local BulkGet = require('opus.bulkget') local Git = require('opus.git') local Packages = require('opus.packages') local Util = require('opus.util') local fs = _G.fs local term = _G.term local args = { ... } local action = table.remove(args, 1) local function makeSandbox() local sandbox = setmetatable(Util.shallowCopy(_ENV), { __index = _G }) _G.requireInjector(sandbox) return sandbox end local function Syntax(msg) print('Syntax: package list | install [name] ... | update [name] | updateall | uninstall [name]\n') error(msg) end local function progress(max) -- modified from: https://pastebin.com/W5ZkVYSi (apemanzilla) local _, y = term.getCursorPos() local wide, _ = term.getSize() term.setCursorPos(1, y) term.write("[") term.setCursorPos(wide - 6, y) term.write("]") local done = 0 return function() done = done + 1 local value = done / max term.setCursorPos(2,y) term.write(("="):rep(math.floor(value * (wide - 8)))) local percent = math.floor(value * 100) .. "%" term.setCursorPos(wide - percent:len(),y) term.write(percent) end end local function runScript(script) if script then local s, m = pcall(function() local fn, m = load(script, 'script', nil, makeSandbox()) if not fn then error(m) end fn() end) if not s and m then _G.printError(m) end end end local function install(name, isUpdate, ignoreDeps) local manifest = Packages:downloadManifest(name) or error('Invalid package') if not ignoreDeps then if manifest.required then for _, v in pairs(manifest.required) do if isUpdate or not Packages:isInstalled(v) then install(v, isUpdate) end end end end print(string.format('%s: %s', isUpdate and 'Updating' or 'Installing', name)) local packageDir = fs.combine('packages', name) local list = Git.list(manifest.repository) -- clear out contents before install/update -- TODO: figure out whether to run -- install/uninstall for the package fs.delete(packageDir) local showProgress = progress(Util.size(list)) local getList = { } for path, entry in pairs(list) do table.insert(getList, { path = fs.combine(packageDir, path), url = entry.url }) end BulkGet.download(getList, function(_, s, m) if not s then error(m) end showProgress() end) if not isUpdate then runScript(manifest.install) end end if action == 'list' then for k in pairs(Packages:list()) do Util.print('[%s] %s', Packages:isInstalled(k) and 'x' or ' ', k) end return end if action == 'install' then local name = args[1] or Syntax('Invalid package') if Packages:isInstalled(name) then error('Package is already installed') end install(name) print('installation complete\n') _G.printError('Reboot is required') return end if action == 'refresh' then print('Downloading...') Packages:downloadList() print('refresh complete') return end if action == 'updateall' then for name in pairs(Packages:installed()) do install(name, true, true) end print('updateall complete') return end if action == 'update' then local name = args[1] or Syntax('Invalid package') if not Packages:isInstalled(name) then error('Package is not installed') end install(name, true) print('update complete') return end if action == 'uninstall' then local name = args[1] or Syntax('Invalid package') if not Packages:isInstalled(name) then error('Package is not installed') end local manifest = Packages:getManifest(name) runScript(manifest.uninstall) local packageDir = fs.combine('packages', name) fs.delete(packageDir) print('removed: ' .. packageDir) return end Syntax('Invalid command')