--[[ Mount a readonly file system from another computer across rednet. The target computer must be running OpusOS or redserver. Dissimlar to samba in that a snapshot of the target is taken upon mounting - making this faster. Useful for mounting a non-changing directory tree. Syntax: rttp:///directory/subdir Examples: rttp://12/usr/etc rttp://8/usr ]]-- local rttp = require('rttp') local fs = _G.fs local redfs = { } local function getListing(uri) local success, response = rttp.get(uri .. '?recursive=true') if not success then error(response) end if response.statusCode ~= 200 then error('Received response ' .. response.statusCode) end local list = { } for _,v in pairs(response.data) do if not v.isDir then list[v.path] = { url = uri .. '/' .. v.path, size = v.size, } end end return list end function redfs.mount(dir, uri) if not uri then error('redfs syntax: uri') end local list = getListing(uri) for path, entry in pairs(list) do if not fs.exists(fs.combine(dir, path)) then local node = fs.mount(fs.combine(dir, path), 'urlfs', entry.url) node.size = entry.size end end end return redfs