local class = require('opus.class') local UI = require('opus.ui') local function safeValue(v) local t = type(v) if t == 'string' or t == 'number' then return v end return tostring(v) end UI.CheckboxGrid = class(UI.Grid) UI.CheckboxGrid.defaults = { UIElement = 'CheckboxGrid', checkedKey = 'checked', accelerators = { [ ' ' ] = 'grid_toggle', key_enter = 'grid_toggle', }, } function UI.CheckboxGrid:drawRow(sb, row, focused, bg, fg) local ind = focused and self.focusIndicator or ' ' for _,col in pairs(self.columns) do sb:write(ind .. safeValue(row[col.key] or ''), col.cw + 1, col.align, col.backgroundColor or bg, col.textColor or fg) ind = ' ' end end function UI.CheckboxGrid:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'grid_toggle' and self.selected then self.selected.checked = not self.selected.checked self:draw() self:emit({ type = 'grid_check', checked = self.selected, element = self }) else return UI.Grid.eventHandler(self, event) end end function UI.CheckboxGrid.example() return UI.CheckboxGrid { values = { { checked = false, name = 'unchecked' }, { checked = true, name = 'checked' }, }, columns = { { heading = 'Checked', key = 'checked' }, { heading = 'Data', key = 'name', } }, } end