local fq = require('opus.crypto.ecc.fq') local elliptic = require('opus.crypto.ecc.elliptic') local sha256 = require('opus.crypto.sha2') local os = _G.os local q = {1372, 62520, 47765, 8105, 45059, 9616, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65535, 65532} local sLen = 24 local eLen = 24 local function hashModQ(sk) local hash = sha256.hmac({0x00}, sk) local x repeat hash = sha256.digest(hash) x = fq.fromBytes(hash) until fq.cmp(x, q) <= 0 return x end local function publicKey(sk) local x = hashModQ(sk) local Y = elliptic.scalarMulG(x) local pk = elliptic.pointEncode(Y) return pk end local function exchange(sk, pk) local Y = elliptic.pointDecode(pk) local x = hashModQ(sk) local Z = elliptic.scalarMul(x, Y) Z = elliptic.pointScale(Z) local ss = fq.bytes(Z[2]) return sha256.digest(ss) end local function sign(sk, message) message = type(message) == "table" and string.char(unpack(message)) or message sk = type(sk) == "table" and string.char(unpack(sk)) or sk local epoch = tostring(os.epoch("utc")) local x = hashModQ(sk) local k = hashModQ(message .. epoch .. sk) local R = elliptic.scalarMulG(k) R = string.char(unpack(elliptic.pointEncode(R))) local e = hashModQ(R .. message) local s = fq.sub(k, fq.mul(x, e)) e = fq.bytes(e) s = fq.bytes(s) local sig = {unpack(e)} for i = 1, #s do sig[#sig + 1] = s[i] end return sig end local function verify(pk, message, sig) local Y = elliptic.pointDecode(pk) local e = {unpack(sig, 1, eLen)} local s = {unpack(sig, eLen + 1, eLen + sLen)} e = fq.fromBytes(e) s = fq.fromBytes(s) local R = elliptic.pointAdd(elliptic.scalarMulG(s), elliptic.scalarMul(e, Y)) R = string.char(unpack(elliptic.pointEncode(R))) local e2 = hashModQ(R .. message) return fq.eq(e2, e) end return { publicKey = publicKey, exchange = exchange, sign = sign, verify = verify, }