local os = _G.os local table = _G.table local Event = { uid = 1, -- unique id for handlers routines = { }, -- coroutines types = { }, -- event handlers terminate = false, free = { }, -- allocated unused coroutines } -- Use a pool of coroutines for event handlers local function createCoroutine(h) local co = table.remove(Event.free) if not co then co = coroutine.create(function(_, ...) local args = { ... } while true do h.fn(table.unpack(args)) h.co = nil table.insert(Event.free, co) args = { coroutine.yield() } h = table.remove(args, 1) h.co = co end end) end h.primeCo = true -- TODO: fix... return co end local Routine = { } function Routine:isDead() if not self.co then return true end return coroutine.status(self.co) == 'dead' end function Routine:terminate() if self.co then self:resume('terminate') end end function Routine:resume(event, ...) if not self.co then error('Cannot resume a dead routine') end if not self.filter or self.filter == event or event == "terminate" then local s, m if self.primeCo then -- Only need self passed when using a coroutine from the pool s, m = coroutine.resume(self.co, self, event, ...) self.primeCo = nil else s, m = coroutine.resume(self.co, event, ...) end if self:isDead() then self.co = nil self.filter = nil Event.routines[self.uid] = nil else self.filter = m end if not s and event ~= 'terminate' then error(m or 'Error processing event', -1) end return s, m end return true, self.filter end local function nextUID() Event.uid = Event.uid + 1 return Event.uid - 1 end function Event.on(events, fn) events = type(events) == 'table' and events or { events } local handler = setmetatable({ uid = nextUID(), event = events, fn = fn, }, { __index = Routine }) for _,event in pairs(events) do local handlers = Event.types[event] if not handlers then handlers = { } Event.types[event] = handlers end handlers[handler.uid] = handler end return handler end function Event.off(h) if h and h.event then for _,event in pairs(h.event) do local handler = Event.types[event][h.uid] if handler then handler:terminate() end Event.types[event][h.uid] = nil end elseif h and h.co then h:terminate() end end function Event.onInterval(interval, fn) return Event.addRoutine(function() while true do os.sleep(interval) fn() end end) end function Event.onTimeout(timeout, fn) local timerId = os.startTimer(timeout) local handler handler = Event.on('timer', function(t, id) if timerId == id then fn(t, id) Event.off(handler) end end) return handler end -- Set a handler for the terminate event. Within the function, return -- true or false to indicate whether the event should be propagated to -- all sub-threads function Event.onTerminate(fn) Event.termFn = fn end function Event.termFn() Event.terminate = true return true -- propagate end function Event.addRoutine(fn) local r = setmetatable({ co = coroutine.create(fn), uid = nextUID() }, { __index = Routine }) Event.routines[r.uid] = r r:resume() return r end function Event.pullEvents(...) for _, fn in ipairs({ ... }) do Event.addRoutine(fn) end repeat Event.pullEvent() until Event.terminate Event.terminate = false end function Event.exitPullEvents() Event.terminate = true os.sleep(0) end local function processHandlers(event) local handlers = Event.types[event] if handlers then for _,h in pairs(handlers) do if not h.co then -- callbacks are single threaded (only 1 co per handler) h.co = createCoroutine(h) Event.routines[h.uid] = h end end end end local function tokeys(t) local keys = { } for k in pairs(t) do keys[#keys+1] = k end return keys end local function processRoutines(...) local keys = tokeys(Event.routines) for _,key in ipairs(keys) do local r = Event.routines[key] if r then r:resume(...) end end end -- invoke the handlers registered for this event function Event.trigger(event, ...) local handlers = Event.types[event] if handlers then for _,h in pairs(handlers) do if not h.co then -- callbacks are single threaded (only 1 co per handler) h.co = createCoroutine(h) Event.routines[h.uid] = h h:resume(event, ...) end end end end function Event.processEvent(e) processHandlers(e[1]) processRoutines(table.unpack(e)) end function Event.pullEvent(eventType) while true do local e = { os.pullEventRaw() } local propagate = true -- don't like this... if e[1] == 'terminate' then propagate = Event.termFn() end if propagate then processHandlers(e[1]) processRoutines(table.unpack(e)) end if Event.terminate then return { 'terminate' } end if not eventType or e[1] == eventType then return e end end end return Event