local Crypto = require('opus.crypto.chacha20') local Event = require('opus.event') local Security = require('opus.security') local Socket = require('opus.socket') local Util = require('opus.util') local trustId = '01c3ba27fe01383a03a1785276d99df27c3edcef68fbf231ca' local function trustConnection(socket) local data = socket:read(2) if data then local password = Security.getPassword() if not password then socket:write({ msg = 'No password has been set' }) else local s s, data = pcall(Crypto.decrypt, data, password) if s and data and data.pk and data.dh == socket.dhost then local trustList = Util.readTable('usr/.known_hosts') or { } trustList[data.dh] = data.pk Util.writeTable('usr/.known_hosts', trustList) socket:write({ success = true, msg = 'Trust accepted' }) else socket:write({ msg = 'Invalid password' }) end end end end Event.addRoutine(function() print('trust: listening on port 19') while true do local socket = Socket.server(19, { identifier = trustId }) print('trust: connection from ' .. socket.dhost) local s, m = pcall(trustConnection, socket) socket:close() if not s and m then print('Trust error') _G.printError(m) end end end)