local device = _G.device local multishell = _ENV.multishell local os = _G.os if device.wireless_modem and false then multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Chat') multishell.openTab({ path = 'rom/programs/rednet/chat', args = { 'host', 'opusChat-' .. os.getComputerID() }, title = 'Chat Daemon', hidden = true, }) local tab = multishell.getTab(multishell.getCurrent()) _G.requireInjector() local Event = require('event') local Util = require('util') local h = Event.addRoutine(function() while true do Util.run(_ENV, 'rom/programs/rednet/chat', 'join', 'opusChat-' .. os.getComputerID(), 'owner') end end) while true do local e = { os.pullEventRaw() } if e[1] == 'terminate' then multishell.hideTab(tab.tabId) else if e[1] == 'rednet_message' and e[4] == 'chat' and e[3].sType == 'chat' then if tab.hidden then multishell.unhideTab(tab.tabId) end end h:resume(table.unpack(e)) end end end