local fs = _G.fs -- override bios function to include the actual filename function _G.loadfile(filename, mode, env) -- Support the previous `loadfile(filename, env)` form instead. if type(mode) == "table" and env == nil then mode, env = nil, mode end local file = fs.open(filename, "r") if not file then return nil, "File not found" end local func, err = load(file.readAll(), '@' .. filename, mode, env) file.close() return func, err end local sandboxEnv = setmetatable({ }, { __index = _G }) for k,v in pairs(_ENV) do sandboxEnv[k] = v end local function run(file, ...) local env = setmetatable({ }, { __index = _G }) for k,v in pairs(sandboxEnv) do env[k] = v end local s, m = loadfile(file, env) if s then return s(...) end error('Error loading ' .. file .. '\n' .. m) end _G._syslog = function() end _G.OPUS_BRANCH = 'develop-1.8' -- Install require shim _G.requireInjector = run('sys/modules/opus/injector.lua') local s, m = pcall(run, 'sys/apps/shell.lua', 'sys/kernel.lua', ...) if not s then print('\nError loading Opus OS\n') _G.printError(m .. '\n') end if fs.restore then fs.restore() end