer+1 >= self.height then table.remove(self.buffer, 1) end table.insert(self.buffer, text) end function UI.ScrollingText:clear() self.buffer = { } UI.Window.clear(self) end function UI.ScrollingText:draw() for k,text in ipairs(self.buffer) do self:write(1, k, Util.widthify(text, self.width), self.backgroundColor) end end --[[-- TitleBar --]]-- UI.TitleBar = class(UI.Window) UI.TitleBar.defaults = { UIElement = 'TitleBar', height = 1, backgroundColor = colors.brown, title = '' } function UI.TitleBar:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.TitleBar, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.TitleBar:draw() self:clear() local centered = math.ceil((self.width - #self.title) / 2) self:write(1 + centered, 1, self.title, self.backgroundColor) if self.previousPage or self.event then self:write(self.width, 1, '*', self.backgroundColor, colors.black) end --self:write(self.width-1, 1, '?', self.backgroundColor) end function UI.TitleBar:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'mouse_click' then if (self.previousPage or self.event) and event.x == self.width then if self.event then self:emit({ type = self.event, element = self }) elseif type(self.previousPage) == 'string' or type(self.previousPage) == 'table' then UI:setPage(self.previousPage) else UI:setPreviousPage() end return true end end end --[[-- MenuBar --]]-- UI.MenuBar = class(UI.Window) UI.MenuBar.defaults = { UIElement = 'MenuBar', buttons = { }, height = 1, backgroundColor = colors.lightBlue, textColor = colors.black, spacing = 2, showBackButton = false, } function UI.MenuBar:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.MenuBar, args) UI.setProperties(self, defaults) if not self.children then self.children = { } end local x = 1 for k,button in pairs(self.buttons) do local buttonProperties = { x = x, width = #button.text + self.spacing, backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor, textColor = self.textColor, centered = false, } x = x + buttonProperties.width UI.setProperties(buttonProperties, button) if button.name then self[button.name] = UI.Button(buttonProperties) else table.insert(self.children, UI.Button(buttonProperties)) end end if self.showBackButton then table.insert(self.children, UI.Button({ x = UI.term.width - 2, width = 3, backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor, textColor = self.textColor, text = '^-', event = 'back', })) end UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.MenuBar:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'dropdown' then -- better, but still a bad implementation -- this at least will allow overrides -- on the button and menubar if event.button and event.button.dropdown then local dropdown = self.parent[event.button.dropdown] if dropdown then if dropdown.enabled then dropdown:hide(event.button) else dropdown:show(event.button) end return true end end end end --[[-- DropMenu --]]-- UI.DropMenu = class(UI.MenuBar) UI.DropMenu.defaults = { UIElement = 'DropMenu', } function UI.DropMenu:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.DropMenu, args) UI.MenuBar.init(self, defaults) end function UI.DropMenu:setParent() UI.MenuBar.setParent(self) local maxWidth = 1 for y,child in ipairs(self.children) do child.x = 1 child.y = y if #child.text > maxWidth then maxWidth = #child.text end end for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do child.width = maxWidth + 2 end self.height = #self.children self.width = maxWidth + 2 self.ow = self.width end function UI.DropMenu:enable() self.enabled = false end function UI.DropMenu:show(button) -- the x, y should be passed instead of button self.button = button self.x, self.y = getPosition(button) self.y = self.y + 1 if self.x + self.width > self.parent.width then self.x = self.parent.width - self.width + 1 end self.enabled = true for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do child:enable() end self:setFocus(self.children[1]) self:draw() UI:capture(self) end function UI.DropMenu:hide() self:disable() self.parent:draw() UI:release(self) end function UI.DropMenu:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'focus_lost' then for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do if child == event.focused then return end end self:hide() elseif event.type == 'mouse_out' then self:hide() if self.button then self:setFocus(self.button) end else return UI.MenuBar.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end --[[-- TabBar --]]-- UI.TabBar = class(UI.MenuBar) UI.TabBar.defaults = { UIElement = 'TabBar', selectedBackgroundColor = colors.blue, focusBackgroundColor = colors.green, } function UI.TabBar:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.TabBar, args) UI.MenuBar.init(self, defaults) end function UI.TabBar:selectTab(text) local selected, lastSelected for k,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.selected then lastSelected = k end child.selected = child.text == text if child.selected then selected = k child.backgroundColor = self.selectedBackgroundColor child.backgroundFocusColor = self.selectedBackgroundColor else child.backgroundColor = self.backgroundColor child.backgroundFocusColor = self.backgroundColor end end if selected and lastSelected and selected ~= lastSelected then self:emit({ type = 'tab_change', current = selected, last = lastSelected }) end UI.MenuBar.draw(self) end --[[-- Tabs --]]-- UI.Tabs = class(UI.Window) UI.Tabs.defaults = { UIElement = 'Tabs', } function UI.Tabs:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Tabs, args) local buttons = { } for k,child in pairs(defaults) do if type(child) == 'table' and child.UIElement then table.insert(buttons, { text = child.tabTitle, event = 'tab_select', }) end end self.tabBar = UI.TabBar({ buttons = buttons, }) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Tabs:setParent() UI.Window.setParent(self) for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child ~= self.tabBar then child.y = 2 child.height = self.height - 1 end end end function UI.Tabs:enable() self.enabled = true for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do if child.tabTitle == self.tabBar.buttons[1].text then self:activateTab(child) break end end self.tabBar:enable() end function UI.Tabs:activateTab(tab) for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do if child ~= self.tabBar then child:disable() end end tab:enable() tab:draw() self.tabBar:selectTab(tab.tabTitle) self:emit({ type = 'tab_activate', activated = tab, element = self }) end function UI.Tabs:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'tab_select' then for _,child in ipairs(self.children) do if child.tabTitle == event.button.text then self:activateTab(child) break end end elseif event.type == 'tab_change' then for _,tab in ipairs(self.children) do if tab ~= self.tabBar then if event.current > event.last then tab:setTransition(UI.effect.slideLeft) else tab:setTransition(UI.effect.slideRight) end break end end end end --[[-- WindowScroller --]]-- UI.WindowScroller = class(UI.Window) UI.WindowScroller.defaults = { UIElement = 'WindowScroller', children = { }, } function UI.WindowScroller:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.WindowScroller, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.WindowScroller:enable() self.enabled = true if #self.children > 0 then self.children[1]:enable() end end function UI.WindowScroller:nextChild() for i = 1, #self.children do if self.children[i].enabled then if i < #self.children then self:setTransition(UI.effect.slideLeft) self.children[i]:disable() self.children[i + 1]:enable() end break end end end function UI.WindowScroller:prevChild() for i = 1, #self.children do if self.children[i].enabled then if i - 1 > 0 then self:setTransition(UI.effect.slideRight) self.children[i]:disable() self.children[i - 1]:enable() end break end end end --[[-- Notification --]]-- UI.Notification = class(UI.Window) UI.Notification.defaults = { UIElement = 'Notification', backgroundColor = colors.gray, height = 1, } function UI.Notification:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Notification, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Notification:draw() if self.enabled then local lines = Util.wordWrap(self.value, self.width - 2) self.height = #lines -- + 2 self.y = UI.term.height - self.height + 1 self:clear() for k,v in pairs(lines) do self:write(2, k, v) end end end function UI.Notification:enable() self.enabled = false end function UI.Notification:resize() self.y = UI.term.height + 1 end function UI.Notification:error(value, timeout) self.backgroundColor = colors.red self:display(value, timeout) end function UI.Notification:info(value, timeout) self.backgroundColor = colors.gray self:display(value, timeout) end function UI.Notification:success(value, timeout) self.backgroundColor = colors.green self:display(value, timeout) end function UI.Notification:display(value, timeout) self.value = value self.enabled = true self:draw() Event.addNamedTimer('notificationTimer', timeout or 3, false, function() -- self.y = UI.term.height + 1 self.enabled = false if self.parent.enabled then self.parent:draw() self:sync() end end) end --[[-- GridLayout --]]-- UI.GridLayout = class(UI.Window) UI.GridLayout.defaults = { UIElement = 'GridLayout', x = 1, y = 1, textColor = colors.white, backgroundColor = colors.black, values = { }, columns = { }, } function UI.GridLayout:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.GridLayout, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.GridLayout:setParent() UI.Window.setParent(self) self:adjustWidth() end function UI.GridLayout:adjustWidth() if not self.width then self.width = self:calculateWidth() end if self.autospace then local width for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do width = 1 for _,row in pairs(self.values) do local value = row[col[2]] if value then value = tostring(value) if #value > width then width = #value end end end col[3] = width end local colswidth = 0 for _,c in pairs(self.columns) do colswidth = colswidth + c[3] + 1 end local spacing = (self.width - colswidth - 1) if spacing > 0 then spacing = math.floor(spacing / (#self.columns - 1) ) for _,c in pairs(self.columns) do c[3] = c[3] + spacing end end end end function UI.GridLayout:calculateWidth() -- gutters on each side local width = 2 for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do width = width + col[3] + 1 end return width - 1 end function UI.GridLayout:drawRow(row, y) local sb = UI.StringBuffer(self.width) for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do local value = row[col[2]] sb:insert(' ' .. (value or ''), col[3] + 1) end local selected = index == self.index and self.selectable if selected then self:setSelected(row) end self:write(1, y, sb:get()) end function UI.GridLayout:draw() local size = #self.values local startRow = self:getStartRow() local endRow = startRow + self.height - 1 if endRow > size then endRow = size end for i = startRow, endRow do self:drawRow(self.values[i], i) end if endRow - startRow < self.height - 1 then self:clearArea(1, endRow, self.width, self.height - endRow) end end function UI.GridLayout:getStartRow() return 1 end --[[-- StatusBar --]]-- UI.StatusBar = class(UI.GridLayout) UI.StatusBar.defaults = { UIElement = 'StatusBar', backgroundColor = colors.gray, columns = { { '', 'status', 10 }, }, values = { }, status = { status = '' }, } function UI.StatusBar:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.StatusBar, args) UI.GridLayout.init(self, defaults) self:setStatus(self.status) end function UI.StatusBar:setParent() UI.GridLayout.setParent(self) self.y = self.height self.height = 1 if #self.columns == 1 then self.columns[1][3] = self.width end end function UI.StatusBar:setStatus(status) if type(status) == 'string' then self.values[1] = { status = status } else self.values[1] = status end end function UI.StatusBar:setValue(name, value) self.status[name] = value end function UI.StatusBar:getValue(name) return self.status[name] end function UI.StatusBar:timedStatus(status, timeout) timeout = timeout or 3 self:write(2, 1, Util.widthify(status, self.width-2), self.backgroundColor) Event.addNamedTimer('statusTimer', timeout, false, function() if self.parent.enabled then self:draw() self:sync() end end) end function UI.StatusBar:getColumnWidth(name) for _,v in pairs(self.columns) do if v[2] == name then return v[3] end end end function UI.StatusBar:setColumnWidth(name, width) for _,v in pairs(self.columns) do if v[2] == name then v[3] = width break end end end --[[-- ProgressBar --]]-- UI.ProgressBar = class(UI.Window) UI.ProgressBar.defaults = { UIElement = 'ProgressBar', progressColor = colors.lime, backgroundColor = colors.gray, height = 1, value = 0, } function UI.ProgressBar:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.ProgressBar, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.ProgressBar:draw() local width = math.ceil(self.value / 100 * self.width) if width > 0 then self:write(1, 1, string.rep(' ', width), self.progressColor) end local x = width width = self.width - width if width > 0 then self:write(x + 1, 1, string.rep(' ', width), self.backgroundColor) end end function UI.ProgressBar:setProgress(progress) self.value = progress end --[[-- VerticalMeter --]]-- UI.VerticalMeter = class(UI.Window) UI.VerticalMeter.defaults = { UIElement = 'VerticalMeter', meterColor = colors.lime, height = 1, value = 0, } function UI.VerticalMeter:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.VerticalMeter, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.VerticalMeter:draw() local height = self.height - math.ceil(self.value / 100 * self.height) local filler = string.rep(' ', self.width) for i = 1, height do self:write(1, i, filler, self.backgroundColor) end for i = height+1, self.height do self:write(1, i, filler, self.meterColor) end end function UI.VerticalMeter:setPercent(percent) self.value = percent end --[[-- Button --]]-- UI.Button = class(UI.Window) UI.Button.defaults = { UIElement = 'Button', text = 'button', backgroundColor = colors.gray, backgroundFocusColor = colors.green, textFocusColor = colors.black, centered = true, height = 1, focusIndicator = '>', event = 'button_press', accelerators = { space = 'button_activate', enter = 'button_activate', mouse_click = 'button_activate', } } function UI.Button:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Button, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Button:setParent() if not self.width then self.width = #self.text + 2 end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.Button:draw() local fg = self.textColor local bg = self.backgroundColor local ind = ' ' if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor fg = self.textFocusColor ind = self.focusIndicator end self:clear(bg) local text = ind .. self.text .. ' ' if self.centered then self:centeredWrite(1 + math.floor(self.height / 2), text, bg, fg) else self:write(1, 1, Util.widthify(text, self.width), bg, fg) end end function UI.Button:focus() if self.focused then self:scrollIntoView() end self:draw() end function UI.Button:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'button_activate' then self:emit({ type = self.event, button = self }) return true end return false end --[[-- TextEntry --]]-- UI.TextEntry = class(UI.Window) UI.TextEntry.defaults = { UIElement = 'TextEntry', value = '', shadowText = '', focused = false, backgroundColor = colors.lightGray, backgroundFocusColor = colors.green, height = 1, limit = 6, pos = 0, } function UI.TextEntry:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.TextEntry, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) self.value = tostring(self.value) end function UI.TextEntry:setValue(value) self.value = value end function UI.TextEntry:setPosition(pos) self.pos = pos end function UI.TextEntry:updateScroll() if not self.scroll then self.scroll = 0 end if not self.pos then self.pos = #tostring(self.value) self.scroll = 0 elseif self.pos > #tostring(self.value) then self.pos = #tostring(self.value) self.scroll = 0 end if self.pos - self.scroll > self.width - 2 then self.scroll = self.pos - (self.width - 2) elseif self.pos < self.scroll then self.scroll = self.pos end -- debug('p:%d s:%d w:%d l:%d', self.pos, self.scroll, self.width, self.limit) end function UI.TextEntry:draw() local bg = self.backgroundColor local tc = self.textColor if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor end self:updateScroll() local text = tostring(self.value) if #text > 0 then if self.scroll and self.scroll > 0 then text = text:sub(1 + self.scroll) end else tc = colors.gray text = self.shadowText end self:write(1, 1, ' ' .. Util.widthify(text, self.width - 2) .. ' ', bg, tc) if self.focused then self:setCursorPos(self.pos-self.scroll+2, 1) end end function UI.TextEntry:reset() self.pos = 0 self.value = '' self:draw() self:updateCursor() end function UI.TextEntry:updateCursor() self:updateScroll() self:setCursorPos(self.pos-self.scroll+2, 1) end function UI.TextEntry:focus() self:draw() if self.focused then self:setCursorBlink(true) else self:setCursorBlink(false) end end --[[ A few lines below from theoriginalbit http://www.computercraft.info/forums2/index.php?/topic/16070-read-and-limit-length-of-the-input-field/ --]] function UI.TextEntry:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'key' then local ch = event.key if ch == 'left' then if self.pos > 0 then self.pos = math.max(self.pos-1, 0) self:draw() end elseif ch == 'right' then local input = tostring(self.value) if self.pos < #input then self.pos = math.min(self.pos+1, #input) self:draw() end elseif ch == 'home' then self.pos = 0 self:draw() elseif ch == 'end' then self.pos = #tostring(self.value) self:draw() elseif ch == 'backspace' then if self.pos > 0 then local input = tostring(self.value) self.value = input:sub(1, self.pos-1) .. input:sub(self.pos+1) self.pos = self.pos - 1 self:draw() self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value }) end elseif ch == 'delete' then local input = tostring(self.value) if self.pos < #input then self.value = input:sub(1, self.pos) .. input:sub(self.pos+2) self:draw() self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value }) end elseif #ch == 1 then local input = tostring(self.value) if #input < self.limit then self.value = input:sub(1, self.pos) .. ch .. input:sub(self.pos+1) self.pos = self.pos + 1 self:draw() self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value }) end else return false end return true elseif event.type == 'paste' then local input = tostring(self.value) local text = event.text if #input + #text > self.limit then text = text:sub(1, self.limit-#input) end self.value = input:sub(1, self.pos) .. text .. input:sub(self.pos+1) self.pos = self.pos + #text self:draw() self:updateCursor() self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value }) return true elseif event.type == 'mouse_click' then if self.focused then self.pos = event.x + self.scroll - 2 self:updateCursor() return true end elseif event.type == 'mouse_rightclick' then local input = tostring(self.value) if #input > 0 then self:reset() self:emit({ type = 'text_change', text = self.value }) end end return false end --[[-- Chooser --]]-- UI.Chooser = class(UI.Window) UI.Chooser.defaults = { UIElement = 'Chooser', choices = { }, nochoice = 'Select', backgroundColor = colors.lightGray, backgroundFocusColor = colors.green, height = 1, } function UI.Chooser:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Chooser, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Chooser:setParent() if not self.width then self.width = 1 for _,v in pairs(self.choices) do if #v.name > self.width then self.width = #v.name end end self.width = self.width + 4 end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.Chooser:draw() local bg = self.backgroundColor if self.focused then bg = self.backgroundFocusColor end local choice = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) local value = self.nochoice if choice then value = choice.name end self:write(1, 1, '<', bg, colors.black) self:write(2, 1, ' ' .. Util.widthify(value, self.width-4) .. ' ', bg) self:write(self.width, 1, '>', bg, colors.black) end function UI.Chooser:focus() self:draw() end function UI.Chooser:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'key' then if event.key == 'right' or event.key == 'space' then local choice,k = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) if k and k < #self.choices then self.value = self.choices[k+1].value else self.value = self.choices[1].value end self:emit({ type = 'choice_change', value = self.value }) self:draw() return true elseif event.key == 'left' then local choice,k = Util.find(self.choices, 'value', self.value) if k and k > 1 then self.value = self.choices[k-1].value else self.value = self.choices[#self.choices].value end self:emit({ type = 'choice_change', value = self.value }) self:draw() return true end elseif event.type == 'mouse_click' then if event.x == 1 then self:emit({ type = 'key', key = 'left' }) return true elseif event.x == self.width then self:emit({ type = 'key', key = 'right' }) return true end end end --[[-- Text --]]-- UI.Text = class(UI.Window) UI.Text.defaults = { UIElement = 'Text', value = '', height = 1, } function UI.Text:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Text, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Text:setParent() if not self.width then self.width = #tostring(self.value) end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.Text:draw() local value = self.value or '' self:write(1, 1, Util.widthify(value, self.width), self.backgroundColor) end --[[-- Form --]]-- UI.Form = class(UI.Window) UI.Form.defaults = { UIElement = 'Form', values = { }, fields = { }, labelWidth = 20, accept = function() end, cancel = function() end, } UI.Form.D = { -- display static = UI.Text, entry = UI.TextEntry, chooser = UI.Chooser, button = UI.Button } UI.Form.V = { -- validation number = function(value) return type(value) == 'number' end } UI.Form.T = { -- data types number = function(value) return tonumber(value) end } function UI.Form:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Form, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) self:createFields() self:initChildren() end function UI.Form:setValues(values) self.values = values for k,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.key then child.value = self.values[child.key] if not child.value then child.value = '' end end end end function UI.Form:createFields() if not self.children then self.children = { } end for k,field in pairs(self.fields) do if field.label then table.insert(self.children, UI.Text({ x = 1, y = k, width = #field.label, value = field.label, })) end local value if field.key then value = self.values[field.key] end if not value then value = '' end value = tostring(value) local width = #value if field.limit then width = field.limit + 2 end local fieldProperties = { x = self.labelWidth + 2, y = k, width = width, value = value, } UI.setProperties(fieldProperties, field) table.insert(self.children, field.display(fieldProperties)) end end function UI.Form:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'accept' then for _,child in pairs(self.children) do if child.key then self.values[child.key] = child.value end end return false end return false end --[[-- Dialog --]]-- UI.Dialog = class(UI.Page) UI.Dialog.defaults = { x = 7, y = 4, height = 7, backgroundColor = colors.lightBlue, } function UI.Dialog:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Dialog) UI.setProperties(defaults, { width = UI.term.width-11, titleBar = UI.TitleBar({ previousPage = true }), acceptButton = UI.Button({ text = 'Accept', event = 'accept', x = 5, y = 5 }), cancelButton = UI.Button({ text = 'Cancel', event = 'cancel', x = 17, y = 5 }), statusBar = UI.StatusBar(), }) UI.setProperties(defaults, args) UI.Page.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Dialog:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() end return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end --[[-- Image --]]-- UI.Image = class(UI.Window) UI.Image.defaults = { UIElement = 'Image', event = 'button_press', } function UI.Image:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.Image, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.Image:setParent() if self.image then self.height = #self.image end if self.image and not self.width then self.width = #self.image[1] end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.Image:draw() self:clear() if self.image then for y = 1, #self.image do local line = self.image[y] for x = 1, #line do local ch = line[x] if type(ch) == 'number' then if ch > 0 then self:write(x, y, ' ', ch) end else self:write(x, y, ch) end end end end end function UI.Image:setImage(image) self.image = image end --[[-- NftImage --]]-- UI.NftImage = class(UI.Window) UI.NftImage.defaults = { UIElement = 'NftImage', event = 'button_press', } function UI.NftImage:init(args) local defaults = UI:getDefaults(UI.NftImage, args) UI.Window.init(self, defaults) end function UI.NftImage:setParent() if self.image then self.height = self.image.height end if self.image and not self.width then self.width = self.image.width end UI.Window.setParent(self) end function UI.NftImage:draw() -- self:clear() if self.image then for y = 1, self.image.height do for x = 1, #self.image.text[y] do self:write(x, y, self.image.text[y][x], self.image.bg[y][x], self.image.fg[y][x]) end end else self:clear() end end function UI.NftImage:setImage(image) self.image = image end if fs.exists('/config/ui.theme') then UI:loadTheme('/config/ui.theme') end UI:setDefaultDevice(UI.Device({ device = term.current() })) return UI