local injector = requireInjector or load(http.get('http://pastebin.com/raw/c0TWsScv').readAll())() require = injector(getfenv(1)) local UI = require('ui') local RefinedProvider = require('refinedProvider') local Terminal = require('terminal') local Peripheral = require('peripheral') local controller = RefinedProvider() if not controller:isValid() then error('Refined storage controller not found') end multishell.setTitle(multishell.getCurrent(), 'Storage Manager') function getItem(items, inItem, ignoreDamage) for _,item in pairs(items) do if item.name == inItem.name then if ignoreDamage then return item elseif item.damage == inItem.damage and item.nbtHash == inItem.nbtHash then return item end end end end local function uniqueKey(item) local key = item.name .. ':' .. item.damage if item.nbtHash then key = key .. ':' .. item.nbtHash end return key end function mergeResources(t) local resources = Util.readTable('resource.limits') resources = resources or { } for _,v in pairs(resources) do local item = getItem(t, v) if item then item.limit = tonumber(v.limit) item.low = tonumber(v.low) item.auto = v.auto item.ignoreDamage = v.ignoreDamage item.rsControl = v.rsControl item.rsDevice = v.rsDevice item.rsSide = v.rsSide else v.count = 0 v.limit = tonumber(v.limit) v.low = tonumber(v.low) v.auto = v.auto v.ignoreDamage = v.ignoreDamage table.insert(t, v) end v.lname = v.displayName:lower() end end function filterItems(t, filter) local r = {} if filter then filter = filter:lower() for k,v in pairs(t) do if string.find(v.lname, filter) then table.insert(r, v) end end else return t end return r end function craftItems(itemList, allItems) for _,item in pairs(itemList) do local cItem = getItem(allItems, item) if controller:isCrafting(item) then item.status = '(crafting)' elseif item.rsControl then item.status = 'Activated' elseif not cItem then item.status = '(no recipe)' else local count = item.count while count >= 1 do -- try to request smaller quantities until successful local s, m = pcall(function() item.status = '(no recipe)' if not cItem.craft(count) then item.status = '(missing ingredients)' error('failed') end item.status = '(crafting)' end) if s then break -- successfully requested crafting end count = math.floor(count / 2) end end end end function getAutocraftItems(items) local t = Util.readTable('resource.limits') or { } local itemList = { } for _,res in pairs(t) do if res.auto then res.count = 4 -- this could be higher to increase autocrafting speed table.insert(itemList, res) end end return itemList end local function getItemWithQty(items, res, ignoreDamage) local item = getItem(items, res, ignoreDamage) if item then if ignoreDamage then local count = 0 for _,v in pairs(items) do if item.name == v.name and item.nbtHash == v.nbtHash then if item.maxDamage > 0 or item.damage == v.damage then count = count + v.count end end end item.count = count end end return item end function watchResources(items) local itemList = { } local t = Util.readTable('resource.limits') or { } for k, res in pairs(t) do local item = getItemWithQty(items, res, res.ignoreDamage) res.limit = tonumber(res.limit) res.low = tonumber(res.low) if not item then item = { damage = res.damage, nbtHash = res.nbtHash, name = res.name, displayName = res.displayName, count = 0 } end if res.low and item.count < res.low then if res.ignoreDamage then item.damage = 0 end table.insert(itemList, { damage = item.damage, nbtHash = item.nbtHash, count = res.low - item.count, name = item.name, displayName = item.displayName, status = '', rsControl = res.rsControl, }) end if res.rsControl and res.rsDevice and res.rsSide then if item.count < res.low then pcall(function() device[res.rsDevice].setOutput(res.rsSide, true) end) else pcall(function() device[res.rsDevice].setOutput(res.rsSide, false) end) end end end return itemList end itemPage = UI.Page { backgroundColor = colors.lightGray, titleBar = UI.TitleBar { title = 'Limit Resource', previousPage = true, event = 'form_cancel', backgroundColor = colors.green }, displayName = UI.Window { x = 5, y = 3, width = UI.term.width - 10, height = 3, }, form = UI.Form { x = 4, y = 6, height = 10, rex = -4, [1] = UI.TextEntry { width = 7, backgroundColor = colors.gray, backgroundFocusColor = colors.gray, formLabel = 'Min', formKey = 'low', help = 'Craft if below min' }, [2] = UI.Chooser { width = 7, formLabel = 'Autocraft', formKey = 'auto', nochoice = 'No', choices = { { name = 'Yes', value = true }, { name = 'No', value = false }, }, help = 'Craft until out of ingredients' }, [3] = UI.Chooser { width = 7, formLabel = 'Ignore Dmg', formKey = 'ignoreDamage', nochoice = 'No', choices = { { name = 'Yes', value = true }, { name = 'No', value = false }, }, help = 'Ignore damage of item' }, [4] = UI.Chooser { width = 7, formLabel = 'RS Control', formKey = 'rsControl', nochoice = 'No', choices = { { name = 'Yes', value = true }, { name = 'No', value = false }, }, help = 'Control via redstone' }, [5] = UI.Chooser { width = 25, formLabel = 'RS Device', formKey = 'rsDevice', --choices = devices, help = 'Redstone Device' }, [6] = UI.Chooser { width = 10, formLabel = 'RS Side', formKey = 'rsSide', --nochoice = 'No', choices = { { name = 'up', value = 'up' }, { name = 'down', value = 'down' }, { name = 'east', value = 'east' }, { name = 'north', value = 'north' }, { name = 'west', value = 'west' }, { name = 'south', value = 'south' }, }, help = 'Output side' }, }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { } } function itemPage.displayName:draw() local item = self.parent.item local str = string.format('Name: %s\nDamage: %d', item.displayName, item.damage) if item.nbtHash then str = str .. string.format('\nNBT: %s\n', item.nbtHash) end self:setCursorPos(1, 1) self:print(str) end function itemPage:enable(item) self.item = item self.form:setValues(item) self.titleBar.title = item.name self.displayName.value = item.displayName local devices = self.form[5].choices Util.clear(devices) for _,device in pairs(device) do if device.setOutput then table.insert(devices, { name = device.name, value = device.name }) end end if Util.size(devices) == 0 then table.insert(devices, { name = 'None found', values = '' }) end UI.Page.enable(self) self:focusFirst() end function itemPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'form_cancel' then UI:setPreviousPage() elseif event.type == 'focus_change' then self.statusBar:setStatus(event.focused.help) self.statusBar:draw() elseif event.type == 'form_complete' then local values = self.form.values local t = Util.readTable('resource.limits') or { } for k,v in pairs(t) do if uniqueKey(v) == uniqueKey(values) then --if v.name == values.name and v.damage == values.damage then t[k] = nil break end end local keys = { 'name', 'displayName', 'auto', 'low', 'damage', 'maxDamage', 'nbtHash', 'limit', 'ignoreDamage', 'rsControl', 'rsDevice', 'rsSide', } local filtered = { } for _,key in pairs(keys) do filtered[key] = values[key] end filtered.low = tonumber(filtered.low) filtered.limit = tonumber(filtered.limit) filtered.ignoreDamage = filtered.ignoreDamage == true filtered.auto = filtered.auto == true filtered.rsControl = filtered.rsControl == true if filtered.ignoreDamage then filtered.damage = 0 end t[uniqueKey(filtered)] = filtered --table.insert(t, filtered) Util.writeTable('resource.limits', t) UI:setPreviousPage() else return UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end listingPage = UI.Page { menuBar = UI.MenuBar { buttons = { { text = 'Forget', event = 'forget' }, }, }, grid = UI.Grid { y = 2, height = UI.term.height - 2, columns = { { heading = 'Name', key = 'displayName', width = UI.term.width - 14 }, { heading = 'Qty', key = 'count', width = 5 }, { heading = 'Min', key = 'low', width = 4 }, }, sortColumn = 'lname', }, statusBar = UI.StatusBar { backgroundColor = colors.gray, width = UI.term.width, filterText = UI.Text { x = 2, width = 6, value = 'Filter', }, filter = UI.TextEntry { x = 9, rex = -12, limit = 50, }, refresh = UI.Button { rx = -9, width = 8, text = 'Refresh', event = 'refresh', }, }, accelerators = { r = 'refresh', q = 'quit', } } function listingPage.grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) if row.is_craftable then -- not implemented return colors.yellow end return UI.Grid:getRowTextColor(row, selected) end function listingPage.grid:getDisplayValues(row) row = Util.shallowCopy(row) row.count = Util.toBytes(row.count) if row.low then row.low = Util.toBytes(row.low) end if row.limit then row.limit = Util.toBytes(row.limit) end return row end function listingPage.statusBar:draw() return UI.Window.draw(self) end function listingPage.statusBar.filter:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'mouse_rightclick' then self.value = '' self:draw() local page = UI:getCurrentPage() page.filter = nil page:applyFilter() page.grid:draw() page:setFocus(self) end return UI.TextEntry.eventHandler(self, event) end function listingPage:eventHandler(event) if event.type == 'quit' then UI:exitPullEvents() elseif event.type == 'grid_select' then local selected = event.selected UI:setPage('item', selected) elseif event.type == 'refresh' then self:refresh() self.grid:draw() elseif event.type == 'forget' then local item = self.grid:getSelected() if item then local resources = Util.readTable('resource.limits') or { } resources[uniqueKey(item)] = nil Util.writeTable('resource.limits', resources) self.statusBar:timedStatus('Forgot: ' .. item.name, 3) self:refresh() self.grid:draw() end elseif event.type == 'text_change' then self.filter = event.text if #self.filter == 0 then self.filter = nil end self:applyFilter() self.grid:draw() self.statusBar.filter:focus() else UI.Page.eventHandler(self, event) end return true end function listingPage:enable() self:refresh() self:setFocus(self.statusBar.filter) UI.Page.enable(self) end function listingPage:refresh() self.allItems = controller:listItems() mergeResources(self.allItems) self:applyFilter() end function listingPage:applyFilter() local t = filterItems(self.allItems, self.filter) self.grid:setValues(t) end local function jobMonitor(jobList) local mon = Peripheral.getByType('monitor') if mon then mon = UI.Device({ device = mon, textScale = .5, }) else mon = UI.Device({ device = Terminal.getNullTerm(term.current()) }) end jobListGrid = UI.Grid { parent = mon, sortColumn = 'displayName', columns = { { heading = 'Qty', key = 'count', width = 6 }, { heading = 'Crafting', key = 'displayName', width = mon.width / 2 - 10 }, { heading = 'Status', key = 'status', width = mon.width - 10 }, }, } return jobListGrid end UI:setPages({ listing = listingPage, item = itemPage, }) UI:setPage(listingPage) listingPage:setFocus(listingPage.statusBar.filter) local jobListGrid = jobMonitor() jobListGrid:draw() jobListGrid:sync() function craftingThread() while true do os.sleep(5) --pcall(function() local items = controller:listItems() if not controller:isOnline() then jobListGrid.parent:clear() jobListGrid.parent:centeredWrite(math.ceil(jobListGrid.parent.height/2), 'Power failure') jobListGrid:sync() elseif Util.size(items) == 0 then jobListGrid.parent:clear() jobListGrid.parent:centeredWrite(math.ceil(jobListGrid.parent.height/2), 'No items in system') jobListGrid:sync() else local itemList = watchResources(items) jobListGrid:setValues(itemList) jobListGrid:draw() jobListGrid:sync() craftItems(itemList, items) jobListGrid:update() jobListGrid:draw() jobListGrid:sync() itemList = getAutocraftItems(items) -- autocrafted items don't show on job monitor craftItems(itemList, items) end --end) end end UI:pullEvents(craftingThread) UI.term:reset() jobListGrid.parent:reset()