local function split(str, pattern) local t = { } local function helper(line) table.insert(t, line) return "" end helper((str:gsub(pattern, helper))) return t end local hasMain local luaPaths = package and package.path and split(package.path, '(.-);') or { } for i = 1, #luaPaths do if luaPaths[i] == '?' or luaPaths[i] == '?.lua' or luaPaths[i] == '?/init.lua' then luaPaths[i] = nil elseif string.find(luaPaths[i], '/rom/modules/main') then hasMain = true end end table.insert(luaPaths, 1, '?.lua') table.insert(luaPaths, 2, '?/init.lua') table.insert(luaPaths, 3, '/usr/modules/?.lua') table.insert(luaPaths, 4, '/usr/modules/?/init.lua') if not hasMain then table.insert(luaPaths, 5, '/rom/modules/main/?') table.insert(luaPaths, 6, '/rom/modules/main/?.lua') table.insert(luaPaths, 7, '/rom/modules/main/?/init.lua') end table.insert(luaPaths, '/sys/modules/?.lua') table.insert(luaPaths, '/sys/modules/?/init.lua') local DEFAULT_PATH = table.concat(luaPaths, ';') local fs = _G.fs local os = _G.os local string = _G.string -- Add require and package to the environment return function(env) local function preloadSearcher(modname) if env.package.preload[modname] then return function() return env.package.preload[modname](modname, env) end end end local function loadedSearcher(modname) if env.package.loaded[modname] then return function() return env.package.loaded[modname] end end end local sentinel = { } local function pathSearcher(modname) if env.package.loaded[modname] == sentinel then error("loop or previous error loading module '" .. modname .. "'", 0) end env.package.loaded[modname] = sentinel local fname = modname:gsub('%.', '/') for pattern in string.gmatch(env.package.path, "[^;]+") do local sPath = string.gsub(pattern, "%?", fname) -- TODO: if there's no shell, we should not be checking relative paths below -- as they will resolve to root directory if env.shell and type(env.shell.getRunningProgram) == 'function' and sPath:sub(1, 1) ~= "/" then sPath = fs.combine(fs.getDir(env.shell.getRunningProgram() or ''), sPath) end if fs.exists(sPath) and not fs.isDir(sPath) then return loadfile(sPath, env) end end end -- place package and require function into env env.package = { path = env.LUA_PATH or _G.LUA_PATH or DEFAULT_PATH, config = '/\n:\n?\n!\n-', preload = { }, loaded = { coroutine = coroutine, io = io, math = math, os = os, string = string, table = table, debug = debug, }, loaders = { preloadSearcher, loadedSearcher, pathSearcher, } } function env.require(modname) for _,searcher in ipairs(env.package.loaders) do local fn, msg = searcher(modname) if fn then local module, msg2 = fn(modname, env) if not module then error(msg2 or (modname .. ' module returned nil'), 2) end env.package.loaded[modname] = module return module end if msg then error(msg, 2) end end error('Unable to find module ' .. modname, 2) end return env.require -- backwards compatible end