-- Loads the Opus environment regardless if the file system is local or not local w, h = term.getSize() local str = 'Loading Opus...' term.setTextColor(colors.white) if term.isColor() then term.setBackgroundColor(colors.cyan) term.clear() local opus = { '9999900', '999907000', '9900770b00 4444', '99077777444444444', '907777744444444444', '90000777444444444', '070000111744444', '777770000', '7777000000', '70700000000', '077000000000', } for k,line in ipairs(opus) do term.setCursorPos((w - 18) / 2, k + (h - #opus) / 2) term.blit(string.rep(' ', #line), string.rep('a', #line), line) end end term.setCursorPos((w - #str) / 2, h) term.write(str) term.setCursorPos(w, h) local GIT_REPO = 'kepler155c/opus/develop' local BASE = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/' .. GIT_REPO local function makeEnv() local env = setmetatable({ LUA_PATH = '/sys/apis:/usr/apis' }, { __index = _G }) for k,v in pairs(getfenv(1)) do env[k] = v end return env end -- os.run doesn't provide return values :( local function run(file, ...) local s, m = loadfile(file, makeEnv()) if s then local args = { ... } s, m = pcall(function() return s(table.unpack(args)) end) end if not s then -- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) -- term.clear() printError('Error loading ' .. file) error(m) end return m end local function runUrl(file, ...) local url = BASE .. '/' .. file local h = http.get(url) if h then local fn, m = load(h.readAll(), url, nil, makeEnv()) h.close() if fn then return fn(...) end end -- term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) -- term.clear() error('Failed to download ' .. url) end shell.setPath('usr/apps:sys/apps:' .. shell.path()) if fs.exists('sys/apis/injector.lua') then _G.requireInjector = run('sys/apis/injector.lua') else -- not local, run the file system directly from git _G.requireInjector = runUrl('/sys/apis/injector.lua') runUrl('/sys/extensions/vfs.lua') -- install file system fs.mount('', 'gitfs', GIT_REPO) end -- user environment if not fs.exists('usr/apps') then fs.makeDir('usr/apps') end if not fs.exists('usr/autorun') then fs.makeDir('usr/autorun') end if not fs.exists('usr/etc/fstab') then local file = io.open('usr/etc/fstab', "w") file:write('usr gitfs kepler155c/opus-apps/master') file:close() end -- extensions local dir = 'sys/extensions' for _,file in ipairs(fs.list(dir)) do run('sys/apps/shell', fs.combine(dir, file)) end -- install user file systems fs.loadTab('usr/etc/fstab') local args = { ... } if args[1] then term.setBackgroundColor(colors.black) term.clear() term.setCursorPos(1, 1) end args[1] = args[1] or 'sys/apps/multishell' run('sys/apps/shell', table.unpack(args)) fs.restore()