local class = require('opus.class') local UI = require('opus.ui') UI.SlideOut = class(UI.Window) UI.SlideOut.defaults = { UIElement = 'SlideOut', pageType = 'modal', } function UI.SlideOut:layout() UI.Window.layout(self) if not self.canvas then self.canvas = self:addLayer() else self.canvas:resize(self.width, self.height) end end function UI.SlideOut:enable() end function UI.SlideOut:toggle() if self.enabled then self:hide() else self:show() end end function UI.SlideOut:show(...) self:addTransition('expandUp') self.canvas:raise() self.canvas:setVisible(true) UI.Window.enable(self, ...) self:draw() self:capture(self) self:focusFirst() end function UI.SlideOut:disable() self.canvas:setVisible(false) UI.Window.disable(self) end function UI.SlideOut:hide() self:disable() self:release(self) self:refocus() end function UI.SlideOut:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'slide_show' then self:show() return true elseif event.type == 'slide_hide' then self:hide() return true end end function UI.SlideOut.example() -- for the transistion to work properly, the parent must have a canvas return UI.ActiveLayer { y = 2, button = UI.Button { x = 2, y = 5, text = 'show', }, slideOut = UI.SlideOut { backgroundColor = _G.colors.yellow, y = -4, height = 4, x = 3, ex = -3, button = UI.Button { x = 2, y = 2, text = 'hide', }, }, eventHandler = function (self, event) if event.type == 'button_press' then self.slideOut.canvas.xxx = true self.slideOut:toggle() end end, } end