local Config = require('opus.config') local UI = require('opus.ui') local colors = _G.colors local fs = _G.fs local config = Config.load('multishell') local tab = UI.Tab { title = 'Launcher', description = 'Set the application launcher', [1] = UI.Window { x = 2, y = 2, ex = -2, ey = 5, }, launcherLabel = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 3, value = 'Launcher', }, launcher = UI.Chooser { x = 13, y = 3, width = 12, choices = { { name = 'Overview', value = 'sys/apps/Overview.lua' }, { name = 'Shell', value = 'sys/apps/ShellLauncher.lua' }, { name = 'Custom', value = 'custom' }, }, }, custom = UI.TextEntry { x = 13, ex = -3, y = 4, limit = 128, shadowText = 'File name', }, button = UI.Button { x = -8, ex = -2, y = -2, text = 'Apply', event = 'update', }, labelText = UI.TextArea { x = 2, ex = -2, y = 6, ey = -4, backgroundColor = colors.black, textColor = colors.yellow, marginLeft = 1, marginRight = 1, marginTop = 1, value = 'Choose an application launcher', }, } function tab:enable() local launcher = config.launcher and 'custom' or 'sys/apps/Overview.lua' for _, v in pairs(self.launcher.choices) do if v.value == config.launcher then launcher = v.value break end end UI.Tab.enable(self) self.launcher.value = launcher self.custom.enabled = launcher == 'custom' end function tab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'choice_change' then self.custom.enabled = event.value == 'custom' if self.custom.enabled then self.custom.value = config.launcher end self:draw() elseif event.type == 'update' then local launcher if self.launcher.value ~= 'custom' then launcher = self.launcher.value elseif fs.exists(self.custom.value) and not fs.isDir(self.custom.value) then launcher = self.custom.value end if launcher then config.launcher = launcher Config.update('multishell', config) self:emit({ type = 'success_message', message = 'Updated' }) else self:emit({ type = 'error_message', message = 'Invalid file' }) end end end return tab