local Ansi = require('ansi') local Config = require('config') local UI = require('ui') local device = _G.device local tab = UI.Tab { tabTitle = 'Network', description = 'Networking options', info = UI.TextArea { x = 3, y = 4, value = string.format( [[%sSet the primary modem used for wireless communications.%s Reboot to take effect.]], Ansi.yellow, Ansi.reset) }, label = UI.Text { x = 3, y = 2, value = 'Modem', }, modem = UI.Chooser { x = 10, ex = -3, y = 2, nochoice = 'auto', }, } function tab:enable() local width = 7 local choices = { { name = 'auto', value = 'auto' }, { name = 'disable', value = 'none' }, } for k,v in pairs(device) do if v.isWireless and v.isWireless() and k ~= 'wireless_modem' then table.insert(choices, { name = k, value = v.name }) width = math.max(width, #k) end end self.modem.choices = choices --self.modem.width = width + 4 local config = Config.load('os') self.modem.value = config.wirelessModem or 'auto' UI.Tab.enable(self) end function tab:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'choice_change' then local config = Config.load('os') config.wirelessModem = self.modem.value Config.update('os', config) self:emit({ type = 'success_message', message = 'reboot to take effect' }) return true end end return tab