-- Chacha20 cipher in ComputerCraft -- By Anavrins local sha2 = require('opus.crypto.sha2') local util = require('opus.util') local ROUNDS = 20 -- Adjust this for speed tradeoff local bxor = bit32.bxor local band = bit32.band local blshift = bit32.lshift local brshift = bit32.arshift local os = _G.os local textutils = _G.textutils local mod = 2^32 local tau = {("expand 16-byte k"):byte(1,-1)} local sigma = {("expand 32-byte k"):byte(1,-1)} local function rotl(n, b) local s = n/(2^(32-b)) local f = s%1 return (s-f) + f*mod end local function quarterRound(s, a, b, c, d) s[a] = (s[a]+s[b])%mod; s[d] = rotl(bxor(s[d], s[a]), 16) s[c] = (s[c]+s[d])%mod; s[b] = rotl(bxor(s[b], s[c]), 12) s[a] = (s[a]+s[b])%mod; s[d] = rotl(bxor(s[d], s[a]), 8) s[c] = (s[c]+s[d])%mod; s[b] = rotl(bxor(s[b], s[c]), 7) return s end local function hashBlock(state, rnd) local s = {unpack(state)} for i = 1, rnd do local r = i%2==1 s = r and quarterRound(s, 1, 5, 9, 13) or quarterRound(s, 1, 6, 11, 16) s = r and quarterRound(s, 2, 6, 10, 14) or quarterRound(s, 2, 7, 12, 13) s = r and quarterRound(s, 3, 7, 11, 15) or quarterRound(s, 3, 8, 9, 14) s = r and quarterRound(s, 4, 8, 12, 16) or quarterRound(s, 4, 5, 10, 15) end for i = 1, 16 do s[i] = (s[i]+state[i])%mod end return s end local function LE_toInt(bs, i) return (bs[i+1] or 0)+ blshift((bs[i+2] or 0), 8)+ blshift((bs[i+3] or 0), 16)+ blshift((bs[i+4] or 0), 24) end local function initState(key, nonce, counter) local isKey256 = #key == 32 local const = isKey256 and sigma or tau local state = {} state[ 1] = LE_toInt(const, 0) state[ 2] = LE_toInt(const, 4) state[ 3] = LE_toInt(const, 8) state[ 4] = LE_toInt(const, 12) state[ 5] = LE_toInt(key, 0) state[ 6] = LE_toInt(key, 4) state[ 7] = LE_toInt(key, 8) state[ 8] = LE_toInt(key, 12) state[ 9] = LE_toInt(key, isKey256 and 16 or 0) state[10] = LE_toInt(key, isKey256 and 20 or 4) state[11] = LE_toInt(key, isKey256 and 24 or 8) state[12] = LE_toInt(key, isKey256 and 28 or 12) state[13] = counter state[14] = LE_toInt(nonce, 0) state[15] = LE_toInt(nonce, 4) state[16] = LE_toInt(nonce, 8) return state end local function serialize(state) local r = {} for i = 1, 16 do r[#r+1] = band(state[i], 0xFF) r[#r+1] = band(brshift(state[i], 8), 0xFF) r[#r+1] = band(brshift(state[i], 16), 0xFF) r[#r+1] = band(brshift(state[i], 24), 0xFF) end return r end local mt = { __tostring = function(a) return string.char(unpack(a)) end, __index = { toHex = function(self) return ("%02x"):rep(#self):format(unpack(self)) end, isEqual = function(self, t) if type(t) ~= "table" then return false end if #self ~= #t then return false end local ret = 0 for i = 1, #self do ret = bit32.bor(ret, bxor(self[i], t[i])) end return ret == 0 end } } local function crypt(data, key, nonce, cntr, round) assert(type(key) == "table", "ChaCha20: Invalid key format ("..type(key).."), must be table") assert(type(nonce) == "table", "ChaCha20: Invalid nonce format ("..type(nonce).."), must be table") assert(#key == 16 or #key == 32, "ChaCha20: Invalid key length ("..#key.."), must be 16 or 32") assert(#nonce == 12, "ChaCha20: Invalid nonce length ("..#nonce.."), must be 12") data = type(data) == "table" and {unpack(data)} or {tostring(data):byte(1,-1)} cntr = tonumber(cntr) or 1 round = tonumber(round) or 20 local out = {} local state = initState(key, nonce, cntr) local blockAmt = math.floor(#data/64) for i = 0, blockAmt do local ks = serialize(hashBlock(state, round)) state[13] = (state[13]+1) % mod local block = {} for j = 1, 64 do block[j] = data[((i)*64)+j] end for j = 1, #block do out[#out+1] = bxor(block[j], ks[j]) end if i % 1000 == 0 then os.queueEvent("") os.pullEvent("") end end return setmetatable(out, mt) end local function genNonce(len) local nonce = {} for i = 1, len do nonce[i] = math.random(0, 0xFF) end return setmetatable(nonce, mt) end local function encrypt(data, key) local nonce = genNonce(12) data = textutils.serialise(data) key = sha2.digest(key) local ctx = crypt(data, key, nonce, 1, ROUNDS) return { nonce:toHex(), ctx:toHex() } end local function decrypt(data, key) local nonce = util.hexToByteArray(data[1]) data = util.hexToByteArray(data[2]) key = sha2.digest(key) local ptx = crypt(data, key, nonce, 1, ROUNDS) return textutils.unserialise(tostring(ptx)) end return { encrypt = encrypt, decrypt = decrypt, }