local class = require('class') local Region = require('ui.region') local Util = require('util') local _rep = string.rep local _sub = string.sub local _gsub = string.gsub local colors = _G.colors local Canvas = class() Canvas.colorPalette = { } Canvas.darkPalette = { } Canvas.grayscalePalette = { } for n = 1, 16 do Canvas.colorPalette[2 ^ (n - 1)] = _sub("0123456789abcdef", n, n) Canvas.grayscalePalette[2 ^ (n - 1)] = _sub("088888878877787f", n, n) Canvas.darkPalette[2 ^ (n - 1)] = _sub("8777777f77fff77f", n, n) end function Canvas:init(args) self.x = 1 self.y = 1 self.layers = { } Util.merge(self, args) self.ex = self.x + self.width - 1 self.ey = self.y + self.height - 1 if not self.palette then if self.isColor then self.palette = Canvas.colorPalette else self.palette = Canvas.grayscalePalette end end self.lines = { } for i = 1, self.height do self.lines[i] = { } end end function Canvas:move(x, y) self.x, self.y = x, y self.ex = self.x + self.width - 1 self.ey = self.y + self.height - 1 end function Canvas:resize(w, h) for i = self.height, h do self.lines[i] = { } end while #self.lines > h do table.remove(self.lines, #self.lines) end if w ~= self.width then for i = 1, self.height do self.lines[i] = { dirty = true } end end self.ex = self.x + w - 1 self.ey = self.y + h - 1 self.width = w self.height = h end function Canvas:copy() local b = Canvas({ x = self.x, y = self.y, width = self.width, height = self.height, isColor = self.isColor, }) for i = 1, self.height do b.lines[i].text = self.lines[i].text b.lines[i].fg = self.lines[i].fg b.lines[i].bg = self.lines[i].bg end return b end function Canvas:addLayer(layer) local canvas = Canvas({ x = layer.x, y = layer.y, width = layer.width, height = layer.height, isColor = self.isColor, }) canvas.parent = self table.insert(self.layers, canvas) return canvas end function Canvas:removeLayer() for k, layer in pairs(self.parent.layers) do if layer == self then self:setVisible(false) table.remove(self.parent.layers, k) break end end end function Canvas:setVisible(visible) self.visible = visible if not visible then self.parent:dirty() -- set parent's lines to dirty for each line in self end end function Canvas:write(x, y, text, bg, fg) if bg then bg = _rep(self.palette[bg], #text) end if fg then fg = _rep(self.palette[fg], #text) end self:writeBlit(x, y, text, bg, fg) end function Canvas:writeBlit(x, y, text, bg, fg) if y > 0 and y <= self.height and x <= self.width then local width = #text -- fix ffs if x < 1 then text = _sub(text, 2 - x) if bg then bg = _sub(bg, 2 - x) end if bg then fg = _sub(fg, 2 - x) end width = width + x - 1 x = 1 end if x + width - 1 > self.width then text = _sub(text, 1, self.width - x + 1) if bg then bg = _sub(bg, 1, self.width - x + 1) end if bg then fg = _sub(fg, 1, self.width - x + 1) end width = #text end if width > 0 then local function replace(sstr, pos, rstr, width) if pos == 1 and width == self.width then return rstr elseif pos == 1 then return rstr .. _sub(sstr, pos+width) elseif pos + width > self.width then return _sub(sstr, 1, pos-1) .. rstr end return _sub(sstr, 1, pos-1) .. rstr .. _sub(sstr, pos+width) end local line = self.lines[y] line.dirty = true line.text = replace(line.text, x, text, width) if fg then line.fg = replace(line.fg, x, fg, width) end if bg then line.bg = replace(line.bg, x, bg, width) end end end end function Canvas:writeLine(y, text, fg, bg) self.lines[y].dirty = true self.lines[y].text = text self.lines[y].fg = fg self.lines[y].bg = bg end function Canvas:reset() self.regions = nil end function Canvas:clear(bg, fg) local text = _rep(' ', self.width) fg = _rep(self.palette[fg or colors.white], self.width) bg = _rep(self.palette[bg or colors.black], self.width) for i = 1, self.height do self:writeLine(i, text, fg, bg) end end function Canvas:punch(rect) if not self.regions then self.regions = Region.new(self.x, self.y, self.ex, self.ey) end self.regions:subRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.ex, rect.ey) end function Canvas:blitClipped(device) for _,region in ipairs(self.regions.region) do self:blit(device, { x = region[1] - self.x + 1, y = region[2] - self.y + 1, ex = region[3]- self.x + 1, ey = region[4] - self.y + 1 }, { x = region[1], y = region[2] }) end end function Canvas:redraw(device) self:reset() if #self.layers > 0 then for _,layer in pairs(self.layers) do self:punch(layer) end self:blitClipped(device) else self:blit(device) end self:clean() end function Canvas:isDirty() for _, line in pairs(self.lines) do if line.dirty then return true end end end function Canvas:dirty() for _, line in pairs(self.lines) do line.dirty = true end end function Canvas:clean() for _, line in pairs(self.lines) do line.dirty = false end end function Canvas:render(device, layers) --- redrawAll ? layers = layers or self.layers if #layers > 0 then self.regions = Region.new(self.x, self.y, self.ex, self.ey) local l = Util.shallowCopy(layers) for _, canvas in ipairs(layers) do table.remove(l, 1) if canvas.visible then self:punch(canvas) canvas:render(device, l) end end self:blitClipped(device) self:reset() else self:blit(device) end self:clean() end function Canvas:blit(device, src, tgt) src = src or { x = 1, y = 1, ex = self.ex - self.x + 1, ey = self.ey - self.y + 1 } tgt = tgt or self for i = 0, src.ey - src.y do local line = self.lines[src.y + i] if line and line.dirty then local t, fg, bg = line.text, line.fg, line.bg if src.x > 1 or src.ex < self.ex then t = _sub(t, src.x, src.ex) fg = _sub(fg, src.x, src.ex) bg = _sub(bg, src.x, src.ex) end --if tgt.y + i > self.ey then -- wrong place to do clipping ?? -- break --end device.setCursorPos(tgt.x, tgt.y + i) device.blit(t, fg, bg) end end end function Canvas:applyPalette(palette) local lookup = { } for n = 1, 16 do lookup[self.palette[2 ^ (n - 1)]] = palette[2 ^ (n - 1)] end for _, l in pairs(self.lines) do l.fg = _gsub(l.fg, '%w', lookup) l.bg = _gsub(l.bg, '%w', lookup) l.dirty = true end self.palette = palette end function Canvas.convertWindow(win, parent, wx, wy) local w, h = win.getSize() win.canvas = Canvas({ x = wx, y = wy, width = w, height = h, isColor = win.isColor(), }) function win.clear() win.canvas:clear(win.getBackgroundColor(), win.getTextColor()) end function win.clearLine() local _, y = win.getCursorPos() win.canvas:write(1, y, _rep(' ', win.canvas.width), win.getBackgroundColor(), win.getTextColor()) end function win.write(str) local x, y = win.getCursorPos() win.canvas:write(x, y, str, win.getBackgroundColor(), win.getTextColor()) end function win.blit(text, fg, bg) local x, y = win.getCursorPos() win.canvas:writeBlit(x, y, text, bg, fg) end function win.redraw() win.canvas:redraw(parent) end function win.scroll() error('CWin:scroll: not implemented') end function win.reposition(x, y, width, height) win.canvas.x, win.canvas.y = x, y win.canvas:resize(width or win.canvas.width, height or win.canvas.height) end win.clear() end return Canvas